New Angels Comic!

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"The Galaxy is on Orion's Belt..."

Nice element. Now, of course, the bitch is going to have to die, what with threatening/shooting at a cat. Nothing personal, just business. *racks shotgun*
"The Galaxy is on Orion's Belt..."

Nice element. Now, of course, the bitch is going to have to die, what with threatening/shooting at a cat. Nothing personal, just business. *racks shotgun*
Actually this is very personal. When you shoot a cat for no reason it ceases to be 'just business'. Hopefully she's just being a bitch and didn't aim directly at Karma, maybe just trying to screw with Quetz. We'll see.
Sir, you misunderstand... it's _MY_ business to take care of brainless fuckwits who discharge firearms at the defenseless.

That's NOT to say that I don't derive a DEEP sense of satisfaction from my business... *dark chuckle*
Sir, you misunderstand... it's _MY_ business to take care of brainless fuckwits who discharge firearms at the defenseless.

That's NOT to say that I don't derive a DEEP sense of satisfaction from my business... *dark chuckle*
Totally understood, but I never said it wasn't "business", just that it was in fact very personal.
A friend of mine with whom I play Warhammer is fond of saying "There is no such thing as overkill: only exactly ENOUGH kill." His point being - are they dead? Did you accomplish what you set out to do? Then there was no overage. *evil grin*


Staff member
A friend of mine with whom I play Warhammer is fond of saying "There is no such thing as overkill: only exactly ENOUGH kill." His point being - are they dead? Did you accomplish what you set out to do? Then there was no overage. *evil grin*
That's what gets me about action movies. The hero shoots the bad guy once and then stops. WHAT? No, when the bad man is doing bad things, once you fire your gun you keep shooting until he is on the floor and stops moving.
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