not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

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This has happened twice before, and he always comes out of it. It just sucks seeing him like that. So, I don't think its a stroke. The vet says its ehrlicia, a tick disease. I don't know. He will also get to where he will drool excessively. I thought maybe he had a seizure at first, but you wouldn't think it would last this long if that was it.
My cable modem and my wireless router both died over the weekend. The modem was luckily under warranty so I was able to go exchange it for a new one but sadly the router was way out of warranty so I had to go buy a new one with money I was not planning on spending. And when I finally got all the stuff home Comcast was having issues detecting my modem for some reason so I had to wait a day till they could fix the problem on their end. So I was without an Internet Connection for the whole weekend. :(


Some genius decided to do a server migration in the middle of the business day which brought our system to its knees since it could not access the exchange server to pull up the proper phone prompts. Why not wait until after hours?

Oh well, at least I proved that my Google-Fu was strong and I was able to find the current documentation for our system (since what we had was two versions old) and the system was able to recover after two hours of talking to the network engineers and messing with our servers.


I once house sat for a couple who had a cat just like that. He couldn't turn left at all and if he wanted to he'd have to go all the away around to the right. It was a pain in the ass because he'd walk into a wall, then be unable to move away from it. He'd walk along until he hit a corner where he'd simply sit down and start to yowl really loud until I got up and turned him.

That cat had had a stroke. I hope that it's not the same as your dog but damn does it sound like it.
i thought of zoolander.


Staff member
Blaaaaargh. It's right after the holidays. I should be sick of rich food. I'm having one of those urges where I want to go out tomorrow and just pig out of fried stuff or anything covered in cheese. Maybe I can just split a burger and fries with my Dad. *groan* Or maybe I can make a mountain delicious cheese fries with jalapenos. I can see myself going for a veeeery long walk tomorrow if I don't shake these cravings. It's been fine lately... allowing myself the things I enjoy in moderation. But man do I want to throw moderation out the window tomorrow for some reason. It's probably just that I had a very boring evening. It helps to keep busy. Oh, look! Books!


i never got to post in the bastardization thread. my angst is teething.

yes I said teething not seething.


Staff member
Meeting a nutritional therapist tomorrow, to discuss a plan for losing weight and such.

And I still feel bloated from all the holiday food, blargh :facepalm:


Started school today . The law school has decided not to turn the heat on until the 17th. It is fucking freezing. I can't even think I am so cold.
The wife unintentionally woke me up early this morning and I couldn't fall back to sleep. Now have a head ache that wants to split my head open.


I'm losing it. I typed the following sentences to baer in chat... see if you can figure out wtf I was talking about

1. "because they say they are going to do thing things and that they things the thinks but they don't they just say they do. it's crapp!"
2." but not just that they also they think things that they dont think but they think they do and unless they are sure they shouldnt say it"



Staff member
A couple years ago one of our cats had what we think was a stroke. She's been slowly recovering movement and vision, but what's really been damaged worst is her appetite control. She is always hungry. She'll eat until she can't fit any more food in her stomach, so we have to watch her closely, which isn't easy while trying to feed the rest of the cats.

Today she found an empty bowl and knocked it off the counter trying to lick it clean. Thankfully my sister was there, because the stupid cat jumped down amidst the broken glass and shoved her nose in it looking for food. When we named her Mischief (Missy for short) we didn't expect her to live up to it so well. Missy is fine, no apparent cuts or ingested glass, but it was quite a scare. It's tough caring for a brain damaged cat.



I started getting really bad acne all over my face when I was 16. Throughout high school and the beginning of college, I wasted money on countless different medications/creams/washes/etc to try and remedy the situation. Nothing worked, but I kept trying new things in hopes I would find what was right to work. It lowered my self esteem, made me self-conscious, and I hated taking pictures.

So now, at 19, I've been looking for home remedies that I haven't tried before. One thing I saw in a lot of places was that dairy can often times cause acne in people. "Interesting", I thought. "I guess I can try going off of dairy for a bit and see how my skin looks. It won't work, but I'm willing to try anything at this point."

My skin is clearing up more than ever in just a matter of days. My favorite thing in the world is cheese.

I am very conflicted on whether I should be glad my skin is looking nice, or if I should be angry that I have to give up cheese.
I just received independent confirmation of a significant what-if from two years ago. It's always nice to know of another good thing I've managed to pass up.

As an additional bonus, the conversation made me miss last call by about two minutes. I'm a real winner.

/fucking tweet


Goddamn it. Another friend's birthday dinner is coming up and Shannon wasn't invited again. I said something this time. That's just not right. I mean it is a dinner you can't sit and be courteous to someone for a dinner. And the birthday person likes Shannon so it doesnt really matter what the person who doesn't think.

I don't understand how anyone wouldn't like Shannon anyway because she is a sweetheart. Grrr.
I hurt my back. Spent the weekend on the couch full of Robaxacet. How did I hurt my back?

I have an affectionate Siamese cat. She likes to jump into my arms if she's feeling needy for attention. Saturday morning I was heading out to get groceries and I could sense her wanting to jump up so I got myself ready and she jumped up into my arms for a quick cuddle.

After I got home, I basically put the groceries down, turned around, and she leapt up into my arms again. Totally out of the blue, totally by surprise and in the middle of me twisting back from putting groceries down. hurt so bad I couldn't breathe. Crawled to the couch, laid down and that was it for the rest of the week.

Lame way to hurt one's back :(
The weather here is cold right now... -25 degrees celsius (-13 Fahrenheit for you imperial folks)... cold enough to cause problems with cars apparently. Late last night as I was attempting to fill up my primary driving car the door latch froze open and to make matters worse, the door covering the gas cap wouldn't open either... lovely. So I rig up the seat belt to hold the door shut and drive home figuring I'll just drive my backup car (even though it's leaking oil like mad). Get home, try to start the backup car... battery is dead. Starting to get a little annoyed now, I plug in my trickle charger and figure it will be fine in the morning. Morning comes and sure enough, the battery is in great shape and is turning in engine over no problem. Too bad the engine won't start... I suspect the fuel line is frozen and I'm all out of fuel line antifreeze. Oh, and I also slipped in the garage and took a huge chunk out of my head (big piece of skin complete with hair follicles... yuck).

Damn it I hate taking the bus... especially when I have two cars!!!!!! @#$@#%^@#$^@#$^@&%&^&*^*#%^@!!!!!
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