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News stories you wish you never read (Morbid Reality)





I haven't heard a story that's fucked me up like this since Sandy Hook and the Nigerian kidnappings. That poor little boy... At three kids are just starting to awaken - cognitively speaking. All he could register in his brief life was complete hell. I'm not a religious person in the least, but I'm glad he has peace now.

I'm tired of reading revenge fantasies for these monsters in the comments sections of news reports. In my mind, revenge fantasy acknowledges that you're no better off than these horrible people. I just want a quick prosecution for the death penalty, and a short stint on death row with no appeals. These two should be dead in a year, and their accomplice should rot in prison for life with no chance of parole.








Yeah, I read about this yesterday. I was going to post it but couldn't. Three days of torture with his mom joining in. This is the kind of case the death penalty was invented for.




I cannot fathom what was going on in their minds as they did this.




News stories you don't want to click on?


In neither of these stories is anyone killed or even seriously injured, despite how they look. The first one is just...just...ugh. Spoilered because it auto embeds!


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf


I'm tired of reading revenge fantasies for these monsters in the comments sections of news reports. In my mind, revenge fantasy acknowledges that you're no better off than these horrible people. I just want a quick prosecution
*nodding in agreement*

for the death penalty, and a short stint on death row with no appeals. These two should be dead in a year,
augh. so close to getting it. SO CLOSE.

my contribution: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/13/us/new-orleans-police-special-crimes-unit-inquiry.html

In one case, a 2-year-old was brought to the emergency room on suspicion of having been the victim of a sexual assault and was found to have a sexually transmitted disease. The detective did no follow-up and closed the case.
In another, a nurse collected DNA evidence from a victim in a rape kit, but the detective apparently never submitted the kit for testing. In a log book, the detective explained that the kit was never submitted “because the sex was consensual.” That same detective, the report said, told at least three different people that he or she “did not believe that simple rape should be a crime.”


That audit found that rape was routinely classified as another, lesser crime and that detectives had even backdated reports to make it appear that they had performed necessary work.
For this report, the inspector general focused on five detectives within the special victims section; there are typically 16 detectives in the section, with eight or nine dedicated to investigating sex crimes. Record-keeping was so meager in a large majority of their cases that, as Mr. Schwartz said, no evaluation of their police work was possible.
Out of 119 cases that were assigned to one of the detectives, only 17 were found to have any records beyond an initial report.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight




... they didn't even try to manually unlock it. :facepalm:
...because the salesman told them the fob was the only way.
Obviously these people are 0% engineers at heart.



Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

...because the salesman told them the fob was the only way.
Obviously these people are 0% engineers at heart.

But wouldn't you at least fiddle with everything in the car, touch every possible button, anything if faced with possible death? These people were a hair away from a Darwin award.




But wouldn't you at least fiddle with everything in the car, touch every possible button, anything if faced with possible death? These people were a hair away from a Darwin award.
Me? Of course. But I'm > 50% engineer at heart. These people? I'd sure hate to be trapped in an elevator with them.





But wouldn't you at least fiddle with everything in the car, touch every possible button, anything if faced with possible death? These people were a hair away from a Darwin award.
I remember when I was in college, I would arrive at class in the mornings to find a bunch of students waiting outside the door. And I would walk up and open it and walk in, prompting the rest to realize the door was unlocked and also enter.

Usually what happened, the first student to arrive simply assumed the door was locked, and the rest after saw them waiting and thought the same.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

*gif for not comprehending*




I remember when I was in college, I would arrive at class in the mornings to find a bunch of students waiting outside the door. And I would walk up and open it and walk in, prompting the rest to realize the door was unlocked and also enter.

Usually what happened, the first student to arrive simply assumed the door was locked, and the rest after saw them waiting and thought the same.
In some high schools (mine, for example), you're not supposed to enter a classroom if there wasn't a teacher inside. Presumably this is for vandalism-related reasons. It's possible old habits die hard for these kids, even in college.




In some high schools (mine, for example), you're not supposed to enter a classroom if there wasn't a teacher inside. Presumably this is for vandalism-related reasons. It's possible old habits die hard for these kids, even in college.
No, they'd just never fucking check the door.




