It is only matter of time where you can get a "full console game" on a portable device
someday. It will be awesome!
Where have you been? Handhelds are now to the level of being better than last-gen, and even some ccurrent-gen consoles.
"Full console" titles like PS1 games are avaliable on PSP, with the PSP itself having PS2-quality games (and with Ghost of Sparta, near PS3-quality), and several PSP titles beat the PS2 in terms of graphics and lenght (the two Syphon Filters, Kingdom Hearts and Resistance put PS2 games to shame, for example).
The iPad pushes better graphics and resolution than a "full console" from Nintendo (the Wii) and even has better version of games (Need for Speed, Brothers in Rams, Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia and Dead Space games play and look better on the iPad).
Seeing handheld screens are smaller and push more pixels per inch than tv displays, one can have an equal/or better experience with handhelds, and enjoy "full console games" anywhere, anytime, with wi-fi/online multiplayer even in a bathroom, bus or train.