Forumrunner has been bought out by Internet Brands - the same guys who own vBulletin and are suing XenForo. The writing is on the wall that it's merely a matter of time before Forumrunner drops all XenForo support.
I'd advise you to either switch to TapaTalk or wait until XF rolls out their own official mobile style - which they are close to releasing from the rumors.
I promise I won't just remove Forumrunner without notice, but it's probably gonna happen.
Booo! Tapatalk looks like crap compared to forum runner. I guess I'll live though. I'm probably the only one using it.
I just use Safari on my iPhone. Which is kind of annoying because I have to friggin' keep telling it I don't want Tapatalk.
I had the same issue Fade. Then I started using the Atom browser and it allows you to identify to the web page as any mainstream browser you want. I just have it recognize as Firefox and don't have to worry about it.
Dave usually just has to reset something when that happens. Just let him know when it pops up.
Yeah, it's a setting that I have to update every fucking time I upgrade the software. I can't wait until XF has their own mobile style so I don't have to bother.
There actually is a non-official mobile browser that has been released, but I haven't tried it out yet to see how good/bad it is.
I use a computer like some kind of neanderthal.
One in a great, great while I'll use convo (which is a tapatalk clone), but I can't really recommend it for heavy use.