No, they'd just never fucking check the door.
Oooh... laziness. Gotcha, gotcha.




I remember when I was in college, I would arrive at class in the mornings to find a bunch of students waiting outside the door. And I would walk up and open it and walk in, prompting the rest to realize the door was unlocked and also enter.

Usually what happened, the first student to arrive simply assumed the door was locked, and the rest after saw them waiting and thought the same.
I will admit that me and a few friends of mine used to do this DELIBERATELY. Because it was so common to get there ahead of the prof, we used to just sit in the class early. Then one of us (maybe me, don't remember honestly) got the idea "let's just wait right at the door, and see if anybody else is going to try it" and they didn't for the next 4-5 times we tried it. Then some realized we were being dicks and tried it, and that was the end of that, but it definitely worked (even on engineers) for a while.

I'll admit the "ultimate" was one time the prof saw us all waiting, and then cursed and said they'd be right back with their keys from their office. After they were out of sight, we opened the door and let everybody in. When they got back they were told it wasn't locked. The expression on their face was great. ;)




I'm tired of reading revenge fantasies for these monsters in the comments sections of news reports. In my mind, revenge fantasy acknowledges that you're no better off than these horrible people. .
I'm really glad to see someone echoing my sentiments about the revenge fantasies.




I will admit that me and a few friends of mine used to do this DELIBERATELY. Because it was so common to get there ahead of the prof, we used to just sit in the class early. Then one of us (maybe me, don't remember honestly) got the idea "let's just wait right at the door, and see if anybody else is going to try it" and they didn't for the next 4-5 times we tried it. Then some realized we were being dicks and tried it, and that was the end of that, but it definitely worked (even on engineers) for a while.

I'll admit the "ultimate" was one time the prof saw us all waiting, and then cursed and said they'd be right back with their keys from their office. After they were out of sight, we opened the door and let everybody in. When they got back they were told it wasn't locked. The expression on their face was great. ;)
Eriol told me where this thread had gone, and said I should share my version of 'no one ever checks the door.'

I was the TA for a large lecture course, and was the proctor/person at the front of the room for the final exam at the end of term. I'm there well in advance, get the room set up, lay out the left over assignments that the lazy fu..*ahem* students hadn't picked up throughout the term, and hang out for a bit. 20 minutes before the start, folks start to trickle in, and as they do I remind them to put bags at the front, silence cell phones, etc. etc. The time comes to start (7pm start if memory serves), I hand out the last of the exams and get them started. I get out the paperwork to take attendance (because that was mangatory), and at the same time notice that the room seems rather sparsely populated (the class had ~100-150 people in it), so I go and open the door; 5 mins after the exam started, and there's close to a quarter of the class hanging around in the hall. :facepalm:

So. Much. Stupid.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf


The only thing stopping a bad baby with a gun is a good baby with a gun




And that's why I don't buy the "criminals wouldn't give up their guns anyways so who cares" argument. Accidents happen and she didn't need that gun.




And that's why I don't buy the "criminals wouldn't give up their guns anyways so who cares" argument. Accidents happen and she didn't need that gun.
Who are you to tell a woman what she needs shitlord?





...I'm sorry, what?
Ok, but we're going to need you to apologize for the Crusades, the destruction of all those "rival" temples, Béziers & Carcassonne, etc.





Texas Child Protective Services employee told 14 year-old girl that she should become a prostitute if she wants to eat.

Far from the only story of children in the "care" of the Texas government being trafficked. All while Texas Republicans feel all smug about banning abortions to protect children, but are just ensuring that even more end up abused by the state.




Florida father and son shoot at innocent woman they thought tried to break in home, sheriff says

A package was misdelivered, and when the person it was mistakenly delivered to tried to get it to the correct address, the person the package was for freaked out because he saw a stranger on his surveillance camera. He proceed to exit his home with his son, both of them armed, and scared the crap out of a woman just sitting here in her car. She wasn't even the one who returned the package. When she tried to get away in a panic, they opened fire on her. They missed, but one of the shots went right through the baby carrier in the back seat, which was thankfully empty.

The state of gun ownership in this country is not acceptable.




