big problems are likely to occur as more people are drawn into the Obamacare universe.
First, cost is likely to be a huge issue. As documented by Chris Conover here on, Obamacare will actually lead to many families paying more for their healthcare than they were before the law went into effect. This cost increase is not some trivial amount, but is estimated to run an average family of four between $650 and $1,000 per year over the next decade.
The second problem that will become obvious as the program is fully implemented is the unfairness of the subsidies provided by Obamacare. If an employer offers its workers health insurance, but an employee turns it down because the cost is too high, that worker is not eligible for a government subsidy in the health care exchanges. Thus, two families with the same income could pay very different rates for their health insurance because one was offered insurance at their job and the other was not....
The third big problem with Obamacare that is beginning to come to people’s attention is the quality of the plans that will be offered on the exchanges. According to Robert Pear in the New York Times, people who purchase health insurance on the exchanges in many states may be offered only plans that allow access to fewer doctors and hospitals than many privately-purchased plans and employer-sponsored plans include.
Hang on tight, it's going to be a rough ride.If Democrats aren’t worried about President Obama’s “Problems? What problems?” response to the multiple glitches and snafus of his ObamaCare rollout, they should be. The public is deeply suspicious of the law and it wouldn’t take much to create an electoral backlash...While it is possible that some of the kinks could be worked out shortly after rollout, it is just as possible that some, perhaps even most, of them will plague us for a year or more. And the public will know who to blame if those problems persist.
Impeded access to doctors = rationing health care.
The U.S. already has a shortage of doctors. Recent studies indicate that within seven years that shortage could rise to 45,000 primary care physicians. Fewer doctors means it will be harder to see one in a timely manner. The Affordable Care Act will make that problem much worse by greatly increasing the demand for doctors.
You can just imagine all those middle-class Americans complaining about how they used to be able to get in to see their doctor—until ObamaCare kicked in.
Timely access to a doctor is a key component of what people see as a quality health care system. Americans will likely see it as the government rationing care, even if it is just a result of supply and demand.
Higher costs means fewer votes.
Two-thirds of workers with single coverage and 57 percent of workers with family coverage will see their costs go up in the exchange. In addition, recent stories claim that some of the premiums are lower than expected because the copays and deductibles are so high.
Those forced to pay higher out-of-pocket costs, as well as higher premiums, will perceive that ObamaCare is hurting them financially and voters may well decide to return that pain on those who forced them to pay more.
Complexity = failure. ObamaCare is complex. There are numerous rules about who qualifies for what subsidies and additional help. The technology was supposed to handle much of the complexity, but we hear that many of the exchanges aren’t yet ready for prime time. That complexity could frustrate a lot of people who may see it as a failure because they can’t figure it out.
The drawbacks to clawbacks. If you qualify for a subsidy based on your estimated 2014 income and then make more than you estimated, you will be required to pay back part of that subsidy at the end of the year. And those who received too much subsidy may discover that problem during “open season” in 2014 when they begin considering their coverage for 2015. That open season will start about three weeks before the November elections. Those having to write the government a clawback check, which could easily be more than a thousand dollars, may want to engage in a little November clawback themselves.
Personal info becomes public info. A lot of people, government officials as well as non-government employees, will have access to your health information, income and other valuable data. They could snoop or they could share it with others, even if by mistake—just look at recent incidents by the IRS and National Security Agency.
We are likely to see a lot of security breaches—indeed, we already are. Some will be intentional, some won’t. But there will be a lot of them.
It could undermine Democrats’ faith in efficient big government. Everything Obama does is based on his faith in big government’s ability to do things right...
While Obama has made it clear he would prefer a single-payer health care system...ObamaCare is close enough. But if it crashes, it will undermine his and Democrats’ claims.
It's actually going to be much better for several poor people.Hang on tight, it's going to be a rough ride.
And worse for just about everybody else including poor people, abarring your "several."It's actually going to be much better for several poor people.
Sequestration is a joke. A drop in the bucket. However, everyone involved is making sure that the pain is felt as acutely as possible by cutting the meat instead of the fat, so that we'll damn sure never dare mess with their funding ever again. Who do we think we are, anyway?In actuality, a lot of the issues being attributed to Obamacare are the result of the sequestration. Lowering the budgets of a bunch of different governmental entities had the unintended (or was it?) effect of lessening payouts for Medicare and Medicaid. This has caused several hospitals and clinics to cut back. Like the one my wife was working at. That wasn't Obamacare but the sequestration cuts. Which happens to sit squarely on the shoulders of the...wait for it...Republicans. Again.
FTFYObamacare isn't constitutional no matter what the Supreme Court says![]()
So what you're saying is the government can't manage money? I'm shocked! Clearly the only solution is to put them in charge of more things and throw money at problems until they're solved.In actuality, a lot of the issues being attributed to Obamacare are the result of the sequestration. Lowering the budgets of a bunch of different governmental entities had the unintended (or was it?) effect of lessening payouts for Medicare and Medicaid. This has caused several hospitals and clinics to cut back. Like the one my wife was working at. That wasn't Obamacare but the sequestration cuts. Which happens to sit squarely on the shoulders of the...wait for it...Republicans. Again.
Why not? It worked so well with the drug epidemic and airline security, right?Clearly the only solution is to put them in charge of more things and throw money at problems until they're solved.
