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Nothing makes you feel like a big pussy



...more than spending a morning chopping down trees and chopping/hauling lumber across a field.

Goddamn, I ache all over.




Manual labor after being a lab rat sucks. Every time I do that, I keep thinking to myself, "I used to be strong?!? What Happened?!?"

I used to work in construction. I was tough with hands like sandpaper. Now, I'm soft, and weak.




A morning? My family has a wood burning stove, I had to do that all day, twice a weekend for a full month!

Go back to the lab, pussy!




A morning? My family has a wood burning stove, I had to do that all day, twice a weekend for a full month!

Go back to the lab, pussy!
... in the snow! With no shoes! Uphill both ways! And we were grateful!




I did that a lot of summers as a kid at the cottage. You'd think I'd grow up to be a stronger dude.

Oh well, at least I'm tall.




I once carried a fully geared Marine through a field of mud.

Now I start wheezing if there are more than 10 stairs.


Philosopher B.

I used to have to get up at 7 a.m. some days and go to some damn forest with my cheery-ass dad who honestly couldn't understand why my brother and I weren't having the time of our lives like he was and haul around motherfuckers that would have liked to break my back. The pleasure my dad gets from just being around trees is obscene.




I used to do marches of 20 clicks or more in the army. In full combat gear, including one light and one heavy bazooka strapped onto my back. Now my breath wheezes when I climb up the university hill. It's a steep motherfucker, but still...




I cut down trees just cause they're there. Fuckin trees gettin in my way.



I use to be able to run a mile under 7 minutes no problem. I can't DDR for more than 1 song (1.5 minutes) without wheezing......




I cut wood every couple of days, with one arm. It's a lot of fun, I like throwing the axe around too. :)




I used to do kung fu all day after school until bedtime.

now, when i spar 2 or 3 students in class, I get winded.

Granted, it's MMA style sparring, which is pretty physically taxing, but man it makes me feel old



I used to do kung fu all day after school until bedtime.

now, when i spar 2 or 3 students in class, I get winded.

Granted, it's MMA style sparring, which is pretty physically taxing, but man it makes me feel old
just thinking of it makes me tire :(




I played softball a month ago and ached for a good couple days.

You fucking pussy.


Joe Johnson

I used to rip cars in half with my bare hands! Now I fall into a coma when I pick lint out of my belly-button.




I used to rip cars in half with my bare hands! Now I fall into a coma when I pick lint out of my belly-button.
You must have a fricking HUGE belly-button!


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I used to rip cars in half with my bare hands! Now I fall into a coma when I pick lint out of my belly-button.
You must have a fricking HUGE belly-button![/QUOTE]

that's what she said




I used to run in Track for miles a day (2-3 in the morning, 2-3 after school).

Now I'm achey after an hour on the eliptical. :(


General Specific

General Specific

I didn't want to do this for a living...

I wanted to be...




I used to rip cars in half with my bare hands! Now I fall into a coma when I pick lint out of my belly-button.
You must have a fricking HUGE belly-button![/QUOTE]

Why do blonde chicks have huge bellybuttons? Because blonde guys are dumb too! :)



A morning? My family has a wood burning stove, I had to do that all day, twice a weekend for a full month!

Go back to the lab, pussy!

Well you're Canadian. Isn't Lumberjack pretty much the default profession for you guys?



A morning? My family has a wood burning stove, I had to do that all day, twice a weekend for a full month!

Go back to the lab, pussy!

Well you're Canadian. Isn't Lumberjack pretty much the default profession for you guys?[/QUOTE]

I thought Hockey was default secondary skills. Lumberjack is an optional side skill with a minor quest ;)




A morning? My family has a wood burning stove, I had to do that all day, twice a weekend for a full month!

Go back to the lab, pussy!