YouTuber shot at Virginia mall food court while filming prank, says he'll keep pranking after recovery

Asshole YouTuber who makes "prank" videos got shot while harassing people at a mall. I'm posting this here because I'm more upset the asshole survived than I am that gun violence occurred, and I don't like that part of myself, but damn I fucking hate "pranks". Don't harass strangers, don't harass people you know if they've asked you to stop. "Can't you take a joke?" is an abusive statement.




Yeah, I'm not a big prank fan at the best of times, but because of the internet's need to go always bigger, always harder, always more, there's been this escalation of things called "pranks" from "innocent joke played on people" to "literal assault and attacks that could leave people seriously hurt or traumatized". Some of the things I've seen passed off as "pranks" are downright vile. And if I dare say something I'm a boomer and all but, well, guess that makes me a boomer (does that mean I can get my retirement check now please?).




YouTuber shot at Virginia mall food court while filming prank, says he'll keep pranking after recovery

Asshole YouTuber who makes "prank" videos got shot while harassing people at a mall. I'm posting this here because I'm more upset the asshole survived than I am that gun violence occurred, and I don't like that part of myself, but damn I fucking hate "pranks". Don't harass strangers, don't harass people you know if they've asked you to stop. "Can't you take a joke?" is an abusive statement.
NOT THAT I THINK HIS PRANKS WARRANT ATTEMPTED MURDER but his pranks are all borderline (in the case of the fake vomit, not borderline) assault, this guy was gonna get wrecked by this shit sooner or later.




[The company] announced on its Facebook page that it is offering customers who buy a roof a free turkey and AR-15 with their purchase.
I told my wife about this, and half-jokingly added that this was their attempt to encourage people to go GOP in tomorrow‘s election, since they would now not only have a shiny new AR-15, they would also have a brand new roof from which to vote.





I regret reading this most because it's the first news article I'm reading this morning. No one died, but it is infuriatingly stupid, and representative of an overall terrible trend in this country, which will lead to deaths.

Sherman (Texas) High School transgender student loses lead theater role over gender policy

A policy made specifically for this play. There has been no previous policy, and school leadership says that they may not do this for future plays, but for this one they're requiring that roles be cast according to gender assigned at birth.

"In a statement, the district said the whole show needs to be postponed because of sexual content and profanity."

The show is Oklahoma!, and the show has been previously performed at the high school. The film version of the show was broadcast in 1970 as a Thanksgiving special in prime time.

Additional article: High School Bans Trans Senior From Playing Lead In OKLAHOMA!

"...since there weren’t enough boys to fill out the male ensemble, girls were cast as 'cowboys,' but they have now been informed they can’t play those chorus roles."

This is monumentally stupid, and intentionally cruel. One of the fundamental aspects of theater is getting up on stage and pretending to be someone you're not. It takes an especially small minded, petty, and vindictive person to argue that a male student can't play a male part because they're not a cisgendered male. They're getting up on stage and pretending to be in a different year, in a different state, with a different name, in a fictional scenario. Why should it make any difference if someone thinks they're also pretending to be a different gender?

I don't even want to get into the long history of cross-gender casting in theater. Pointing out that men played all the female roles back in Shakespeare's day, or that female actresses are often cast as Peter Pan just confuses the point that this is a male student who was cast in a male role.




Yeah that’s pretty stupid all around.




I regret reading this most because it's the first news article I'm reading this morning. No one died, but it is infuriatingly stupid, and representative of an overall terrible trend in this country, which will lead to deaths.

Sherman (Texas) High School transgender student loses lead theater role over gender policy
Very dumb and insensitive. There's nothing about Oklahoma that says it's off-limits to modernizing (hell. There is a recent major revival that was touring last year that was basically "how can we diversify this casting as much as possible?"). I guarantee some of the locals (Texas. So yeah. It's clearly the locals) have made their threats and the school caved.




I guarantee some of the locals (Texas. So yeah. It's clearly the locals) have made their threats and the school caved.
Almost certainly. I only question if this is just part of the general trend of conservatives pushing transphobia? Or did the parents of a student passed over for the lead use politicized transphobia to try to get their son the lead in a play?




