That depends, he could be a priest and the "boys" could be in the choir, in which case it would be appropriateJust be careful of using "boy."
That depends, he could be a priest and the "boys" could be in the choir, in which case it would be appropriateJust be careful of using "boy."
"There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, 'Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!'I'm more concerned with the sentiment that if Charlie posted something relating to feminism or sexism, it must be an overreaction.
"There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, 'Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!'I'm more concerned with the sentiment that if Charlie posted something relating to feminism or sexism, it must be an overreaction.
"There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, 'Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!'I'm more concerned with the sentiment that if Charlie posted something relating to feminism or sexism, it must be an overreaction.
Made Up
By mfif I work for a large PR company, and we put on a lot of events for clients. I don’t wear a lot of makeup to work, but I do wear foundation and mascara. At one event my boss (female) asked me why I wasn’t wearing any makeup. I said I was, just that I didn’t like wearing loads as it didn’t suit me. “It’s what the clients want”, she said. “Next time, if you don’t wear a lot more, I think we might have some problems with our working relationship”. #MFIF
Miss. C, London
If men don't have to wear makeup I think it is sexist to expect women too.
You are expected to look professional. No one is required to wear makeup.
It would be absurd to expect women to spend money on something that men are not expected to spend money on.
You are expected to look professional. No one is required to wear makeup.
It would be absurd to expect women to spend money on something that men are not expected to spend money on.
You are expected to look professional. No one is required to wear makeup.
It would be absurd to expect women to spend money on something that men are not expected to spend money on.
Unless the workplace demands a standard of makeup it is in no way the same as clean shaven is for men.You are expected to look professional. No one is required to wear makeup.
It would be absurd to expect women to spend money on something that men are not expected to spend money on.
It's generally more expensive for women:I think both genders are often required to buy/use certain things to make themselves look presentable. While a woman might get by with a professional looking dress, a man has to buy a suit and tie. While a woman has to put on make-up, I have to spend lots of money on shaving creams and razors just to keep my beard groomed. Women obviously have to shave also, but it's much easier to cover up some hairy legs with some stockings then cover up my face.![]()
Sure it is. We have to purchase and learn to use razors. It's not cheap to shave, or maintain a short haircut. To keep a nice trim haircut, we have to spend about 20 bucks a month at the barber. It comes with the job though. As a lawyer you make enough to support the look.facial hair is just a further extension of head hair. we have to keep head hair neat, both genders, men just have more head hair. that is not the same as having to purchase, learn to apply and wear cosmetics.
I vaguely remember the 70's, no thanks, that was an ugly we all need to rise up against the corporations. women should stop wearing makeup and as much as it breaks my heart, men should not shave. viva la resistance!
It's generally more expensive for women:I think both genders are often required to buy/use certain things to make themselves look presentable. While a woman might get by with a professional looking dress, a man has to buy a suit and tie. While a woman has to put on make-up, I have to spend lots of money on shaving creams and razors just to keep my beard groomed. Women obviously have to shave also, but it's much easier to cover up some hairy legs with some stockings then cover up my face.![]()
It's generally more expensive for women:I think both genders are often required to buy/use certain things to make themselves look presentable. While a woman might get by with a professional looking dress, a man has to buy a suit and tie. While a woman has to put on make-up, I have to spend lots of money on shaving creams and razors just to keep my beard groomed. Women obviously have to shave also, but it's much easier to cover up some hairy legs with some stockings then cover up my face.![]()
It's generally more expensive for women:I think both genders are often required to buy/use certain things to make themselves look presentable. While a woman might get by with a professional looking dress, a man has to buy a suit and tie. While a woman has to put on make-up, I have to spend lots of money on shaving creams and razors just to keep my beard groomed. Women obviously have to shave also, but it's much easier to cover up some hairy legs with some stockings then cover up my face.![]()
Oh I never said it was more or less expensive, just that both sides have standards others look to when it involves the workplace. I don't think a woman requiring another women to wear makeup in a professional setting to be "sexist", just like I don't really think my boss wanting me to keep my beard trimmed is "sexist". It's just one of those items people look to for professionalism.It's generally more expensive for women:
MP Dunleavey - Higher prices for women's products; gender inequality - MSN Money
Oh I never said it was more or less expensive, just that both sides have standards others look to when it involves the workplace. I don't think a woman requiring another women to wear makeup in a professional setting to be "sexist", just like I don't really think my boss wanting me to keep my beard trimmed is "sexist". It's just one of those items people look to for professionalism.It's generally more expensive for women:
MP Dunleavey - Higher prices for women's products; gender inequality - MSN Money
Do you agree with the "public" smoking bans? (as in no smoking in bars/restaurants)it's the territory that comes with the job. If someone doesn't like it, they can go find another job.
Lol, irony for the win.Sure, at the end of the month it starts hurting a bit, but that's just what being a man is all about.
not bath and body work. I'm just talking about just getting a hair cut. Men can get a cut or even self shave a whole lot easier than say a women.Really? Women need and are required to buy a 50 dollar bottle of Bath and Body works shit when a bottle of Pert Plus does the same exact thing?
True dat. You just wear all that makeup cuz it makes you feel sooooooo pretty.All the dress requirements at my job are issues of Health and Safety, and you can't really argue with that.