Name That Game!

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Staff member
Got into the 40s, got bored. Also, some of the names are stupid. There was one entry that was clearly "Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker" but all it took was "zelda."
Got into the 40s, got bored. Also, some of the names are stupid. There was one entry that was clearly "Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker" but all it took was "zelda."
That's messed up. I had one where the answer was "The Incredible Hulk" and just typing in "Incredible Hulk", with no "The" got me the wrong answer.
Mario Kart was right; Mario Kart 64 was wrong, even though with "64" was the game.

Zelda was the name for all Zelda games, but Street Fighter wasn't good enough for Street Fighter II.
Made it to the 40 somethings, 8275 points. A couple I was pretty sure were Silent Hill, but it didn't work. Might have needed the specific game but I don't know the series that well.
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