My birthday present to myself: Unemployment!

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I quit my job today so I can take a whack at full time consulting. I've got 3 months of cash, an ongoing consulting job (worth another month or so) and two in the pipeline, so I won't need a new job until end of August if nothing else comes along.

In this economy, though, I feel slightly guilty quitting - as though I'm slapping people in the face who are having a hard time finding a job. On the other hand, I'm creating a newly vacant job opening in the automotive sector, so that's not a bad thing altogether...

Strange feeling.

Anyway, my last day will be April 16th. If any of you want me to design an electronic gadget (or have an idea for a gadget I could make and sell) let me know!

Hopefully I don't spend all my new found time on this forum...
Holy shit! I'm so freaking excited for you. Congratulations on taking the leap, and I pray you'll be blessed by what comes out of it!


I quit my job today so I can take a whack at full time consulting. I've got 3 months of cash, an ongoing consulting job (worth another month or so) and two in the pipeline, so I won't need a new job until end of August if nothing else comes along.

In this economy, though, I feel slightly guilty quitting - as though I'm slapping people in the face who are having a hard time finding a job. On the other hand, I'm creating a newly vacant job opening in the automotive sector, so that's not a bad thing altogether...

Strange feeling.

Anyway, my last day will be April 16th. If any of you want me to design an electronic gadget (or have an idea for a gadget I could make and sell) let me know!

Hopefully I don't spend all my new found time on this forum...
I salute you and your huge nutsack, sir.

Good luck!


From someone who's done a similar thing in the last year, GOOD LUCK, and BLESSINGS!! Hold your breath and try to stay afloat!
¡Feliz cumpleaños!

And congratulations on making such a hard decision. Sometimes it really takes some balls to quit.
Thanks all!

@Chibibar: I don't have a specific gadget in mind right now. I've got a few pages of things I want to try, but at the moment I'm basically jumping off the cliff with a few parts and trying to build a plane while I'm falling.

It'll be fun!

Last day is April 16th.
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