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Muslim Hate About To Re-Skyrocket in Texas





It's all anyone's talking about around here, wasn't sure how big this nationwide but it is on CNN.




I don't get any channels on my TV, but I have read about this at every news site I've been to today... and on the radio. How sad :(




It's all anyone's talking about around here, wasn't sure how big this nationwide but it is on CNN.
Yeah, I heard about that on public radio. Damn shame that something like that happened, and I'm not looking forward to inevitable the backlash.




Damned shame, too. All the Muslims I know are great people. Christians do bad things, too.




The news I saw on it this morning said "We're not sure if this is a part of a larger plot or not". :frusty:

Really? There is no evidence to suggest he was a part of a terrorist organization other than he was a Muslim, and that is the first place you have to go. I also don't get why the hell a surveillance camera showing him in "traditional Arab garb" has anything to add to this story.




Because it riles the uninformed populace.

And this guy acted alone because he didn't want to deploy to Iraq.

My question is, how the hell does a guy get to be a Major without going overseas at some point?!?



I watched some on the news a unit from my area was there for training so they were talking to all their families and such.

I heard that the guy complained of harrassment which not a surprise and incredibly sad. I'm sure this isn't going to help other muslims...anywhere.




The news I saw on it this morning said "We're not sure if this is a part of a larger plot or not". :frusty:

Really? There is no evidence to suggest he was a part of a terrorist organization other than he was a Muslim, and that is the first place you have to go. I also don't get why the hell a surveillance camera showing him in "traditional Arab garb" has anything to add to this story.
Person opens fire on an Army Post. Of course it is going to be looked into more than just chalking it up as a crazy man. Hell my first thought when I head the news was I hope this was an isolated incident and not a new tactic. This thread was the first time I heard anything about the identity.




The news I saw on it this morning said "We're not sure if this is a part of a larger plot or not". :frusty:

Really? There is no evidence to suggest he was a part of a terrorist organization other than he was a Muslim, and that is the first place you have to go. I also don't get why the hell a surveillance camera showing him in "traditional Arab garb" has anything to add to this story.
Person opens fire on an Army Post. Of course it is going to be looked into more than just chalking it up as a crazy man.[/QUOTE]

True that. Of course, it won't be anything bigger than this one guy, losing it but it has to be looked into.

Regarding the story.. ugh. It's just so horrible. My wife and I were watching stuff on it last night, this really hit home for her. I feel so bad for the families of those hurt and killed and for those soldiers who are still going to have to go overseas on their deployment and deal with the emotional fallout of this event.




By original police scanner reports that came here, they originally thought it was 3 people. Two were arrested and released. That is where this confusion of it being larger comes from.




The news I saw on it this morning said "We're not sure if this is a part of a larger plot or not". :frusty:

Really? There is no evidence to suggest he was a part of a terrorist organization other than he was a Muslim, and that is the first place you have to go. I also don't get why the hell a surveillance camera showing him in "traditional Arab garb" has anything to add to this story.
Person opens fire on an Army Post. Of course it is going to be looked into more than just chalking it up as a crazy man.[/QUOTE]

I have no problem with looking at all possible angles, but right now all evidence points to him not wanting to deploy. Leave the investigation up to the authorities, not the public.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I was going to post a thread about this yesterday when it was breaking, but didn't. Everything coming out about it is pretty :(



We were watching at work since our community college work with people in Fort Hood. My prayers toward the family of the fallen and injured.

Originally yesterday they said there was 3 people. Now it is 1 person. I am sure the authorities are trying to figure out with all the evidence and information they are gathering. I am going to sit tight and see what unfolds. I personally think this is an isolated incident.




I was going to post a thread about this yesterday when it was breaking, but didn't. Everything coming out about it is pretty :(
I had no idea this was going on until I got home at 6 o'clock.




I was disappointed that the AP headline I saw was about how the guy yelled something in Arabic before he started.

From what I read in the article that I read though, it seems weird this guy was in the army for so long. It said that he had wanted out of the army after 9/11 and people had been harassing him for being Muslim. Wouldn't he have been able to get out between then and now?




I was disappointed that the AP headline I saw was about how the guy yelled something in Arabic before he started.

From what I read in the article that I read though, it seems weird this guy was in the army for so long. It said that he had wanted out of the army after 9/11 and people had been harassing him for being Muslim. Wouldn't he have been able to get out between then and now?
Not necessarily. He was schooled as an Army psychologist and they paid for all of his schooling. My guess is he was under a long-term contract.

