New zone progression layout in Cataclysm

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One of the biggest changes I've noticed to the original levelling process is the complete overhaul of zone progression. Not all the zones are completely overhauled, but this appears to be the progression that exists so far:

Horde Kalimdor:
[1-5] Echo Isles (Trolls), The Den (Orcs), Camp Narache (Tauren), Kezan (Goblins)
[6-10] Durotar (Orcs + Trolls), Mulgore (Tauren), Lost Isles (Goblins)
[10-20] Northern Barrens, Azshara

Alliance Kalimdor:
[1-5] Crash Site (Draenei), Aldrassil (Night Elf)
[6-10] Azuremyst Isle (Draenei), Teldrassil (Night Elf)
[10-20] Bloodmyst Isle (Draenei), Darkshore (Night Elf)

Neutral Kalimdor:
[20-25] Ashenvale
[25-30] Stonetalon Mountains
[30-35] Southern Barrens
[35-40] Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas
[45-50] Tanaris
[50-55] Un'goro Crater
Still unfinished - Thousand Needles (rumored 40-45 zone), Desolace (rumored 30-35), Silithus (rumored 55-60), Felwood (rumored 45-50), Moonglade, Winterspring (rumored 50-55)
[80-82] Mount Hyjal
Unfinished high-level area - Uldum (rumored 84-85 zone)

Horde Eastern Kingdoms:
[1-5] Deathknell (Undead), Sunspire (Blood Elf)
[5-10] Tirisfal Glades (Undead), Eversong Woods (Blood Elf)
[10-20] Silverpine Forest (Undead), Ghostlands (Blood Elf)

Alliance Eastern Kingdoms:
[1-5] Northshire (Human), Gnomeregan (Gnome), Anvilmar (Dwarf), Gilneas City (Worgen)
[5-10] Dun Morogh (Gnome + Dwarf), Elwynn Forest (Human), Gilneas (Worgen)
[10-15] Westfall, Loch Modan
[15-20] Redridge Mountains, Loch Modan
[20-25] Duskwood, Wetlands

Neutral Eastern Kingdoms:
[25-30] Arathi Highlands, Northern Stranglethorn
[30-35] Cape of Stranglethorn, Hinterlands
[35-40] Western Plaguelands
[40-45] Eastern Plaguelands
[45-48] Badlands
[48-50] Searing Gorge
[50-52] Burning Steppes
[52-55] Swamp of Sorrows
[55-60] Blasted Lands
Unfinished - Hillsbrad Foothills (rumored 20-25, now contains Alterac), Deadwind Pass

Other continents:
Great Sea: Tol Barad (PVP zone, this expansion's Wintergrasp, except the winner get a bunch of lucrative daily quests)...I suppose the Goblin starter zone is here too, but it feeds right into Azshara, so I put it in Kalimdor.
Vash'jir: [80-82] Abyssal Depths, Kelp Forest, Shimmering Expanse
Elemental Plane: [82-83] Deepholm

Now, a bunch of it has to be put in yet, and I'm learning all this second-hand, but I like the revised progression so far. Blasted Lands makes sense as a 55-60 zone leading into Outland, since you need to be there to go to Outland anyway. It's a shame Blizzard isn't revamping Outland to take advantage of phasing, so that content is going to seem dated compared to the 1-60 levelling, but also to be expected.

EDIT: Blizzard put in the questing for most of the rest of the Eastern Kingdoms. It appears that the Blasted Lands will be the only 55+ questing area in the Eastern Kingdoms now.
Blizzard updated Badlands, Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes and Swamp of Sorrows now. Progression appears to be as follows: Hillsbrad/Alterac -> Arathi/North Stranglethorn -> Hinterlands/Cape -> Western Plaguelands -> Eastern Plaguelands -> Badlands -> Searing Gorge -> Burning Steppes -> Swamp of Sorrows -> Blasted Lands -> Outland
Stranglethorn looks early there.
Stranglethorn and the Plaguelands are early (Plaguelands significantly), and Swamp of Sorrows/Blasted Lands are later now.

Come Cataclysm the only way to get from 55 to 60 will be in Silithus or Blasted Lands (or dungeons, I suppose...lots of dungeons).
Looks pretty neat. I always hated leveling 50-58, everything was so spread out and it seemed like it took forever.


Staff member
Think I will level me a worgn for fun once the initial buzz dies down and the areas arent as crowded.
As of an hour ago, all heroic dungeons are available on the beta, as well as the new Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep (both normal and heroic).

All level 84+ dungeons and zones have been itemized as well. That leaves Silithus and the new raids as the only areas left untested (and for all we know they may not do external testing on them).
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