Almost certainly. I only question if this is just part of the general trend of conservatives pushing transphobia? Or did the parents of a student passed over for the lead use politicized transphobia to try to get their son the lead in a play?
The answer to all questions is yes.




Lead in Recalled Applesauce Pouches Might Have Been Added on Purpose

A recall of applesauce pouches is being investigated as intentional adulteration with lead. The source of the contamination was the cinnamon, and the lead may have been intentionally added to inflate the price, either by changing it's color, or by adding weight.




Lead in Recalled Applesauce Pouches Might Have Been Added on Purpose

A recall of applesauce pouches is being investigated as intentional adulteration with lead. The source of the contamination was the cinnamon, and the lead may have been intentionally added to inflate the price, either by changing it's color, or by adding weight.
Bring this up the next time some rabid maga guy talks about burdensome regulation on business.





I'm good, thanks.





View attachment 47417
I'm good, thanks.

You can't just drop this here without the payoff, goddamn.




Coffee shop's disabled employees harassed over viral feet-licking video, director says

"A nonprofit coffee shop that employs students and adults with intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities has received phone threats, angry emails and poor reviews online following a controversial video that went viral last week.

"Tim Herbel, executive director of Not Your Average Joe, told The Oklahoman his six coffee shops in the Oklahoma City metro have been blindsided following a fundraiser by Deer Creek High School students that included licking feet during its Wonderful Week of Fundraising event.

"Herbel said he wasn’t at the event and that the students themselves decide each year to pick a nonprofit as a recipient of the fundraiser.

"After Fox 25 published video from the fundraiser, Herbel said, it went viral and people started calling his coffee shops, which employ about 100 students and adults with various disabilities.

“'They call our stores and our friends with special needs usually answer the phones and they are being cussed out and called pedophiles,' Herbel said. 'One star reviews from all over the country. We’re not this well-funded machine that has all these dollars. We’re getting beat up. The kids are getting beat up.' ”

Article about the feet-licking: Student Toe-Licking Fundraiser Sparks Investigation Into Oklahoma School




Major trigger warning for this one. No idea why I clicked on this but holy shit. And the one guy in the article called the Torture King is identified as a nazi MAGA fuckwit. So surprised.




Yeah, Nick posted this in the Twitter thread.





Yeah, Nick posted this in the Twitter thread.

I guess I missed it there. Or just saw the headline and didn't click anything.




Everyone is making fun of the crazies who thought the eclipse was something new and disastrous, ushering in a rapture or an apocalypse or whatever. But some crazy people are dangers to themselves and unfortunately their kids.




It's far from isolated, even if you just confine yourself to any one country. Every time something like this happens, you get these stories of desperate people who were moved to euthanize their loved ones (family, friends, pets) to spare them the agony of dying in the cataclysm du jour.





But it's just so STUPID! It's like they've never heard of an eclipse before. And it's something we've KNOWN about for literally centuries.




But it's just so STUPID! It's like they've never heard of an eclipse before. And it's something we've KNOWN about for literally centuries.
Impossible, because America hasn't existed for that long and clearly the world did not have any knowledge or wisdom before the Greatest Nation was created!

Or "We don't have proof of any former eclipses! LIAR!"

Or "None of those earlier ones eclipsed OUR BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY! This is because of Biden!"

Or just plain schizophrenia, really.




She knew about the eclipse before it happened because astronomers have it mapped out for fucking decades.

Maybe take it as a sign from God if one happens when not scheduled.




Then there's the other kind:








Louisiana High Court: Priests Have a “Property Right” Not to Be Sued For Sexual Abuse

These are the same people who say they're "protecting children" with revoking trans rights.




But it's just so STUPID! It's like they've never heard of an eclipse before. And it's something we've KNOWN about for literally centuries.
Couple paragraphs into the article apparently she was running in some conspiracy circles. And for some reason those circles went insane over this eclipse claiming that the states that declared a state of emergency were just doing a dry run of martial law.
I don’t really understand why they went nuts over this one but they sure did.




Massive amount of crop fertilizer spills into SW Iowa river
story from 2024-03-13

"An estimated 265,000 gallons of liquid nitrogen fertilizer leaked from a farmers cooperative in Red Oak.... and most of it went into the East Nishnabotna River, according to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources."