Still, longest I've ever heard of was 6 years.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I was going to post a thread about this yesterday when it was breaking, but didn't. Everything coming out about it is pretty :(
I had no idea this was going on until I got home at 6 o'clock.[/QUOTE]

I found out via twitter. Kind of surreal that it's only about 45 minutes away from here.




I was going to post a thread about this yesterday when it was breaking, but didn't. Everything coming out about it is pretty :(
I had no idea this was going on until I got home at 6 o'clock.[/QUOTE]

I found out via twitter. Kind of surreal that it's only about 45 minutes away from here.[/QUOTE]

Also found out via Twitter... and Alyssa Milano. :confused:



Mein Gott. How do you make the logical leap from 'don't want to be deployed overseas' to 'shoot up an army base'? Suspecting this guy was just a teensy bit broken in the brainpan. Talk about irony.

Bad business all round.




Well, apparently Army psychologists don't have anyone to talk to about their problems.

It's a damned shame all the way around. And I was a bit miffed at Obama. He apparently was slated to give a speech somewhere and used that instance to make a statement about it. But before he did he talked about the group he was at and cracked a joke. Then went into it. It should have been the #1 thing he started with.




Well, apparently Army psychologists don't have anyone to talk to about their problems.

It's a damned shame all the way around. And I was a bit miffed at Obama. He apparently was slated to give a speech somewhere and used that instance to make a statement about it. But before he did he talked about the group he was at and cracked a joke. Then went into it. It should have been the #1 thing he started with.
Okay, yeah, I saw an AP story on that I think. What the HELL? Did he drop his suitcase with his "Things not to lead into your condolences when 13 military folk are murdered" list?
Not cool.




I was disappointed that the AP headline I saw was about how the guy yelled something in Arabic before he started.

From what I read in the article that I read though, it seems weird this guy was in the army for so long. It said that he had wanted out of the army after 9/11 and people had been harassing him for being Muslim. Wouldn't he have been able to get out between then and now?
Not necessarily. He was schooled as an Army psychologist and they paid for all of his schooling. My guess is he was under a long-term contract.

Still, longest I've ever heard of was 6 years.[/QUOTE]

I know you can get 8. I've had a friend in my unit going through ROTC that got offered law school for 10 years in the Reserves. I believe he said he would have been offered less time if he went Active

Still assuming he had 8 years that started in 2001 the guy would have been gone soon. :confused:

This is a strange situation.




This is apparently the week for batshit rampages.




Three cheers for the cop that put him down.


Maybe she should have tasered him, or used some awesome karate... or asked him nicely to put the gun down.




Sucks. Hopefully no more people will end up dead as a result of this (wounded ones or lynch-the-for'g'nr parties).

I didn't really check on it as I wasn't on the country back then, but how much backlash against muslims happened after the whole 9/11 affair? Just curious.

Three cheers for the cop that put him down.

Maybe she should have tasered him, or used some awesome karate... or asked him nicely to put the gun down.



It's so weird thinking about this happening somewhere so close. I remember my dad being stationed there and going onto base. Heck, my parents still go there to buy things and every so often I'd go along. It is a sad thing indeed.. really mind boggling at the same time..




I must say Lt. Gen. Cone has been on top of this situation and handling it really well. He has some lucky soldiers under him.




This is not the fault of the Religion of Islam, this is the fault of the US Military for not seeing the warning signs to know that this guy was about to go off his rocker. I mean, really, it wasn't that hard to see the signs, from what I've heard... he had previously spoken often about how he admired suicide bombers and their cause.




"admired" suicide bombers? Yeah.. that's a big loud alarm bell right there.
Apparently, he said something about suicide bombers being comperable to a soldier who threw themselves on a grenade to save their squadmates. Make from that what you will.



I'd say the reason Islam is getting such a bad rap is because at the present moment, a large percentage of the high-profile mass-casualty attacks in the world are being committed by people using Islam as justification for their craziness. Kind of like how Germans got a bad rap because of the mass genocide and expansionism carried out in the name of Germania.




I'd say the reason Islam is getting such a bad rap is because at the present moment, a large percentage of the high-profile mass-casualty attacks in the world are being committed by people using Islam as justification for their craziness. Kind of like how Germans got a bad rap because of the mass genocide and expansionism carried out in the name of Germania.
And then they went and formed that evil insurance company.