Well you're Canadian. Isn't Lumberjack pretty much the default profession for you guys?[/QUOTE]

The worst part is I grew up in a lumber town so....I have to agree with you :D




I grew up in the Canadian Silicon Valley, but that didn't stop me from learning skills that every Canadian should have (skating, road hockey, swimming, lumberjackery and other camping stuff).

I'm still faster on skates than most people my age who played houseleague hockey as kids. Figure skating training, can I get a what what.



One of my staff was lifting a box. I just happened to be standing near by. I saw him wince and drop the box.
Me- "What happened?"
Him- Stays quiet for a moment.
Me- "You alright? What happened?"
Him- "Nothing." He hesitates...."I bent back my nail."
Me- "You Pussy."





can I get a what what.
I'm sorry sir, but our ad clearly states only one what per customer, and no rainchecks.



A morning? My family has a wood burning stove, I had to do that all day, twice a weekend for a full month!

Go back to the lab, pussy!

Well you're Canadian. Isn't Lumberjack pretty much the default profession for you guys?[/quote]

I thought Hockey was default secondary skills. Lumberjack is an optional side skill with a minor quest ;)[/QUOTE]

Hockey is the default high school sport, like football is in the U.S.




I used to go out every night in a mask and cape and fight crime with my own brand of vigilante justice! Now I start wheezing if I have to turn a page.




I used to go out every night in a mask and cape and fight crime with my own brand of vigilante justice! Now I start wheezing if I have to turn a page.
You went crazy but I still call you Superman.



I used to rip cars in half with my bare hands! Now I fall into a coma when I pick lint out of my belly-button.

This made me lol.




Manual labor after being a lab rat sucks. Every time I do that, I keep thinking to myself, "I used to be strong?!? What Happened?!?"

I used to work in construction. I was tough with hands like sandpaper. Now, I'm soft, and weak.
I'm a lab rat and I do manual labor all day. Here's to pipefitting, and working with an autoclave reactor, or working in a glovebox for an hour with 5 psig pushing against you.

Then, I go home, and run 3 miles.

To finish I have a steak, crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentation of their women

You fucking pussies.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

In regards to the thread title, I agree. Nothing makes me feel like a "big pussy", because I don't deride self-worth from macho bullshit :)




Only screaming I hear is from your mom.

You fucking pussy.



Big Pussy sleeps with the fishes.




In regards to the thread title, I agree. Nothing makes me feel like a "big pussy", because I don't deride self-worth from macho bullshit :)
I wondered if this thread title would bother you. I expected to see a response much sooner.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

In regards to the thread title, I agree. Nothing makes me feel like a "big pussy", because I don't deride self-worth from macho bullshit :)
I wondered if this thread title would bother you. I expected to see a response much sooner.[/QUOTE]

I'm slower in my old age




Well, Charlie, do you approve of feeling like a big dick?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Well, Charlie, do you approve of feeling like a big dick?
Calling aggressive, asshole-ish behavior "dickish" or makes you a "prick" is just as sexist as calling weak and callow behavior "pussy".




How about we call you "kidney", then? Kidney's an aggressive organ, right? Right?



How about we call you "kidney", then? Kidney's an aggressive organ, right? Right?
Pancreas, dude.

Goddamned pancreas. :mad:




How about we call you "kidney", then? Kidney's an aggressive organ, right? Right?
Pancreas, dude.

Goddamned pancreas. :mad:[/QUOTE]

OY! Watch your mouth there, boy!

Some of my best friends are pancreases, and they don't like that kind of attitude!




maybe the 'taint'?

Just the right balance between dick and asshole. :D



In regards to the thread title, I agree. Nothing makes me feel like a "big pussy", because I don't deride self-worth from macho bullshit :)
I wondered if this thread title would bother you. I expected to see a response much sooner.[/quote]

I'm slower in my old age[/QUOTE]

I knew you'd have issues with the thread title. I'm really glad I stuck to my guns now. :horn:

---------- Post added at 08:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 AM ----------

Manual labor after being a lab rat sucks. Every time I do that, I keep thinking to myself, "I used to be strong?!? What Happened?!?"

