New Angels Comic!

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Hi all,
I imagine you’ve all been wondering when the next comic is coming along. Well, this time I do have a reasonable good excuse. A couple of weeks ago, my workload increased. That’s ok, I’ve worked around that before. Then Keira got Chickenpox. Ok, thats new, but at least its out the way when she’s young.
Then my dad had a stroke. That was a new one.
He’s doing a lot better now (As is Keira) But he’s still hospital bound and there’s a lot of driving around visiting him and making sure mums ok, as well as my normal workload. Things do seem to be settling down into some semblance of a routine now, so hopefully next week I may get some free time (ha!) to work on a comic or two.
Thanks for your patience.

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It's ok, dude, I wish them to get well soon.

Just one little request: Please use suitable headlines. This would also make it easier to find the thread for a respective cartoon.
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