Iowa DNR: Fertilizer spill killed around 750,000 fish in East Nishnabotna River

This spill killed off nearly all the fish in a 50 mile stretch of river.




That’s like 30 miles from me and closer than that to where I grew up. This is the first I’m hearing about it. Granted, while I’m on my nights rotation I miss a lot of news, but still.




American Airlines claims 9-year-old 'should have known' she was being recorded in airplane bathroom

"In a Texas court filing responding to the suit, American Airlines' lawyers argued that the girl was at fault and negligent because she used a lavatory 'she knew or should have known contained a visible and illuminated recording device.' "

Let me repeat that, American Airlines is victim blaming a 9 year-old child, saying that the child should have done more to avoid being exploited by an adult working for the airline.

The airline attendant was caught back in Sept of 2023 when a 14 year-old girl noticed that the man had taped his phone to the toilet that he told her to use. Apparently a light on the phone came on while she was using the bathroom, cluing her in to its presence, and she told her parents. The flight attendant was arrested when they landed, and they eventually found evidence on the phone of four other victims.




The Dutch Olympic Committee have selected a convicted rapist to compete at the forthcoming Paris Olympics. Not just a convicted rapist either - convicted of the rape of a 12 year old girl!

The IOC in a fairly typical example of utter cowardice have refused to get involved claiming that the selection of individual athletes is down to their national committees. Ignoring the fact that if they can ban athletes for drug offences, they can certainly ban them for serious convictions.

Right now the Australians are the only ones coming out of this looking even vaguely respectable as they've gone on record that "If an athlete or staff member had that conviction they would not be allowed to be a member of our team". Which frankly should be the minimum response to this sort of question.




12-year-old Texas girl dies after parents used smoothies to treat life-threatening injuries

" A 12-year-old Texas girl died Monday after her mother and stepfather failed to seek medical attention for four days following life-threatening injuries, instead attempting to nurse her back to health with smoothies, authorities said."

The girl was unresponsive for four days before her parents called 911.

EDIT: Records show child injury, welfare calls made to Atascosa County home where 12-year-old girl was fatally injured. No surprise that authorities had been called to their house multiple times before.




I was having an allergic reaction Wednesday at my sister’s house. She had me use essential oils on it.

note: This was a contact rash reaction. It was already fading when she made me put on the foul smelling shit. Then she proclaimed the oils helped.




Ooof, my parents are from that area of South Texas. Makes my skin crawl that they would not have the child treated after an hour of being non-responsive.




US hospital told family their daughter had checked out when in fact she’d died

"Jessie Peterson’s family spent a year searching for her after they were told that she had checked herself out of a California hospital against medical advice – before they learned that she had been dead all along.

"The 31-year-old died in the care of Mercy San Juan medical center in Sacramento in April 2023. The hospital shipped her body to a storage facility and did not inform her mother and sisters. The family only learned her fate the following April after months of trying to find her, according to a civil lawsuit against the hospital."

"Her body was so decomposed the family could not obtain her fingerprints or hold an open casket funeral, and an autopsy that could have indicated whether there had been medical malpractice associated with her death was “rendered impossible”, according to the lawsuit."

Golly, I wonder what motivation a hospital could have had for hiding her death from her family for so long.







Tesla Locks Baby In Car On 109-Degree Day For Seemingly No Reason

"What’s more, Pineda has since discovered that the footage captured by her car in Sentry Mode has reportedly been wiped from the car’s memory, meaning that no footage of her and Ortega attempting to open the car to rescue the child remains. "




Texas middle school cheerleaders suffer first and second degree burns after ‘punishment’ from coach

"Thirteen cheerleaders at Evans Middle School in Lubbock, Texas are suffering from first and second-degree burns on their hands after they said their cheer coach made them perform 'bear crawls' and 'crab walks' on a hot outdoor track as punishment."




