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New Windows 8 Says: We're Gonna Make Your PC a Tablet!





Scared the hell out of me till I heard there was a "click" interface change ability to get rid of this pointless tablet style interface. I'm sure it'll be fantastic for laptops, touchscreens or tablets, but get it the HELL out of my power gaming PC. I am interested in the fact that it runs less memory usage than Win7 though, that sounds pretty promising.




I can put up with fisher price BS user interfaces so long as 2 things are maintained - performance, and the location of shit you have to fix in the control panel. Even the slight changes in the control panel between XP and Vista/7 still irritate me to this day.


Oh, don't mind me, I'm still just incredulous they didn't simply expand XP 64 instead of going the way they did.
Added at: 17:48
Also - eyebrowless, simpering, cadaveresque Ballmer anyone?




I'm with Bandit. Don't mess with what worked so well. Keep things where they are. Let the kids play with their tablet toys.




I disliked that design scheme in windows mobile seven, and I still dislike it in Windows 8.



Why merely read about it when you can watch a video with terrible audio quality?

Have to say, I was as freaked out as Shego was until they showed the standard UI. The rest just looks convoluted as hell, even for tablet standards.

...also, that "Picture password" thing is going to spawn SO much inappropriate touching of pictures, mainly of the scantily clad women variety. See, there's a bright side after all, Shego! :-P




I'm actually so massively against touch screens I can't even begin to tell you. I only tolerate it on my DROIDX because there's no other real option. On my PC though? I'm going to be a long standing stubborn activist against it.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I'm actually so massively against touch screens I can't even begin to tell you. I only tolerate it on my DROIDX because there's no other real option. On my PC though? I'm going to be a long standing stubborn activist against it.
That's because you've never had the proper hardware to fully enjoy just how impressive a touchscreen interface can be. And by "proper hardware", I mean a penis.




Joking aside, gaming for me has always been an awful experience with any kind of touch screen requirement. Even the DS Stylus is more annoying than useful and anything done with a Wii-Mote or PS3 move can be done better and more efficiently with a controller. On a PC though? Touch screen gaming would be horrendous.

Like I said, I totally get it for tablet application but why the hell would we put this as our PC OS UI?

Oh and my cock is bigger than yours, so there goes that theory.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I agree on the touch screen gaming. I love my iPhone for puzzle games and whatnot, but as soon as someone tries to fake a button, it just pisses me off.




You ever tried putting those NES/SNES emulators on your phone? Was a fantastic idea in concept, but without a real D-Pad, it was terrible. They later added a way to connect a wii controler to use as a dpad but how am I supposed to use that anywhere remotely useful that I couldn't just use my PC/PSP for?


Fun Size

Fun Size

Nope. I think the last things I tried were Duke Nukem 3D and Requiem (both free), and both sucked. It just never feels right to me.
Added at: 15:16
Although the Monkey Island games did play splendidly, and next month I'm putting The 7th Guest on the wife's iPad whether she knows it or not.



The touch UI doesn't bother me much BUT the devs would have really program their games for touch screen. You can't have a "virtual" thumb (like many games for the iPads) it just doesn't work and response is slow.

It believe in shooters it would be "easier" to aim and shoot with multi touch since you can use one hand (left hand) to navigate and move while the right hand touch your target and shoot. It will be something totally new in terms of input interface, but I don't think any devs are ready to go to that level or move away from KB/M combo.




I put doom on my droid. Controlling it was difficult, even though the droid 1 DOES have a d-pad. I ended up using a hybrid "buttons to move, touchscreen to turn/aim" control scheme that's still not ideal... and I haven't played it that much since.




The good old BSOD was even updated.




: (




This is the same path they're going down with Lion. I like my iPhone, but I don't want it on my computer. The brass at these companies are trying to make the case that there's no fundamental difference between the two, but that's bull. If they were the same, I wouldn't have both. The use-cases are totally different, so it's okay for the UI to be different.

(Also, it's about time they redesigned the BSOD. I've developed a lot of software, and not once did I care what memory address caused the seg fault. Especially not when the debugger can tell me the actual variable and function name.)




(Also, it's about time they redesigned the BSOD. I've developed a lot of software, and not once did I care what memory address caused the seg fault. Especially not when the debugger can tell me the actual variable and function name.)
I'm of the camp that believes the layman should be exposed to the full, unfiltered utterances of the machine god, and if the Omnissiah chooses to burn out his wretched puny corneas and dash his mind with a digital hammer, then so be it!



But will it use kinect?




