NaNoWriMo Story idea.

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Okay, so I'm going to participate in the NaNoWriMo this year for the first time. They said you can figure out what the story is going to be about just no written stuff before hand.

I have some ideas all stemming from the same opening. Help me figure out what the story will be.


WWII soldier goes through some hell and finally dies a horrible death. He wakes up...

  1. In a dilapidated room. He's hooked up to several tubes and electrodes. He adjusts his headset and jacks back in. (This story is about a society that has succumbed to VR. It does not revolve around the guy but instead around one of the few who are not constantly jacked in.)
  2. In another body in the war. He's a totally different person but he has all the same memories of his old and new body. (This story revolves around solving the mystery of why this is happening to him.)
  3. In the morgue, his wounds mysteriously healed. (This story is about a guy who finds that he won't stay dead.)
  4. In another body, also in his last day of life. This death is before the first one we witnessed. (This story is about a guy who dies thousands of deaths, but going backwards in timeframe instead of forward.)
  5. The morning of the day in which he died. He changes things and lives. (This story is NOT like Groundhog Day in the way that if he lives he does not repeat the day. I may or may not add someone from the other side having the same thing happening and they are both headed for a momentous showdown.)

So which one do you guys like? Which do you hate? Should I come up with a totally different premise?
4 sounds good, especially if you go into great detail during a battle scene, enough so that he recognizes it during one of his subsequent lives just in time to avoid being killed by his previous life, only to step onto a landmine or something. :)


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I like 4 a lot. 1 is kind of a cool beginning and makes for a shocking visual but not as interesting in the long run. I don't like 5 very much.


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A little more background on these.

  1. This story is kind of like I Am Legend as a post-apocalyptic society. People live and work in VR a la Second Life and immersive video games. It's not an adventure story as much as a look at the sociopolitical changes VR could bring if taken to extremes.
  2. This one is pretty straight forward as a mystery/thriller type.
  3. Another straight forward mystery/thriller. Why won't he stay dead?!?
  4. This one would be tough to pull off without getting boring. What I'm going to do is have the main character begin to know that he's going to die and start to think more and more about his actions and how they affect others. It'll also delve into why this is happening.
  5. This one is more of a good vs. evil thing with our hero trying to save as many people as he can every day while the evil guy is starting to get megalomaniacal.
Easiest to write I think would be #5, followed by 4, 1, 3 & then 2.

Alex B.

5 is interesting me the most, mostly because there's already a plot forming and not just an idea.


Staff member
Sounds like I'll be working on #4. This gives me time to work on the timeframes of his "lives" and get more up on some of the period sections.


I don't really like 3. It's been done a whole lot of times already. 4's fine, though, and nicely original.
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