An anti-abortion influencer insists she'll continue her high-risk ectopic pregnancy
it seems cruel to continue a pregnancy that could leave your other seven children without a parent due entirely to your own ignorance and stubbornness. Because Alex is an influencer, though, the situation is made even worse because of survivorship bias. She doesn’t seem to understand that there’s a reason she’s [only] hearing from other women who have survived ectopic pregnancies. She’s hearing from “more survivors than not,” everyone! It’s a miracle!
Like the article's second title says...this will not end well.





I saw that story. My money is on her ending up getting the procedure and telling her followers that she survived it because god protected her and there’s no reason anyone should get an abortion for an ectopic pregnancy because god will protect you too if you pray hard enough.




This is horrible. I've practiced yoga outdoors, but nothing like this. This would be like doing yoga on the black rocks at Peggy's Cove.




This is horrible. I've practiced yoga outdoors, but nothing like this. This would be like doing yoga on the black rocks at Peggy's Cove.

The article mentions that the fate of a second person, a bystander trying rescuing her, is unknown.




'Mob' of college students attack man in TikTok-inspired trap, police say

"Six college students in Massachusetts were accused of luring an active-duty service member whom they falsely described as a sexual predator to their campus, where a group of more than two dozen people chased and assaulted him, authorities said. "

The victim was a 22 year-old man who went to meet who he thought was an 18 year-old woman he met on Tinder. Somehow a mob of 25 - 30 college students thought that he was there for sex with a 17 year-old, and that was enough for them to attack him, chase him to his car and off campus.

One of the accused said that “Catch a predator is a big thing on TikTok currently,”




A 22 year old meeting an assumed 18 year old in a public place, without clear sexual intent, is not, in any way, predatory. It barely constitutes a date.
These kids are morons.




A 22 year old meeting an assumed 18 year old in a public place, without clear sexual intent, is not, in any way, predatory. It barely constitutes a date.
These kids are morons.
Well, the quote by Pez says they thought he was meeting with a 17 year old. But it happened in Massachusetts, where the age of consent is 16. Which might be a little squicky, but still not illegal.




Well, the quote by Pez says they thought he was meeting with a 17 year old. But it happened in Massachusetts, where the age of consent is 16. Which might be a little squicky, but still not illegal.
I don't think legality is a big concern when people are planning a mob beat down.




Well, the quote by Pez says they thought he was meeting with a 17 year old. But it happened in Massachusetts, where the age of consent is 16. Which might be a little squicky, but still not illegal.
Brainard said a “creepy” Tinder app contact had come to campus looking to meet a 17-year-old girl.
A review of Tinder messages showed the service member believed he was meeting an 18-year-old, the statement says. The woman's profile indicated she was 18. When officers followed up with Brainard about where the information about an underage girl came from, the statement adds, “she could not answer.”
The linked article says the girl claimed he was coming to meet a 17-y/o but she had nothing to back it up, while the investigation showed he thought he was meeting an 18-y/o and that was also what the profile said.




The linked article says the girl claimed he was coming to meet a 17-y/o but she had nothing to back it up, while the investigation showed he thought he was meeting an 18-y/o and that was also what the profile said.
yeah, I was just writing something similar when you posted. Sounds like someone chasing clout on tiktok. That kind of shit is so stupid, like the throwing milk jugs thing ages ago (in internet time)




Me, reading the headline: "Oh, ha ha I guess this price-of-eggs crisis has really gotten out of hand!"
Me, reading the article:
-It's Georgia the country, not Georgia the state.
-The eggs involved...are not ones from chickens.
Me, no longer reading the article: :eek::eek::eek:





A less extreme example, but still something I'd rather not have had happen:

Sewage water rains on KatsuCon attendees and displays at Gaylord National Harbor

"A burst pipe at the National Harbor Gaylord Convention Center left some anime enthusiasts drenched in foul-smelling sewage water Friday night at KatsuCon."

EDIT: @LittleKagsin tells me she heard that it was a kitchen drain line, and not any human waste, so slightly less disgusting sewage.




Cops: “Content Creator” Sprayed Urine On Food Items

" A 23-year-old 'online content creator' in New Hampshire is facing a felony charge of criminal mischief for allegedly contaminating food products at a grocery store “with her urine” and filming it for social media. "




That's the kind of face that says, "None of the clicks on this news video are counting towards my total."

