New Fad May Cause Teens To Go Blind

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Staff member
Wait, it doesn't make them get drunk faster and really doesn't absorb that much alcohol into their system?

Now I really, REALLY don't get it.

Wasabi Poptart

Pfft. Just stick it in a vein like the guys in Motley Crue. Pussy kids these days.


Wait, it doesn't make them get drunk faster and really doesn't absorb that much alcohol into their system?

Now I really, REALLY don't get it.
It's a stupid Youtube thing that Fox is likely blowing out of proportion. 'Nuff said.
Part of me wants to say if these kids are stupid enough to do this then it serves them right.

Another part of me is appalled that anyone can be this stupid.

And yet both parts of me are leaning towards cheering for thinning of stupid from the human race.
The real question is which came first, "the fad or the outrage?"

I can't help but think that if this turns into a real problem in a year, it will because it was popularized by people objecting to it.
Now if the kids in the video are only using water in a washed out bottle and pranking the world into putting actually vodka in their eyes is it any better?


Darwin candidate at its finest?? (maybe I'm hoping they will fall down the stairs or something and kill themselves)

Eyeball?? seriously?? why not just put rubbing alcohol? cause blindness?? Of course it does. Alcohol was not meant to be in the eyeball. yeesh.

stupid kids.


Staff member
What wimps. This is a man's shot. I present "The Murdoch":

1) Snort a line of salt
2) Shoot the tequila
3) Squirt the Lime in your eye
4) Have someone punch you in the face


Wait, it doesn't make them get drunk faster and really doesn't absorb that much alcohol into their system?

Now I really, REALLY don't get it.

It stings like a bitch to get alcohol in your eye. It's a dare.
You know stupid kids who deliberately blind themselves can still breed, right? So this isn't thinning the gene pool as much as we might like.


Staff member
You know stupid kids who deliberately blind themselves can still breed, right? So this isn't thinning the gene pool as much as we might like.
Well yeah but if they try that, who knows what else they'll try? Maybe we could convince them that hooking their balls up to a car battery gets them drunk faster.
The sad truth is that they simply misunderstood a math student explaining how he scores with the chicks:

Vodka = I Ball


What's odd is that there are apparently "hundreds of videos" from the UK of this. That's kind of widespread for the country, if it's true.


You know stupid kids who deliberately blind themselves can still breed, right? So this isn't thinning the gene pool as much as we might like.
Well yeah but if they try that, who knows what else they'll try? Maybe we could convince them that hooking their balls up to a car battery gets them drunk faster.[/QUOTE]

..or gets them off instantly. THAT would make them sterile, I would think!
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