My friend, the Omeganaut (PAX 2010)

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Staff member
My good friend, the one who showed me PvP, Counter-Strike and pretty much the nerd world in general, has made it into the Omegathon at PAX 2010. This is his 3rd consecutive year of attendance at PAX, and he is a true gamer and I can only imagine that he'll be shaking from the adrenaline for the next 8 days.

Who are the Omeganauts? Each year at PAX there is a gaming tournament that covers all ends of the game spectrum, from board games to console to just about whatever is considered a game. About 18 Omeganauts are chosen at random each year to participate in the Omegathon out of all those who registered for it (multiple thousands), and I am glad my friend will have the honor of participating this year.

Prime 2010 Omegathon - OMEGANAUTS MAKE YOURSELVES KNOWN! - PAX | The Penny Arcade Expo! - Penny Arcade Forums

Joe Johnson

That's awesome! Good luck to your friend. Have they announced prizes yet?
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