I used to work in construction. I was tough with hands like sandpaper. Now, I'm soft, and weak.
I'm a lab rat and I do manual labor all day. Here's to pipefitting, and working with an autoclave reactor, or working in a glovebox for an hour with 5 psig pushing against you.

Then, I go home, and run 3 miles.

To finish I have a steak, crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentation of their women

You fucking pussies.[/QUOTE]

I lift and play ice hockey, but chopping wood is one exhausting workout.



In regards to the thread title, I agree. Nothing makes me feel like a "big pussy", because I don't deride self-worth from macho bullshit :)
I wondered if this thread title would bother you. I expected to see a response much sooner.[/QUOTE]

I'm slower in my old age[/QUOTE]

heh, for me, it is not much of a macho thing, it is kinda sad that some things that I usually do normally I can't hardly do it now cause I'm so soft. I guess the job can change you when you are lazy (like me)





Joe Johnson

I definitely feel different with the season changes. In winter, I hibernate - watch bad movies/TV/become very sedentary. When spring/summer comes and I start doing projects outside, and start taking walks again, it always takes a few weeks before I don't feel like a 90 year old man.

Not that I've ever been a he-man in the first place.



I know that pussy is slang for vagina but the insult that someone is a pussy, I really always thought that was referencing how cats are supposedly skittish and cowardly. I think that makes more sense anyway.




Whether it has anything to do with that or not, I just can't seem to to get worked up over any of those terms. I don't go out of my way to use them, but I don't avoid them on purpose either.

Anyway, hope you get a little more used to it soon, Chaz. :)

...or find a job later that doesn't make you sore, if that's what you'd prefer.



Whether it has anything to do with that or not, I just can't seem to to get worked up over any of those terms. I don't go out of my way to use them, but I don't avoid them on purpose either.

Anyway, hope you get a little more used to it soon, Chaz. :)

...or find a job later that doesn't make you sore, if that's what you'd prefer.

Oh it wasn't a job or anything. It was just helping my father-in-law chop down a few trees in his yard.




O ok. That was nice of you. :)




Whether it has anything to do with that or not, I just can't seem to to get worked up over any of those terms. I don't go out of my way to use them, but I don't avoid them on purpose either.

Anyway, hope you get a little more used to it soon, Chaz. :)

...or find a job later that doesn't make you sore, if that's what you'd prefer.

Oh it wasn't a job or anything. It was just helping my father-in-law chop down a few trees in his yard.[/QUOTE]

You need a father-in-law like mine. Took us 4 hours to lift an air-conditioning unit into a window. "Government work" as he called it.



Whether it has anything to do with that or not, I just can't seem to to get worked up over any of those terms. I don't go out of my way to use them, but I don't avoid them on purpose either.

Anyway, hope you get a little more used to it soon, Chaz. :)

...or find a job later that doesn't make you sore, if that's what you'd prefer.

Oh it wasn't a job or anything. It was just helping my father-in-law chop down a few trees in his yard.[/quote]

You need a father-in-law like mine. Took us 4 hours to lift an air-conditioning unit into a window. "Government work" as he called it.[/quote]

Well I wanted to just chain saw the fuckers at the base and yell timber. NOOOOOOOOooooOOOOO. We had to trim off the limbs first and fell the bare trunks.

I love sawing a 50 ft tree on a 30 foot rickety ladder, let me tell you! It was when he wanted to devise a pulley system to guide the trees down where I said, fuck man, let's just wrap the goddamn rope around the top and base and pull it where we want it to go. Worked just fine.

My father-in-law will spend an entire morning just gearing up his fishing boat and finally leave mid day at some point, just to give you an idea of what I was working with.

---------- Post added at 10:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 AM ----------

I know that pussy is slang for vagina but the insult that someone is a pussy, I really always thought that was referencing how cats are supposedly skittish and cowardly. I think that makes more sense anyway.

