Mixed marriages

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*shudder* He is one of the grossest-looking people I've ever seen. No, it was Denzel Washington.
Holy crap. Denzel Washington is the only man that I have ever heard my mother describe as 'sexually appealing.'

Canjun ... are you my mother?

And at the risk of sounding racist, I find black women generally unappealing. That's not to say that I'm attracted to white women exclusively, or that I have never been attracted to a black woman, but a much lower percentage of black women I have seen I would label 'attractive' than say ... white women, or even women of other ethnicities.
I'd be happy if my mother ONLY described Mr. Washington as sexually appealing. My mom has a bigger celebrity wish list than I do.

---------- Post added at 03:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:48 AM ----------

Where the white women at?

I lol'd


I feel the same way about mixed race and mixed religion as I do with any marriage. I do not care. I am empathic to marriages that have difficulty, but outside of that I don't really care what happens to marriages outside my own.
I honestly don't care. Personally, I think there are generally attractive women to be found of every ethnicity or religious background, whether is like my own or quite far removed from it. There are also ugly and repulsive women of every background.

I have no interest in other peoples' marriage and believe it likely I won't be involved in one. I find the notion of being 'against' a marriage because of mixed races or religions to be increasingly quaint or even provincial these days. While I know my parents would prefer that I married a white girl (preferably protestant just to keep it simple), I hope that whatever kind of girl I eventually wind up with for the long term would be alright by them, as long as we were good for each other. I know my parent's didn't approve of my older sister's fiance, not because he was black, but because he was self-destructive and made my sister self-destructive as well. Fortunately she hasn't seen him since she came back to Jersey and got out of rehab.


Staff member
Hm. This reminds me of a conversation I had with my best friend recently. Although, as single guys, we were discussing the matter from the point of view of sex, not of marriage. I was surprised to learn that he thinks most black people look unattractive. For clarification's sake, most black people in Finland are from Somalia and that region, refugees taken in in the 90s. And while they do have quite distinctive looks, I don't think I've ever seen a Somali I'd label fugly. So I was a bit taken back, being of the mind that I wouldn't say 'no' to sex (and possibly relationship) with a person of other race than my Conan O'Brien level of pinky whiteness. So we started talking about it, and while some of his ideas were a bit problematic for me (such as when the conversation drifted into discussing biological differences between races, such as skin texture and density, something about black people having more epidermal layers than white people), I got the idea that mostly he was just seeing the problem as an aesthetic one.

Personally, I would say that personal ideologies and cultural backgrounds are more of an issue than race for me. Though I know my parents would freak out and try to talk me out of it if I ever started dating a black or Asian girl. Or even a Russian girl, for that matter.
Hm. This reminds me of a conversation I had with my best friend recently. Although, as single guys, we were discussing the matter from the point of view of sex, not of marriage. I was surprised to learn that he thinks most black people look unattractive. For clarification's sake, most black people in Finland are from Somalia and that region, refugees taken in in the 90s. And while they do have quite distinctive looks, I don't think I've ever seen a Somali I'd label fugly. So I was a bit taken back, being of the mind that I wouldn't say 'no' to sex (and possibly relationship) with a person of other race than my Conan O'Brien level of pinky whiteness. So we started talking about it, and while some of his ideas were a bit problematic for me (such as when the conversation drifted into discussing biological differences between races, such as skin texture and density, something about black people having more epidermal layers than white people), I got the idea that mostly he was just seeing the problem as an aesthetic one.

Personally, I would say that personal ideologies and cultural backgrounds are more of an issue than race for me. Though I know my parents would freak out and try to talk me out of it if I ever started dating a black or Asian girl. Or even a Russian girl, for that matter.
If the thickness of their epidermal tissue was an sexual factor for him, I'm gonna have to say he's probably doing it wrong...
(such as when the conversation drifted into discussing biological differences between races, such as skin texture and density, something about black people having more epidermal layers than white people)
I have been labeled as racist in the past for pointing out that black people have one tenth the skin cancer rate that white folk do. While that information is completely factual, it is apparently also bigoted.

Who knew?

It didn't help that the guy who decided I was a racist was black, then went on to mention it to the rest of the guys from Ontario. And did I mention that these allegations were laid while we were in Haiti.

(Not trying to attach myself at all to your friend's opinions. Just the discussion about epidermal layers and the like reminded me.)


(such as when the conversation drifted into discussing biological differences between races, such as skin texture and density, something about black people having more epidermal layers than white people)
I have been labeled as racist in the past for pointing out that black people have one tenth the skin cancer rate that white folk do. While that information is completely factual, it is apparently also bigoted.

Who knew?

