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The girls in our class from elementary to high school called me "Miksu", which is a diminutive from my first name, Mikko. Same kind of diminutive was used for my surname, "Mettis".

Most nicknames I have had, however, were mocking names I got as a kid, so I have pretty much willed myself to forget them. For instance, in my childhood there was this book series about a butt-ugly kid called Mikko Mallikas (roughly meaning 'To-be-Modeled-after'), who had inspiring adventures. I never lived that name down, and I admit it's one of my Berserk Buttons.

When I played in WoW, my main was Furadin the dwarven hunter, so from there I got Furbs, Furby, even Furry.

Among fellow players at the Medieval Market, I was for the longest time nicknamed after my characters, particularly "Wentzel" and "Lätty" (which also means 'pancake'). But that happens to pretty much everybody.

And a friend of a friend nicknamed me "the hairy little Magic player", which is kinda odd. I never played Magic: the Gathering. And I'm not very little.
My "real name", that is, the name in my ID, isn't what anybody has ever called me, not even my parents, so I guess that what I usually say is my first name ("Carlo") would be considered a nickname. Then, there's variations on it ("Carlito", "Charlie", "Charles", "Carl"...).
One of my friends sometimes calls me "Carlinski".

There's also some people, mainly friends from when I studied journalism, that use my surname, "Gallucci", maybe adding a "Mr" in front of it, or shortening it to "luzzi" or "luzzo". Some just call me "sir" or "mister".

Tegid used to call me for some years "Gordo" ("fat") and "Pesado", wich means both "heavy" and "annoying". I also called him "Pesado", and "feo" ("ugly").

A friend of mine sometimes calls me "Carlos, el de los huevos largos" (Long balled Charles?)

Oh, my mom calls me "Carletto" and, when I was a little kid, she sometimes called me "Miquitus", wich is a ridiculous version of the catalan for "monkey" and "bicho" or "bichito", wich means "little critter" or "bug". Curiously, I used to call my brother "monkey" when he was little and I usually call my little sister "Bicho". Family nicknames and pet names will live on!!

And speaking on wich generic nicknames I use with people, I very frequently call my friends "Doctor", "Doctor en Alaska" (wich is the spanish name for the show "Northern exposure") and other variations on this "doctor" theme, and I may also use their names fused with "man" ("Nachman" for my friend Nacho, "Daveman" for my friend David, "Eddman" for my friend Eduard, etc. etc.)
I also call girls "madamme" or "señora".
I don't really have any nicknames. In public school and high school various people would call me Bobby Hill, Turtle or Squirtle, citing my uncanny resemblance to all three. But none of those people were friends or even positive aquaintances. Anyone who has ever had any kind of positive relation with me just uses my actual name. There were three girls I knew who called me D-Rock but I hated that.
Psycho, because I tend to bottle up all the negative emotion until it blasts out in a short, but very surprisingly controlled, outburst. Got it when I put a guy that had been picking on me for over a month though a cinder block wall in the gym. I didn't get it trouble, but he sure did.
From 6 to 22+ I was Matman. I started singing the (campy) Batman theme when I was little and adding my name to it...

For a couple of years in HS, I was Madman.
Well, there's the nickname I've had since I was 2 that nobody but my family and maybe 3 or 4 close friends know.

Otherwise I've had people call me Wolverine for awhile when the X-Men movies were out thanks to the 'chops. I guess Chris is technically a nickname since my full name is Christopher.
mish huh? I have a friend named Mish in ohio, but her's is short for Mishakel ggoddess of healing from dragonlance....

me, bones, always and forever....for many many of them for screaming like that interstellar southern doctor we all know and love.

Element 117

mish huh? I have a friend named Mish in ohio, but her's is short for Mishakel ggoddess of healing from dragonlance....

me, bones, always and forever....for many many of them for screaming like that interstellar southern doctor we all know and love.
I call you Pleen.


Staff member
Depends on the group of friends.

At the bar and downtown, it is Wayne-o
With my college friends, its Cutty
My old highschool friends from long long ago, it is Tools
My close friends its either Cutty or Joffe or King Joffe Jay
Miller is the mainstay.

It has been mutated several times over the years:
Dennis Miller
Miller Lite

The only nickname I've had that isn't some kinda variation on my name was Spidercages, and tat one was because during my heavy poker-playing days, friends thought that everyone needed to have a poker nickname. They called me spider cages because while sitting at the table, I tended to tent my giant bony hands on the table so that my forearms were resting on the edge of the table and my fingertips were on the tabletop. I guess it made me look like some kind of arachnoid predator ready to pounce on the table.
when i took my first job, after a few months, coworkers started to call me "the nihilist". I loved that one.

My name is Mathias, so most of my friends call me Mat. They also call me Kubiak from time to time.
Psycho, because I tend to bottle up all the negative emotion until it blasts out in a short, but very surprisingly controlled, outburst. Got it when I put a guy that had been picking on me for over a month though a cinder block wall in the gym. I didn't get it trouble, but he sure did.
I don't go by that nickname anymore... but "Psycho" was my nickname in high school too. I used to get beat up all the time through school unitl one time in grade 10 I snapped and ran around the gym taking out all the bullies with a goalie hockey stick. My gym teacher laughed his ass off and told them that they had it coming. They never picked on me (physically anyways) after that... and the name stuck.
When I was little my parents called me Commander Toad cause I used to read the Commander toad books all the time.
Ah. Nicknames. I had a rather unfortunate one in highschool.

See, my real name (Roy) rhymes with the dutch word for prey (prooi). Now as if that wasn't enough, there was an idiot in my class who somehow, someway, had an aneurysm (not literally) and came up with the nickname ''Spermprey''. Yeah. By senior year I'd more or less adopted the attitude ''if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'' so I laugh about it now, but it's still stupid as hell.
Turtle - 6th grade through my freshman year of high school. I dressed up like a Ninja Turtle and sang/rapped a song from the TMNT Pizza Hut album (Cowabunga). I even randomly danced the running man. I really hated the nickname. Oddly enough, I now have a couple of turtles as pets and have been called Turtle from time to time by family members.

Aldaco Taco (all-dock-oh) - freshman year - given to me by my football coach because of my ability to catch. I fumbled after a helmet to helmet hit gave me a concussion and he told me I'd dropped the taco. His last name was Bobo...funny.

AOEdd/AOHate - Back when AOL was big, I spent a lot of time online in chat rooms. My friends put together this list of characters based on people in our high school. We had a semi-falling out and, being that I was already an angry individual, they gave my character the exclamation of "HATE!".

Scooter - When I was a baby, I had a nasty case of jaundice. While in the hospital, apparently, I'd scoot back and forth and the nurses described me as a little scooter. My dad still calls me this more than my real name

Bean - When we first started dating, I randomly called my wife Reesabean. She called me Galanzo Bean. Eventually, we just shortened it to Bean and it's stuck ever since. In fact, we call each other this more than we use our real names. It's such second nature now that it's weird to think of it as a nick name.


Ex-wife used to call me Nobus.

Niece calls me Unkl Momo (she is 4).

Some friends call me No-ba-lee-doo.

One friend calls me Eeyore.

At a previous job, a manager called me Nobiewan.

Have heard every possible pun about my name.
Piggy, Buddha, Lardass, the deeply ironic Slim, and Meat. If there are others, I don't remember or am not aware of them.

Oh, and of course, Elbows.
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