I suppose, despite the origins, it is supposed to be a bash on one's masculinity. I don't see a problem with it as an insult to a man, then again I'm one of those wacky types that believes it's silly to think that men and women are absolutely equal and will ever be equal in terms of physical attributes. Hence, why men and women compete against their own genders in sports. Now before people get all crazy and calling me a sexist. Please don't blame me for the way things are. Blame evolution. Da womens are evolutionary molded to make-a da babies and choose-a da mates, and da mens are to compete and fight-a each other for the woman's attention.




My father-in-law will spend an entire morning just gearing up his fishing boat and finally leave mid day at some point, just to give you an idea of what I was working with.

Here's my f-in-law's process for putting the air conditioning unit in the window.

1. Measure the air conditioner.
2. Measure the window.
3. Take a 1 hour coffee break.
4. Move the air conditioner right under the window from its original position on the other side of the room from the window.
5. Take a Google break.
6. Together, lift the air conditioner halfway up the wall before realizing it's really heavy. Set it back down.
7. Take a 15 minute break.
8. Spend 2 hours searching for various tools/implements/jacks to make lifting the air conditioning unit easier.
9. Lift the unit into the window.
10. Take another 1 hour coffee break.
11. Remember to plug in the unit.



I know that pussy is slang for vagina but the insult that someone is a pussy, I really always thought that was referencing how cats are supposedly skittish and cowardly. I think that makes more sense anyway.

I suppose, despite the origins, it is supposed to be a bash on one's masculinity. I don't see a problem with it as an insult to a man, then again I'm one of those wacky types that believes it's silly to think that men and women are absolutely equal and will ever be equal in terms of physical attributes. Hence, why men and women compete against their own genders in sports. Now before people get all crazy and calling me a sexist. Please don't blame me for the way things are. Blame evolution. Da womens are evolutionary molded to make-a da babies and choose-a da mates, and da mens are to compete and fight-a each other for the woman's attention.

I don't think it has anything to with equality or gender. If being a pussy means being weak and a coward, women don't want to be called that either.

And as far as fighting goes, maybe it is a local thing but I have seen much worse much bloodier fights between women than I have men.



My father-in-law will spend an entire morning just gearing up his fishing boat and finally leave mid day at some point, just to give you an idea of what I was working with.

Here's my f-in-law's process for putting the air conditioning unit in the window.

1. Measure the air conditioner.
2. Measure the window.
3. Take a 1 hour coffee break.
4. Move the air conditioner right under the window from its original position on the other side of the room from the window.
5. Take a Google break.
6. Together, lift the air conditioner halfway up the wall before realizing it's really heavy. Set it back down.
7. Take a 15 minute break.
8. Spend 2 hours searching for various tools/implements/jacks to make lifting the air conditioning unit easier.
9. Lift the unit into the window.
10. Take another 1 hour coffee break.
11. Remember to plug in the unit.[/QUOTE]

Ah. See mine would be slightly different.

1. Measure the air conditioner.
2. Measure the window.
2.a repeat 1 and 2 about 5 times
3. Take out a million tools that you won't need, but just in case.
4. Move the air conditioner right under the window from its original position on the other side of the room from the window.
5. Think about the best way to lift the air conditioner to the window (possibly considering some weird method the ancient Egyptians used to raise the pyramids).
6. Together, lift the air conditioner halfway up the wall before realizing it's really heavy. Set it back down.
7. Devise a pulley hook system to lift up the air conditioner.
8. Spend 2 hours searching for various tools/implements/jacks to make lifting the air conditioning unit easier.
9. Lift the unit into the window.
10. Spend an hour sealing the area around the unit, testing to make sure there are no air leaks. Spend another hour carefully packing up all the tools we didn't use.
11. Remember to plug in the unit

---------- Post added at 11:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 AM ----------

I know that pussy is slang for vagina but the insult that someone is a pussy, I really always thought that was referencing how cats are supposedly skittish and cowardly. I think that makes more sense anyway.

