Export thread

My days are numbered.




It seems that so many people are sick of me in every way, shape, and form that the private sector has once again proven its superiority and provided an inexpensive and effective method to stop me from ruining your day.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the -

(click the picture for the website selling them).




I'll take a gross.

(y'all saw this one coming a mile away, didn't ya?)




pfft. I find this method to be ineffective and expensive. What we need is for Washington to handle this GasBandit crisis that we're facing.




I'll take a gross.

(y'all saw this one coming a mile away, didn't ya?)
Well, when I posted it, it was kinda with the expectation that there would be replies to that effect.




pfft. I find this method to be ineffective and expensive. What we need is for Washington to handle this GasBandit crisis that we're facing.
Don't you know government isn't the answer? We need to rely on charity or the private sector.




pfft. I find this method to be ineffective and expensive. What we need is for Washington to handle this GasBandit crisis that we're facing.
Don't you know government isn't the answer? We need to rely on charity or the private sector.[/quote]

Or on ourselves. ;)



i cant tell if this is a real product youve made or just a really clever well planned joke (i really dont know jack about cars so a spring in the gas cap doesnt explain to me how it stops gas stealing).




i cant tell if this is a real product youve made or just a really clever well planned joke (i really dont know jack about cars so a spring in the gas cap doesnt explain to me how it stops gas stealing).
It will supposedly keep people from sticking a tube all the way down into your gas tank.




In all actuality, I had nothing to do with the creation of this product. I just stumbled across the website by chance. Shakey's described how it works... you won't be able to stick a tube down into the gas tank because of the coiled metal, but it won't stop you from fueling the car.




Of course, somebody could just punch a hole in the tank under the car and drain it that way... it's not even like it's hard. It's a good idea, but I don't see this catching on.




Of course, somebody could just punch a hole in the tank under the car and drain it that way... it's not even like it's hard. It's a good idea, but I don't see this catching on.
It takes a little more time, setting up everything. Besides, criminals stick to what works, most aren't smart enough to refine technique.




Don't think I need one. I remain confident in the knowledge that our resident Political Ewok will never leave the United States.



But if I block him how can I enjoy the debates? Hell yeah I said it, I enjoy them :p

Well, all except that one time.




Of course, somebody could just punch a hole in the tank under the car and drain it that way... it's not even like it's hard. It's a good idea, but I don't see this catching on.
It takes a little more time, setting up everything. Besides, criminals stick to what works, most aren't smart enough to refine technique.[/QUOTE]

The average dude siphoning gas isn't a petty criminal, he's just a middle class shmoe. If these do catch on, all that will happen is that people will carry needlenose pliers in their cars, beside the siphoning hose.





I thought this was a goodbye thread at first. Well done.




I thought he was dying... and he wasn't even that soon on the list yet....



did anyone else see the filler latin?

also, if gasbandit ever does leave, we wont know for a few days, he'll just be dead at the computer.




did anyone else see the filler latin?
It's a message to the Illuminati.





I thought this was a goodbye thread at first. Well done.
Heh.. You thought that when I titled the thread I started about the ForumWarz game "I don't need you jerks anymore" too, if memory serves.

No, rest assured, if I ever decide to stop posting here, I'll just stop posting. But honestly, I don't see that happening for the foreseeable future. Not without some pretty major upheavals. Though, from time to time work does make me disappear for a couple weeks, and usually I post an "I'll be back" post somewhere when that happens.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

did anyone else see the filler latin?




Heh.. You thought that when I titled the thread I started about the ForumWarz game "I don't need you jerks anymore" too, if memory serves.
Actually at first glance I thought you'd created that image yourself, which is why I thought that. Not the thread title.




Though, from time to time work does make me disappear for a couple weeks, and usually I post an "I'll be back" post somewhere when that happens.
Well, here's some serendipitous timing. The person "filling in" for the person out on maternity leave just left us in the lurch. Sooooo Gas Bandit to the rescue again... and that means a scarcity of me around here for a little while. Hopefully the new mom will be back on monday... hopefully.
