O Captain, my Captain.

Who would you chose

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I you found yourself in the future/past and you were looking for a job on board a space ship which captain would you want to work under?

just wondering

-- Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:55 pm --

mine is Malcolm Reynolds by the way
What was the name of the fatty captain of the spaceship in wall-e? I'd chose this one, but only for the spaceship. On all the other ships, I guess there is work involved... :tongue:
Being my own self? Picard. Even if he seems strict, he also seems to be fair and care for his people. And his enterprise is pretty cool!

But what job aboard a spaceship would be good for my skills? I guess I could make some Holodeck programs, if no programming is involved...

I could give a crap about the captain less than I care about living conditions. I am assuming that I'd probably be a generic enlisted person, rather than one of the few top brass (if the ship is large enough to support the idea). So, in order from least desirable to most desirable:

Mal is an aggravating boss, and the ship small, so you're in close proximity to him at all times. Being on his ship would pretty much be like being on a small navy vessel out at sea with no clue where your next meal is coming from. Next.

Han Solo isn't much better. Both are "my way or the highway" kind of guys, and always getting you into the thick of trouble, with a ship that barely space-worthy. But at least Han seemed to be a little warmer and more fun-loving than Mal, in general.

Adama would be alright, if there wasn't that whole "we're constantly on the brink of death thing." The ship is big, like a small town or aircraft carrier. Most folks know most folks, but you can probably avoid the most annoying brass. You could get on with your job and if you were reasonably competent, have a happy existence.

Kirk would be my 2nd from the top choice. The Enterprise was fairly luxurious as far as ships go, and there were always fun things to do for the average crew member.

But nothing beats the Enterprise of Picard's era. Holodecks alone would cinch this choice for me.
As long as we're going for luxury, I'd like to change my vote to Memnon Vanderbeam, of the crisis-era Fuseli. :uhhuh:


Staff member
Why would I be on a spaceship in the past?

Writing in Captain Peppy V. Hare BECAUSE I FUCKING CAN

Steven Soderburgin

Because seriously, Sisko is the best Star Trek captain.

Han Solo

Picard is great if you want a cruise through space.
Kirk would be fine as long as your shirt is yellow or blue.
Adama would likely have you killed or wind up a cylon.
Mal, well, let's face it, Mal = Han, Serenity = Millenium Falcon, and the only real difference is the rest of the crew. With River running around being scary and beating the crap out of bar-fulls of people, it is a bit high on the bodily injury-o-meter.

Han would be cool because he's a smuggler, he doesn't want to get into a firefight with anyone, just slip past. There'd be run-ins, but with the Falcon's speed, we'd probably be able to make it away ok. Plus, I'm sure Han knows all the good bars around the galaxy. With Chewy along, we likely would not have much to worry about from thugs and such. :D


I voted for Adama, because the poll doesn't actually say anything about the ship or the crew. So, all other things equal, Adam would be my choice. Solo and Reynolds – they'd be nice guys to have a drink with, but at the end of the day they're undisciplined renegades. I couldn't follow a person like that. Kirk and Picard I could respect at an intellectual level ("THERE'S a man worth following!"), but not at the gut level I could respect Adama. I'd want the captain who could provoke in me pure, unthinking obedience, loyalty, and devotion, and that'd be Adama.
Sisko, from DS9. He's got the leadership of Picard with the fun loving attitude of Kirk... and he's also the Messiah of an Alien Culture. [spoiler:34cpc2l1]Too bad he goes crazy towards the end of DS9 and gets killed/becomes a Prophet.[/spoiler:34cpc2l1]
Picard is already married to starfleet and archeology is his mistress.

My fear with serving on a star trek ship would be being a random casualty. I'd probably have the best quality of life and everything, but I would not want to be a security guard.

Running with Han Solo before A new hope would be alright, but it would be a life of crime and I'm not sure how I feel about that. After ANH it would basically be like being any other rebel.

Mal has too many restrictions for any kind of safe or normal life. He refuses to work with alliance, which means hardly ever doing honest work. Doing his outlaw thing means someone usually gets shot every episode, and god help you if you're in a movie with the guy.

Adama would be cool, and I'm sure if I found myself in that situation I'd follow him to hell and back, but honestly I'd probably die long before that point. Plus I wouldn't want to live like that, both before and after the series finale.

I guess of those options I'd say Picard. I would want to be some kind of science officer perhaps.
Archer :tumbleweed: Seriously, though, I voted Adama. The Lorne Greene version. And I would call him Pa. Oops I have just been informed (quite rudely) that I am ''necroposting.'' I guess now I know what Thread Necromancer means. Sorry.


Picard. On the Enterprise E.

How come you don't have Thrawn or Palleon from the Star Wars universe in there as well?
Thrawn was a... Moff? Grand Moff? Some shit. If you can choose Thrawn, I choose Lord Nelson. That's right, I went non-fiction on your ass.
Gah hard to decide between Galactica with Adama and Serenity with Reynolds...

Galactica there are tons of people and it would be an awesome experience but with the Serenity I get to hit on Kaylee.

Can I be on the Serenity but be with the fleet with the Galactica?
HoboNinja said:
Gah hard to decide between Galactica with Adama and Serenity with Reynolds...

Galactica there are tons of people and it would be an awesome experience but with the Serenity I get to hit on Kaylee.

Can I be on the Serenity but be with the fleet with the Galactica?
Since Serenity showed up in BSG (thanx to the CGI team that did both shows), why not?


Y'all are lame-sauce for not choosing Solo. Han is the most bad ass out of all of them, and obviously it has to be him.

Philosopher B.

I'd wanna meet the Serenity crew but I'd wanna fly with Picard, mang.


Picard - He actually acted like he cared about his crew plus his ship is without a doubt the most comfortable of all those on the list.
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