Misleading Email Notifications

  • Thread starter Proudly Autopowered
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Proudly Autopowered

I stopped reading replies to my threads because:
I read replies in Email (so I did not visit the site)
without visiting the site, as a guess and after-thought now, notifications self-discontinue themselves
The text of notifications did not warn that Email notification are discontinued if not to visit a site

So, notifications should have probably not contained the text of reply or warned about their self-discontinuation or really not auto-stopped

It is contra-intuitive that when I explicitly subscribe the notification self-change it without my participation. Iа I need to discontinue, I can always discontinue explicitly
Nov 26, 2008
I don't know if it can be changed, but the current setting is to give you one new email notification per thread since your last visit.

So if you visit, then one person replies, you get a notification. If another person replies, you don't get another notification - it assumes that the first is sufficient to tell you that new posts have occurred since the last visit.

Once you visit again, it will then give you another notification once someone replies again. But only one, until your next visit.

I'm not sure if visiting any thread in the board resets all notifications or if they are rest only once you visit the relevant thread.

But at this point, it seems like you can't just use this as a mailing list - you actually have to visit each thread you're interested in to get all the replies.
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Staff member
Nov 26, 2008
I thought I had the default set so it gave an alert but not an email. Let me look at that quick.
Added at: 22:49
And now I can't find the setting. Damn it. I'll look tomorrow. I'm headed off to bed. I'm old and need my sleep.

Proudly Autopowered

I'm not sure if visiting any thread in the board resets all notifications or if they are rest only once you visit the relevant thread.

But at this point, it seems like you can't just use this as a mailing list - you actually have to visit each thread you're interested in to get all the replies.
It does not reset "watched" but notifications does not come further on if you did not open the link
Though, I do not know if notification re-start arriving after visiting a site either.
(if I've read reply in Email I mшпре not мшыше the site to do the reading unless I wanted to reply immediately)

There is nothing from the user's side that is configured to change this


Staff member
Nov 26, 2008
There is nothing from the user's side that is configured to change this
Actually, there's two ways to do this from the user's side. There are two little arrows you can click on.


One is by your name and brings up your personal information and a menu of things you can change.


The second is the Quick Menu for jumping to specific sub boards, but it also allows you to go to your preferences.


I'm still working on changing the default, though.


Staff member
Nov 26, 2008
I guess I misunderstood what it was you were asking about. I thought you were not wanting to receive email notifications. But what you meant was that when you chose to get email you did not want the full message there.

I can certainly change that but it's a board-wide thing. It'll depend on the will of the people. If they want full emails I'll keep them and if they want only a notification with a link I can change it to that.

Proudly Autopowered

Well, not exactly.
It was the proposal to avoid being caught unaware first time
(when you do not know)

More exactly I want to receive Email notifications on following replies even if I did not visit the site.
E.g,, I've got notification about 1st reply in a thread, then visited site, then received 2nd notification about 2nd reply,
which I've read in Email and did not visit the site.
The following notifications about following 3d, 4th, 5rh replies had never been Emailed to me

The point is that I still should get notifications even if I read replies in Email without following visiting the site.
The latter (visiting a site if you already have read a reply) is somewhat senseless but still necessary to get following notifications (?)

Well, I seem to spend more time on this than the problem is really worth
Sorry for raising this issue

Proudly Autopowered

Enabling the feature you ask for will decrease the amount of visitors going to the site
As I noticed, for me it is a little bit vice versa

I do not insist or worried technically about this feature request.
I was worried to be understood and understand others
(also I started to worry that my English is not good)

From the answers:
but the current setting is to give you one new email notification per thread since your last visit
I don't think it is inherently possible in XF...
I've got a feeling that I am understood and understand others again.

I'd like to thank all answerers, even those thinking that this forum is in Soviet Russia or Brittish America , for all and each in particular answers and time spent,
and call this discussion a day (morning, evening and night)
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