I suppose, despite the origins, it is supposed to be a bash on one's masculinity. I don't see a problem with it as an insult to a man, then again I'm one of those wacky types that believes it's silly to think that men and women are absolutely equal and will ever be equal in terms of physical attributes. Hence, why men and women compete against their own genders in sports. Now before people get all crazy and calling me a sexist. Please don't blame me for the way things are. Blame evolution. Da womens are evolutionary molded to make-a da babies and choose-a da mates, and da mens are to compete and fight-a each other for the woman's attention.

I don't think it has anything to with equality or gender. If being a pussy means being weak and a coward, women don't want to be called that either.

And as far as fighting goes, maybe it is a local thing but I have seen much worse much bloodier fights between women than I have men.[/QUOTE]

Well I think the meaning of the word does extend to that if used towards a male. I think you're right though. I've seen it used in that context towards women too with the same end result. To a male there's that added bonus of insulting one's masculinity as well.

Women can compete against each other too.




We can and do. I'M NOT HERE TO MAKE FRIENDS. :mad:




We can and do. I'M NOT HERE TO MAKE FRIENDS. :mad:
Picturing this coming from you in those Ukulele vids makes me laugh.



My father-in-law will spend an entire morning just gearing up his fishing boat and finally leave mid day at some point, just to give you an idea of what I was working with.

Here's my f-in-law's process for putting the air conditioning unit in the window.

1. Measure the air conditioner.
2. Measure the window.
3. Take a 1 hour coffee break.
4. Move the air conditioner right under the window from its original position on the other side of the room from the window.
5. Take a Google break.
6. Together, lift the air conditioner halfway up the wall before realizing it's really heavy. Set it back down.
7. Take a 15 minute break.
8. Spend 2 hours searching for various tools/implements/jacks to make lifting the air conditioning unit easier.
9. Lift the unit into the window.
10. Take another 1 hour coffee break.
11. Remember to plug in the unit.[/QUOTE]

Hehehe..I just slam air conditioners into windows and plug them in. Its worked for me so far. :D


General Specific

General Specific

My father-in-law will spend an entire morning just gearing up his fishing boat and finally leave mid day at some point, just to give you an idea of what I was working with.

Here's my f-in-law's process for putting the air conditioning unit in the window.

1. Measure the air conditioner.
2. Measure the window.
3. Take a 1 hour coffee break.
4. Move the air conditioner right under the window from its original position on the other side of the room from the window.
5. Take a Google break.
6. Together, lift the air conditioner halfway up the wall before realizing it's really heavy. Set it back down.
7. Take a 15 minute break.
8. Spend 2 hours searching for various tools/implements/jacks to make lifting the air conditioning unit easier.
9. Lift the unit into the window.
10. Take another 1 hour coffee break.
11. Remember to plug in the unit.[/QUOTE]

Hehehe..I just slam air conditioners into windows and plug them in. Its worked for me so far. :D[/QUOTE]

My process:

1) Get air conditioner over to window.
2) Muscle it up by myself.
3) Pull a muscle or hurt my back in the process.
4) Close window.
5) Act shocked and surprised when owner of car/dog/small child AC unit fell on comes out of their apartment.




I was chopping wood with my one arm, and I kept missing and injuring myself in the process. So, I think there was an hour or I went berserk and started to chop wildly. My next door neighbors said it was like seeing a monkey getting ahold of an axe. :D




I was chopping wood with my one arm, and I kept missing and injuring myself in the process. So, I think there was an hour or I went berserk and started to chop wildly. My next door neighbors said it was like seeing a monkey getting ahold of an axe. :D
Are you missing an arm or do you enjoy swinging an axe one-handed?



