Literally. The guy doesn't shower. He just sat down in my chair to go over data and all I get are whiffs of B.O. and ass. God, I hate work some days.
You work in a lab, right? Wait until he's there next time and "accidentally" spill something that requires all of you to sanitize.
There's only one thing to do...
but it only really works if you shower too...Hey! I smell great. Aqua Di Gino for everyone!
but it only really works if you shower too... [/QUOTE]Hey! I smell great. Aqua Di Gino for everyone!
Ah, public transportation. I don't miss that at all. Before I had a car, I would have to take the earliest bus there was to work and it was also the bus that took people from the group home to Goodwill for their jobs. Now, again, not to be all insensitive to people with mental disabilities, but this very large mentally challenge guy sits next to me, pinning me in the corner of the bus. He then proceeds to shit his pants.This one time, I was riding the Green Line in Boston, and this stench overpowers me. It's like frickin' July and hot. I look up to see this dude holding the bar over my head, and his full pit was bared my way. It's REALLY REALLY hard to avoid stereotyping, no matter how much you've spoken against it, when the next words out of his mouth to his friend were in French.