Movies you've seen more than once in theatres?

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In the "last movie I watched" thread, I mentioned that I'd seen The Muppets in theatres, again, for the third time. What, if any, movies have you seen more than once in theatres?

For me, it's a short list. Superman Returns and The Incredibles were the only ones I'd seen twice in theatres. I suppose Star Wars might count, since I saw Return of the Jedi when I was 4 years old, and then the trilogy again when they were re-released.
Let's see. I'm not counting stuff I saw as a kid, because I can't always remember and I know I made my dad take us to Jumanji four or five times.

Of my own volition, with my own money, as an adult, that I can remember: Sweeney Todd, King Kong, LOTR: Return of the King, Star Wars Ep 3: Revenge of the Sith, Wall-E, Scott Pilgrim vs the World, Avatar.
In my town there used to be an old theater that would show movies that had been out of regular theaters for a while but hadn't come out on DVD yet. My brother and I went there a lot for only a buck a ticket to watch The Phantom Menace over and over again. And most of the times we went, the theater was almost completely empty except for us. So we would have fun by MST3K-ing it the whole time. It was great!
Ooh, I forgot that I'd seen Avatar twice. Thanks, Primester!
Added at: 16:58
In my town there used to be an old theater that would show movies that had been out of regular theaters for a while but hadn't come out on DVD yet. My brother and I went there a lot for only a buck a ticket to watch The Phantom Menace over and over again. And most of the times we went, the theater was almost completely empty except for us. So we would have fun by MST3K-ing it the whole time. It was great!
LOL, that sounds awesome. I totally would've wanted to tag along on something like that. :D
Pretty Woman 3 times, The Fifth Element 4 times, Master & Commander - Far Side of the World 3 times.

Don't judge me...
Multiple viewings in the theater?
-Star Wars (7x)
-Empire Strikes Back (2x)
-Disney's Beauty and the Beast (5x)
-The Mask (2x)
-Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2x)

Everything else has either been 1x theater/xmore on DVD, or only on DVD/cable/etc.

(Edit: Remembered two more)
Sixth sense - met some friends going in as we were going out from our first viewing, and wanted to 1) watch the audience and 2) see if he really only ever interacted with the kid throughout the movie.

It was crazy fun - during the bathroom scene the audience literally, as though a single entity, startled up out of their seats a good 4-5 inches simultaneously.
Ong Bak
Kung Fu Hustle
Spiderman 2
How to Train Your Dragon
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
As a kid, I remember seeing one of the 3 Ninjas movies like 4 times in theater.

Since then, the only recent ones I can remember off the top of my head are: There Will Be Blood, A Serious Man (3x), The Social Network, and Bridesmaids.
Seeing a movie in the movie theater more than once has happened to only one movie.


Went a total of 4 times.

I was 17.

And I went to see it with 4 different girls.

Goods and services were exhanged during and after the movie.

I learned of sacrifice at the right age, I'll say.

Star Wars 2x in a drive-in theater
Empire Strikes Back, ahem, 16 times
Raiders of the Lost Ark, 3 times
Star Trek: Wrath of Khan, 2 times

Think that covers it.
Lord of the Rings: two towers and return of the king.

Both times I went to the first showing by myself, and then a second one with people.

It was the only time I went by myself the the movies, and it was weird.
Since I worked projection at a movie theatre, as well as the floor, too many that I had no interest in.

Of my own choice though, that I can recall at least:
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Raiders of the Lost Ark: 12+ times - It ran for over a year, so it was the best thing in the theaters for most of that year.
Star Wars: 4 times in one day. we'll 3 and half +. Then I think I saw it two more times that summer. Then it came out again about a month or two before Empire Strikes back. Then I slept through it once during the Special Edition Re-Release.
Empire Strikes Back: I think three times.
Jedi: twice.
Batman: 3 times. Once alone, once with best friend and once with girlfriend.
Revenge of the Sith: twice
Sleepy Hollow: twice once with parents and once with girlfriend.
I know I saw LotR:FotR 6x. I still can't believe that I spent at least $50, plus ~18hrs of my life on one movie.

I've seen it on DVD at least 4x as well. Oy.

Nowadays, I can't imagine seeing a movie twice in a theater.
Wow, I thought seeing a movie more than once was a rarity. Didn't realize so many people did that.

I came close to seeing last year's Planet of the Apes a second time. I dug the hell out of that flick.
Wow, I thought seeing a movie more than once was a rarity. Didn't realize so many people did that.

I came close to seeing last year's Planet of the Apes a second time. I dug the hell out of that flick.
I'm sure folks have been doing this since movies existed, but the first time I heard of it was when Titanic released. I couldn't believe that folks wanted to see that movie so many times. I still don't get it.

Now that I am older, and free time is a luxury, I can't justify seeing a movie twice. It also doesn't help that there hasn't been anything great in the theater since Wall-E or Up. I would consider those worthy of a re-viewing. Maybe Jaws too, as long as it had not been digitally jacked with.
When movies were a nickel, people saw them a lot. People went to see King Kong (1933) over and over even when they could hardly afford food.
I saw Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers three times, Return of the King at least four times, Transformers twice, Inception twice... many others, but can't think of them at the moment. Last movie I saw in theaters was Transformers: Dark of the Moon, which I only saw once.
Very short list for me.
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Pokemon the movie (Dad didn't want to take my little brother, so I had to go in his stead)

didn't see any of them more than twice though.

I know a guy who saw The Dark Knight 15 times in theatres. 5 times in IMAX and 10 in regular theatres.


Staff member
Titanic and the Lord of the Rings movies, twice each.

Mostly I consider moviegoing in two ways: first and foremost, as an experience; and second, a test to see if I like a movie enough. If I do, I'll try and get it on DVD when it comes out. If I'm iffy about a movie... well, it's more than likely I'll give it a pass in the theatres and rent the DVD. Of course, lately I haven't been able to go to the movies much... and some of the movies I've really looked forward to get the "direct to DVD" treatment here in my neck of the woods.
Reason why as big a LOTR fan as I am I didn't see the movies more than once at the theatre: I knew there was so much more to be seen, I knew there would be extended editions, I didn't bother buying the originals on DVD. Now I have the extended edition on both DVD and BLURAY.

Another film I saw multiple times in theatres:
V for Vendetta. Once in regular theatres, second time was with my brother in IMAX. The Parliment scene was amazing.
The Lion King
Spider-man 1 & 2
X-men 1 & 2
The Rocky Horror Picture Show... so many times Holloween tradition for a while.

I think that's pretty much it. I'm not including the re-releases of Star Wars.

Also, really Nick, you watched Superman Returns MULTIPLE times? I barely made it through the one.
Last film I saw twice in the cinema was Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy. More by coincidence that my dad wanted to see it, and I'd already been. but its most definitely a film that I was more than happy to see twice. Second time around I was able to pick up so much more, all the little details that I'd missed on the first time round, or at least, not fully understood. also, Oldman is fantastic as Smiley. If he doesn't get at least a nomination for this, he's getting robbed.
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