My hairline is receding!

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This revelation has also made me surprisingly vain.

Also, bright light makes my forehead look really greasy :(
Well, I have a widow's peak, which is a genetically inherited trait. In addition to that, my hairline is also receding :(
Widow's peaks (I also have a definite one) become more apparent as the hairline recedes. My hairline might have receded a millimeter or two since I was 25. Not enough to notice.
I think I have a widow's peak but other than that my hair is and hopefully will remain very thick and full with no sign of any reclining but than again I am only 23 so who knows what the future will bring.
Shave it all off, man! Otherwise, you'll worry about it and worry about it and worry about it.

Though I show no signs of balding (full head of hair, baby! *swish!*), if it ever happened? That's what I'd do.
Shave it all off, man! Otherwise, you'll worry about it and worry about it and worry about it.

Though I show no signs of balding (full head of hair, baby! *swish!*), if it ever happened? That's what I'd do.
Really? You look like a bald superman, to me.
I sure hope the old assertion that the possibility of going bald comes from your mother's father, because that grandfather has a full head of hair at 80.


It's not that bad. Just keep it short and it won't look bad. If you lose everything off the top, you don't have to shave it all off, just buzz it really tight. There are worse things in life than losing your hair. (I'm on step 4 of hair loss - acceptance).

Step 1. Panic
Step 2. Anger
Step 3. Remorse
Step 4. Acceptance
Step 5. Hair club for men.


Staff member
I admit, I sometimes fear losing my hair. It might have something to do with dad's crown and half a dozen hairs on top, and the fact that at my age my bro (ten years my senior) was already starting to grow bald (nowadays he uses Turtle Wax for his noggin). In all honesty, I'm of two minds of the possibility: first, I was clean-shaven when I was in the army, and it didn't look half bad. But secondly, I also kinda like having this tuft of dark blonde/sand-colour hair - and the army-shave apparently showed a little too much, according to some friends and family.
My dad is very vain about losing his hair (lost it really.) He is of the generation of men that did the comb-over (yinkle - if you remember snigglets.) At 75 we convinced him to give up on the C-O. So my oldest brother starts to cut his hair. My dad decides to go shaved like one of the middle brothers. We go along with it and shave his head...

We did not consider what happens when a 75 year old man walks into church with a completely bald head, out of the blue...

"Sam? are you in Chemo?"
"...Do you have Cancer?"

So our experiment in less vain hair failed, and the comb over was back as fast as he could grow it.
You could always, when baldness gets more extreme and if you decided you want to spend money on this kind of thing, get some plastic surgery done, like i did last year. I look much better, and I'm much happier with my hair.

Of course, I've been balding since I was 14, my baldness has been some kind of obsession for me and my parents, who paid for this expensive operation, were even more happy than me that I decided I'd like to do it.

Pictures from the same year, chosen so you can better see the difference, not because I look good or bad in them.

I'm still bald, but I know I'll keep this "new hair" and I look much better (people kept telling me how much better I looked now that I "decided to let my top hair grow longer", as I don't go around telling people I had plastic surgery (because it has negative connotations))


Some people are destined to have beautiful heads. Everyone else has hair.
Some people are destined to have beautiful heads. Everyone else has hair.
I'll have no hair, and an ugly head. I've taken too many falls, scrapes, hits, and crashes to have a beautiful noggin'. Then add that I have a size 8 melon. I scare small children when I cut my hair really short. I wonder how they will take me as a cue ball.

Occasional Poster

I have never spent so much attention on my hair since I discovered I am starting to go bald. I kept it really short from age 9 to 22 and discovered a small bald spot on the top of my head about six months after I grew my hair out to a business cut. So unfair lol.

As it's becoming more and more noticable, I think I'll just go back to a close cut in June. Oh man, it's going to be so comfortable! I am a bit curios about how my moustache will look with the new haircut though. I might have to let it go if it looks too silly.

Haha, I surprise myself with my vanity (and insecurity) when it comes to my hair.

Edit: Silver Jelly, you should be happy with it. That does look good.


As my grandpa always said, you can't have both brains and hair.


Staff member
Welcome to the club. Every year I notice the flesh at my temples creep further back, and when my hair is wet I can see more scalp and less hair.
This is a terrible revelation for sure. I can see that mine is creeping back too. I will buzz down to near nothing if it goes another couple of inches. I weep for all of our clogged bathtub drains.
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