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North Carolina GOP District 13


Element 117

Randall for Congress


watch for the 1:30th mark onward


General Specific

General Specific


What to the fucking WAT?




Collusion? Conspiracy? Unlikely. Straight out bureaucratic ineptitude? More likely.


General Specific

General Specific

Yeah, bureaucratic idiocy is a given, but a conspiracy to leak the oil? That's making a leap of logic.

I have no proof of this, this is just speculation... but maybe a unicorn went scuba diving and fractured the Earth's crust with it's magical horn. I'm not saying it happened, just that someone should look into this!



impossible. unicorns can't scuba dive.




impossible. unicorns can't scuba dive.

Even better.




oh charlie you rascal.




Yup, he's an idiot. Probably get elected.


Element 117

Well, he won his primary.




I think the last 3 seconds of the video say it best, "I'm sorry, I'm confused"


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

North Carolina GOP District 9!




District right next to mine. All these interesting things going on in NC not a single one is in District 4. :humph:


Philosopher B.

I know for a fact that this man is wrong. The BP disaster happened on account of God realized killing the kittens wasn't enough; we fapped on. Boy howdy, did we fap on.

Please, fellas, I implore you: Get your freakishly large hands out of your pantaloons. You too, girls; if you have to stroke a pussy, get a cat.

This has been a public service announcement.




'The track record for deep water drilling is [...] exceptional'

Damn right it is! It caused the worst natural disaster in history!




'The track record for deep water drilling is [...] exceptional'

Damn right it is! It caused the worst natural disaster in history!
First, manmade. Second based on this MSNBC article and Wikipedia's own highend estimation of how much oil is spilling out (12592.65 Tons a year if I did my math right) this isn't anywhere close to even the top ten.

Try to put things in some perspective.




On your first point, I'm sorry, I meant ecological disaster, which I think more or less implies manmade.
On your second point, fair enough, although I would like to note that how bad the ecological problem is does not depend solely on the magnitude of the spill but on other factors such as the location and the water and air currents.

---------- Post added at 11:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 PM ----------

How did you calculate the spilling rate? Wikipedia says 35000 to 60000 barrels per day, which is more or less 5000 to 10000 tonnes per day, isn't it? (7 barrels per ton) This gives more than one million tonnes per year, by the lowend estimate (1,850,000).

EDIT: Easier math at the link: 1 barrel per day=50 tonnes per year which gives 1,750,000 tonnes per year.




whoops, used cubic metres instead of gallons. My apologies. Thank you for double checking my numbers.




No worries! :)




What? Why do I have neg rep for this post saying 'worry'?

EDIT: Is it because someone thought what I wrote was incorrect in English? It isn't!
EDIT2: I don't really care, I just wanted to know...
