More stuff on the GL movie!

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So I was browsing Io9, and came across some new concept art they've released for the upcoming Green Lantern movie. and it looks pretty damn awesome.

Guardians! tomar-re! KILOWOG!
It's nitpicking (Nickpicking?), but I hope the Guardians are short little blue men. They look like giants here. Can they not hire a couple of leftovers from the Lollipop guild?

Kilowog, on the other hand, looks AWESOME.


So, none of the characters are going to smile.


That Guardian looks like someone just ran over his puppy.


Staff member
I kind of hope they don't do the jester outfit for sinestro. X-men had the right idea. Those costumes look like crap in reality.

Also, where's Ch'p? No movie without Ch'p.
From what I have read there is no proof this is ACTUAL concept art. It looks nice though. I have very high hopes for this film.
Sinestro looks awful, the rest are fine, though i would prefer more of a beak like mouth for Tomar Re...
When it comes to screwing stuff up it's safer to never underestimate Hollywood imo. But yeah, it does look too different from the rest.

Also, i hope the purple guy isn't Sinestro either...
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