Nokia N900

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So I'm thinking about getting an N900 from Nokia. A few relevant links:

And those are all great for getting some basic info, but it's actually this youtube video which I found pretty good, and then simply hilarious later:

It's at EXACTLY 7 minutes in that the funny part comes. Before that is a somewhat useful video review, but for people like us on this forum, go to exactly 7 minutes in. You won't be disappointed.

As for the phone itself, looks pretty decent. I like the idea of being able to write my own apps for it with MORE than just "stripped down java" (Android) or objective-C. And I don't mean to make money with, I mean to tinker with. Seems like the ultimate tinkerer's phone. But others may think differently.
Yeah, that's pretty much my dream phone right now.

Not that I'm not enjoying the hell out of my 5800, though.

I'm a Nokia fanboy.

Related... is that really how you pronounce "Nokia"?! No-kee-ah?? I've always pronounced it "Noh-kia"


As a computer hobbyist (I have some programming and hardware experience but don't plan to go seriously in that direction), I would still love to have this phone. Even though many of its tools are intended for use by IT professionals, I want it for its impressive hardware, freedom to do what you want with it, and ability to run and compile many Linux apps.

Probably by the time I can afford to get one, though, there'll be something even better for me. I see this phone as one of several pioneers.


Staff member
I probably couldn't use that thing to 10% of its potential, but it really does show how my iPhone is more bling than anything truly functional. It gets me wet. Like neuromancer juicy.


Staff member
They almost had me at vim. I'm a vim nut--I try to convert young students at every turn. "Can your Notepad++/Eclipse/BBEdit do this? No? Well this 30 year old editor can!" Of course, there are things like mimsy that will do the same thing for the iPhone.

The last thing he says though, is annoying. Lifehacker is constantly guilty of this too. The assumption that we all live in a wifi capable world. Bullcrap. The whole point of a smartphone to me is that we don't live in a wifi filled world. And if we did, I could do the same sorts of things with my laptop with only slightly more inconvenience.

Also: 542 dollars!


They almost had me at vim. I'm a vim nut--I try to convert young students at every turn. \"Can your Notepad++/Eclipse/BBEdit do this? No? Well this 30 year old editor can!\" Of course, there are things like mimsy that will do the same thing for the iPhone.

The last thing he says though, is annoying. Lifehacker is constantly guilty of this too. The assumption that we all live in a wifi capable world. Bullcrap. The whole point of a smartphone to me is that we don't live in a wifi filled world. And if we did, I could do the same sorts of things with my laptop with only slightly more inconvenience.

Also: 542 dollars!
Yea. In Dallas, I guess you could do your stuff in McD, Starbucks or something like that, but your free WiFi is pretty limited.
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