But will it use kinect?
Probably not, but you know it'll have xbox live integration. And OS-embedded search, powered by BING*

*god I hate bing




Probably not, but you know it'll have xbox live integration. And OS-embedded search, powered by BING*

*god I hate bing
You joke, but xbox live has already been confirmed.




You joke, but xbox live has already been confirmed.
I do joke, but I also fully expected both of those things.




But will it use kinect?
Yes. For customer support, you have to bend over and act like you're getting fucked.




But will it use kinect?
Kinect on the PC was planned at one point. I don't know if they're still headed that route.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

The good old BSOD was even updated.
View attachment 2749
"Your PC has a tummy ache."



Frankie Williamson

I'm actually so massively against touch screens I can't even begin to tell you. I only tolerate it on my DROIDX because there's no other real option. On my PC though? I'm going to be a long standing stubborn activist against it.
The worst part about touchscreens? Greasy streaks. Ugh.




Stop eating cheetos when using your computer then!

Seriously though, pet peeve, people who eat and type right before I use the computer. My brother did it for a short while..... a VERY short while.



Frankie Williamson

I hate my greasyscreenphone.




I hate my greasyscreenphone.
I obsessively am wiping the screen of my droid on my shirt. Every time I take it out, every time I put it away.




I am not a fan of touching monitors in any light... I don't want to spend every afternoon wiping my grubby finger stains off my $300 monitor.




I am not a fan of touching monitors in any light... I don't want to spend every afternoon wiping my grubby finger stains off my $300 monitor.
Here's a touchscreen from one of our studios here at the station. Can you guess where the buttons in the UI are?



Frankie Williamson

Jesus, did someone touch their finger through the screen at the bottom there?




Jesus, did someone touch their finger through the screen at the bottom there?
No, the filth finally got so thick that its weight overpowered its bond to the screen and the center flaked off. That's clean screen you're looking at there, inside a crusty ring of finger filth.




Man, how much would Gorilla Glass cost for a 24" screen?




*shrug* I have stain/streak/glare resistant screen protectors for my DROIDX, would probably do the same to a tablet so I don't see the "greasy finger" thing being an issue. Well that and I don't eat Cheez-Its like they're a food group. ;)




The screen on my thunderbolt is IMMACULATE. Why? Because I wipe my goddamn hands before using it.




I installed the 32bit dev preview to a VM. I think it will work just fine. You only ever get Metro when the machine first boots or you press the windows key/start button. Then you just type as normal.

I think there's good potential here, Microsoft is looking to build one OS for every device, and they're certainly not saying you have to have a touch screen and use Metro for everything. I already have an iPad, but if I was to get a second tablet I'd probably look towards windows8 before android.

If I can get a good download of the 64bit version that comes with dev tools I'd like to see how easy/hard it will be to develop programs.




I installed the 32bit dev preview to a VM. I think it will work just fine. You only ever get Metro when the machine first boots or you press the windows key/start button. Then you just type as normal.

I think there's good potential here, Microsoft is looking to build one OS for every device, and they're certainly not saying you have to have a touch screen and use Metro for everything. I already have an iPad, but if I was to get a second tablet I'd probably look towards windows8 before android.

If I can get a good download of the 64bit version that comes with dev tools I'd like to see how easy/hard it will be to develop programs.
Why oh why by yog-sothoth's countless flagella did they even MAKE a 32 bit version?! Did they make a 16 bit version as well?



Frankie Williamson

The screen on my thunderbolt is IMMACULATE. Why? Because I wipe my goddamn hands before using it.
Added at: 03:48
*shrug* I have stain/streak/glare resistant screen protectors for my DROIDX, would probably do the same to a tablet so I don't see the "greasy finger" thing being an issue. Well that and I don't eat Cheez-Its like they're a food group. ;)
What's a Cheezit?
Added at: 03:51
Ha ha, I literally had to google them. I've never seen those before in my life. I don't think they sell them here.




Where not to move- Canada
Why? No Cheeze-Its

Thanks, Frankie, now I know. Added to the list.


That Tech Guy

Where not to move- Canada
Why? No Cheeze-Its

Thanks, Frankie, now I know. Added to the list.
This is my first freak out for today. Cool.

My second freak out for the day is NO WAY IS WINDOWS 8 TOUCHING MY COMPUTERS!!
I also like the sliding menus for my Droid... Windows was never meant to slide.. umm, I mean computer windows not window panes.
It just seems soo... WRONG. And am I the only one who thinks the Start screen looks nearly identical to Windows Media Center?
I have nearly the same screen on my Xbox 360 when I pull up the Media Center to watch videos.




The new interface just reminds me too much of the Fisher Price "Baby's First Computer."




Future Stephen Fry said give Windows 8 a miss. I'm beginning to think he was on to something.