It didn't help that the guy who decided I was a racist was black, then went on to mention it to the rest of the guys from Ontario. And did I mention that these allegations were laid while we were in Haiti.

(Not trying to attach myself at all to your friend's opinions. Just the discussion about epidermal layers and the like reminded me.)[/QUOTE]

Tell your buddy it's called genetic diversity and most populations experience it. It's not racist, it's science!
Tell your buddy it's called genetic diversity and most populations experience it. It's not racist, it's science!
I don't like him enough to care, and most of the people who were there realized that I wasn't actually racist.* Besides, I have this fun anecdote now, which I wouldn't have if he wasn't an ignorant tit.

* - They realized that I was an evolutionist, which was almost worse for some of them. As a result, 'It's Science!' wouldn't really work anyhow.
Same as my opinion on marriages between any two people.

Some work, some don't. Depends on the folks in question more than anything else.
And thirded.

At least over here I know that it isn't even thought of to be note worthy at all. If it works, it works. Even though statistics may say otherwise, I think the odds are pretty much even. A lot of people just seem to get married before they're ready/know what they're committing to. Those will fall apart regardless of gender or race combination.


Same as my opinion on marriages between any two people.

Some work, some don't. Depends on the folks in question more than anything else.
And thirded.

At least over here I know that it isn't even thought of to be note worthy at all. If it works, it works. Even though statistics may say otherwise, I think the odds are pretty much even. A lot of people just seem to get married before they're ready/know what they're committing to. Those will fall apart regardless of gender or race combination.[/QUOTE]

I dunno... it's pretty rough on even a perfect couple when their Catholic or Jewish mother-in-laws are banging on their heads over the sanctity of their vows. Catholics, Jews, and Muslims don't fuck around with that kind of thing. A lot of the time, one person converts or it ain't happening.


(they figure I'm not leaving her after 10 years. it is time to accept it fact I'm not marrying an Asian woman)
But..but...you're polluting the bloodline. Well, at least your children will keep the family name alive.
It is strange. When I was a teenager I told my mother that I thought mixed race marriages were "weird" whenever I saw them. It felt odd to me. It was not till I got out of Del Mar that I started to realize my outlook was because I spent most of my time in a school that was not only 90% white, but all the ethnic groups literally segregated themselves in other areas of the school, so you never really saw any mixed relationships. It was the unfamiliarity that made them weird to me.

Once I got into college I got over that really quick, but it's not one of my better memories when I look back at that time, because I felt I was being unintentionally racist.


A woman partaking in Marriage Day?

T'aint natural.

T'aint right.

....Sorry, got carried away.
I dunno... it's pretty rough on even a perfect couple when their Catholic or Jewish mother-in-laws are banging on their heads over the sanctity of their vows. Catholics, Jews, and Muslims don't fuck around with that kind of thing. A lot of the time, one person converts or it ain't happening.
Depends on how devout they are I guess. Most religious people I've run into here are pretty laid back about it.


Staff member
The fella's Baptist, or at least his family is. I think he identifies more with Eastern religions than Western ones. Anyway, his brother married a girl from a proud Italian family. She's agnostic, I think, but I'll bet it's still hard for her family to accept that she's with a Protestant.


Staff member
The fella's Baptist, or at least his family is. I think he identifies more with Eastern religions than Western ones. Anyway, his brother married a girl from a proud Italian family. She's agnostic, I think, but I'll bet it's still hard for her family to accept that she's with a Protestant.
Welll, at least the kids will still have a chance of becoming made men in some circles :p

Please don't shoot me while getting a massage...
I wasn't around when my parents got married, but I never heard about any frictions. Though I guess Catholic/Protestant matchups are pretty common here. I can't see my family objecting at all to me marrying someone from another religion though, we pretty much covered all of them in our past and present.
Only mixed pairing frictions we had were when my one of my nieces moved in with her girlfriend as a way of coming out. My uncle and aunt were pretty shocked by the whole thing, rest of the family was just happy for her. They've come around now though, but I think that if you let something like that break up a good thing, it was never a good thing to begin with. You stand together and make them see eye to eye.
I dunno... it's pretty rough on even a perfect couple when their Catholic or Jewish mother-in-laws are banging on their heads over the sanctity of their vows. Catholics, Jews, and Muslims don't fuck around with that kind of thing. A lot of the time, one person converts or it ain't happening.
Maybe it's different where you are, but finding a devout Catholic here is a rare thing unless you're strolling through a senior's home.
For some reason a disproportionate number of the "hottest women I've known" are white-Vietnamese mongrels. Yay for yellow fever!

One of the groomsmen for my long-ago wedding is an Indian/Thai Muslim. Last year he married a Colombian-American Catholic.


Is this thread still about racial


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