I know that pussy is slang for vagina but the insult that someone is a pussy, I really always thought that was referencing how cats are supposedly skittish and cowardly. I think that makes more sense anyway.
Funnily enough, that is exactly how my grandparents use it. Needless to say, my first exposure to the Internet's seedier side was... unsettling.




I was chopping wood with my one arm, and I kept missing and injuring myself in the process. So, I think there was an hour or I went berserk and started to chop wildly. My next door neighbors said it was like seeing a monkey getting a hold of an axe. :D
Are you missing an arm or do you enjoy swinging an axe one-handed?[/QUOTE]

I've been trying to become more ambidextrous. So, I'll use one arm to swing and chop and switch when that one gets tired. Cutting wood for me is almost therapeutic, except of course, for this instance today.



My father-in-law will spend an entire morning just gearing up his fishing boat and finally leave mid day at some point, just to give you an idea of what I was working with.

Here's my f-in-law's process for putting the air conditioning unit in the window.

1. Measure the air conditioner.
2. Measure the window.
3. Take a 1 hour coffee break.
4. Move the air conditioner right under the window from its original position on the other side of the room from the window.
5. Take a Google break.
6. Together, lift the air conditioner halfway up the wall before realizing it's really heavy. Set it back down.
7. Take a 15 minute break.
8. Spend 2 hours searching for various tools/implements/jacks to make lifting the air conditioning unit easier.
9. Lift the unit into the window.
10. Take another 1 hour coffee break.
11. Remember to plug in the unit.[/quote]

Hehehe..I just slam air conditioners into windows and plug them in. Its worked for me so far. :D[/quote]

My process:

1) Get air conditioner over to window.
2) Muscle it up by myself.
3) Pull a muscle or hurt my back in the process.
4) Close window.
5) Act shocked and surprised when owner of car/dog/small child AC unit fell on comes out of their apartment.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty much how I get shit done. Two years ago I demolished my old deck and built a new one. I pretty much was flying by the seat of my pants the whole time. I had an image of what I wanted in my head, but it drove my father-in-law nuts. For example, I had to dig holes for the support posts. I wasn't sure whether the township's minimum depth was 2 feet or 3 feet etc... So I just went ahead measured up my site, dug 3 foot by 1 foot holes, stuck my 6x6 posts in, leveled them, and filled the entire hole with cement (it was a lot of friggin cement!) in one weekend. Turned out I was right though.

My father-in-law would have double checked ten times with the inspector. Spent an entire week measuring out the site. Dug out perfect holes using a spade and post digger (I used an auger and drilled those shits in like 2 hours). Calculated exactly how much concrete to use.. etc...

My philosophy on manual labor is I like to get it done fast and well.



I just finished our department's BEAST (Brevard Escape And Survival Training) course 3 weeks ago. We learned to do several window bail-outs and did blind maze scenarios.

This my big ass coming out of the 2nd story window doing a bail-out that involved using a loose object (in this case an airpack) as an anchor and you hold it in place until your weight holds it in place as you exit the window.

Things I learned from this class:
A) I can do more than I thought
B) There are some bails that I like and others that I will only do if my like is reeeeally in danger
C) I am way too fucking old to be doing this shit!

My injuries at the end of class-
Sprained left ankle from landing a ladder bail incorrectly
Strained left hamstring (From the picture above)
Dislocated my left hip (same picture) which thankfully immediately reduced itself when I exited the window- still hurts to sit though
Various and sundry bruises- some quite spectacular- especially my triceps after squeezing though a 16x20 inch hole in full gear
tendonitis in my left elbow
torn left bicep.

and ooooohhh my back hurt for a good week.

First week afterward, I felt like an 80 year old arthritic man... week after that I felt much better- like a 60 year old arthritic man ;)



---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 PM ----------

I go up to by families slice of mountain in Oregon and cut down trees, rip out the stumps, and drag them across the lot to a massive burn pile. The burn afterwords is just the poison oak setting in.




You were lucky...




I used to run or bike and do other exercise back in high school.

Oh wait. I still do.
