[Funny] NEVER FORGET... to make fun of tragedy (irreverent/offensive)

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Staff member
I'm pretty sure that he was a massive pussy and died crying like a little bitch, so you know....he probably did care that he was killed.
I'm pretty sure that he was a massive pussy and died crying like a little bitch, so you know....he probably did care that he was killed.
whoa, way to use really strong gendered insults and puff out your chest like a big manly man.
I mean. Please don't do that. It's kind of offensive.
I'm white knighting feminism since equating negative shit with female language is lame. Pussies aren't inherently bad, weak-willed, simpering, or scared.

I still think Bin Laden is a godawful person who was complicit in the murder of thousands(not just on 9/11) to further a putrid agenda. I'm very upset that he won. I'm happy he's gone. But to proclaim victory just because that one guy is dead is asinine.


Staff member
In a thread where we make fun of 9/11 we correct someone for being non PC by calling Bin Laden a pussy.

So does getting offended over a word when it's not even remotely used in the context it's defended against.
I never said I was offended. I said he had a good point. Why are so many of our insults centered around implying someone femenine. That in turn implies that femeninity is bad.

So, yeah, it's a good point that a lot of those insults are veiled mysogeny.
OT: misogyny. Sorry, but saw it misspelled twice in a row.

Now, to quadruple-check my own post to make sure I didn't misspell anything. :ninja:
Yet it wasn't used as veiled mysogeny here.
I think that's an easy trap to fall into. "Well, I'm not a misogynist, I'm just using language I've heard around me. So it's different."
"I'm not homophobic, I just use the language that's used around me, so it's different."
"I'm not racist, I just use teh language that's used around me."

Etc etc.

Now can we get back to joking about 9/11?

And just for hypocricy, NOW WITH RACISM
I never said I was offended. I said he had a good point. Why are so many of our insults centered around implying someone femenine. That in turn implies that femeninity is bad.

So, yeah, it's a good point that a lot of those insults are veiled mysogeny.
Don't be a dick.

I kid, I kid. I know there's a gulf of difference between calling someone a dick and someone a pussy.
It's basically our Hiroshima/Nagasaki, except that only 1/75 the number of people were killed.
While I experienced no personal tragedies with the fall of the twin towers, I do wish the world/media/etc would stop lumping them in with swastikas, blackface, and such, by which I mean that it is suddenly "offensive" to even show a picture of the original World Trade Center buildings. It's History, folks. It happened, get used to it. Talk about it. Discuss it. Use the buildings in movie posters, whatever. It's ok. Ignoring it won't make it go away, all it will do is make acceptance take longer. Once we can easily make flippant jokes with one another about a national tragedy, then we can say we're well on the way to recovery.


The IMDb said:
this idea may have been cute in '87, but I strongly recommend that, if they reissue this on DVD, they change the cover. I mean, come on. It's downright JARRING to see this in a video store, or at least it was to me.

Don't get me wrong, seeing a gloriously mulleted Keaton is always a pleasure... but not when he's squeezed between the CRUMBLING trade centers. Ugh... maybe Bin Laden got his idea from this poster.
Shh...it's ok. The movie was silly enough without making a big deal about the poster. Move on with your life, find something worthwhile to be angry about. May I suggest the Economy? We're having a special this year.

Wait, wait, wait, so Lamarck was right after all?!
Not exactly. Epigenetics is gene expression. Basically, the genes are still there but they may or may not express depending on the experiences of the parents (mostly the mother) and even the grandparents. It is a pretty cutting edge area of study and it is going to unlock untold secrets about the interaction between biology and behavior. The nature/nurture line has significantly blurred.
Not exactly. Epigenetics is gene expression. Basically, the genes are still there but they may or may not express depending on the experiences of the parents (mostly the mother) and even the grandparents. It is a pretty cutting edge area of study and it is going to unlock untold secrets about the interaction between biology and behavior. The nature/nurture line has significantly blurred.
So i just cut my ears to make them more pointy for nothing... :(
Not exactly. Epigenetics is gene expression. Basically, the genes are still there but they may or may not express depending on the experiences of the parents (mostly the mother) and even the grandparents.
A very crude way of thinking about it would be the equivalent of commenting out sections of code in a DNA string depending on factors we don't fully understand yet.

The code is still there, it just doesn't do anything.

My credit card bill is due on the 11th.

I never forget.

To pay it on time.

(this is true, though unintentional)
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