It's not for you, it's for the poor. Of which you eventually become because of all the cost increases meant to provide for and benefit said poor. What's sad is the insistence that there's no problem here.Why not? It worked so well with the drug epidemic and airline security, right?
I do not know enough about the ins and outs of Obama'sNameIsOnItSoItMustBeAllHisFaultCare to be able to criticize it adequately, but I will say that I'm getting pretty sick and tired of the fact that, every time I streamline our family budget, decide to amputate some bourgeoise "luxury" (like cable television, or even cell phones, fer gods' sake), or find some way to live a hair more efficiently, all because the numbers say we have to eliminate $25/month to survive, any benefit I carve out gets immediately swallowed up by some dumb cost increase which is supposed to make my life "better." isn't.
Virginia's ACA site is also stuck on the security questions page, both today and yesterday. I got choices, but it kept telling me that I couldn't use the same answers for more than one question, even though I wasn't.Tried to sign up. Site is stuck at the security questions page. There are none. And it won't let you just enter any old answer.
This. Back when I was working for OPM, they were running millions of document requests per year through a single crappy server, and were wondering why it was slow during peak time. After scrambling for months for a code fix, another contractor and I finally convinced one of the feds that it was a load balancing issue. Upgrade to multiple servers with load balancing, and voila, problem solved.Or they're running on government servers with poor load balancing and lack of scaling.
Throwing hardware at a congestion problem is a very expensive solution (so perfect for government!). Sharing datacenters across organizations with everything running on virtual machines would allow for a much more efficient use of resources (especially at a time when many government sites are now only serving up an index page, which is idiocy in itself, but that's for the shutdown thread) as the vms will be able to scale up and down as resources are needed and available. It's possible this is already done, but if there's one thing I've learned from nearly every interaction with a government policy or agency (a lot of large organizations really), it's take the logical solution and assume they're doing something else.Guess they should have been given enough to make it work, eh?
I wish I could say I'm surprised, but I'm really not. It's probably not just WAS either, it's most likely Portal. Where's the link, I want to see more.It's running on Java. On IBM's websphere application server.
There's simply no way it would work on rollout. It is not possible to write a java application for websphere and have it work out of the gate.
Well, unless it's a static website with no logic or database - then it might - might, mind you - work on day one. With a light load.
But, as is usual for these sorts of snafus, it'll be good enough for 90% of those that need it within 90 days, and that's good enough for the purposes of the healthcare act.
Basically, you're saying extend MediCare (Medicaid is for the elderly) to all citizens. That's very much not cheaper, and it's an expansion of federal entitlements that is anathema to many.Just thinking out loud here, from an outsider's (Canadian) perspective, why is the "Obamacare" solution what was given, instead of "insurance of last resort" for people? If the stated goal is "health care for everybody" then why wouldn't the "simplest" solution work, i.e. if you can't get coverage with somebody else for a reasonable price, the government insurance (medicaid?) will cover you for a maximum price of $2k/year (or whatever, I pulled that number from nowhere), and we'll subsidize you on a sliding scale for low-income. Private health insurance can offer beyond that level of care (they'll pay for your botox, or whatever), and if they can offer insurance cheaper, then go ahead. But the "minimum standard of coverage" will always be the "safety net" below all others.
Why wouldn't that work, and wouldn't that be far simpler (and potentially cheaper) than what you're doing now?
Depending on how you set it up there's no reason you can't have both. Dozens of VMs running on monolithic machines provides the advantage that a lot of business already have monolithic machines that can be re-purposed for heavy visualization, but it's a much more even debate when you're starting up a datacenter. It's a really interesting time to be in the server world.When you go with in-house solutions, there's a big division between those who want lots of little tiny servers v. those who want dozens of VMs running on huge, monolithic machines. There are advantages to both, but I think pitching it to government would be a matter of portraying it like "It's like hiring a bunch of little people to do your jobs for you" v. "It's like creating a whole new department to handle it."
I just browsed the various error message screenshots people are tossing up online. I don't have a link handy, sorry.I wish I could say I'm surprised, but I'm really not. It's probably not just WAS either, it's most likely Portal. Where's the link, I want to see more.
<-- Job is developing Cloud Images of WebSphere Portal.
Cost. They couldn't simply say, "Let's spend trillions of dollars with no way to pay for it, and force insurance companies to accept anyone, anytime."why is the "Obamacare" solution what was given, instead of "insurance of last resort" for people?
Is that for individual or does it also cover your spouse?If I remember correctly, my state opted out of the exchange program (FUCK YOU, WALKER), so the bronze program would cost me over $5000 a year. Considering that's a significant portion of my income, that just isn't going to happen.
Oh, don't worry. Over the next 20 years, demand should go waaaaaaay down. And this will happen regardless of whether you think of this as a horrible tragedy or as Justice finally being served. It simply will be, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. However, supply will also fall during this period, and for the exact same reasons (after all, doctors themselves will be aging out of their practices at the same rate). Has anyone planned for these occurrences? As a former investment advisor, these are the kinds of things I look for, long-term.we're slamming another 10-20 million people into a healthcare system that is already unable to meet demand, particularly in elder care.
Subsidies, oversight of the exchange, and (I shit you not) expansion of the IRS to oversee enforcement of the mandate and the fees therein. They had to swipe some of Medicare's budget to be able to get the talking point that it would come in under $1 trillion in the first decade. Now the estimates are upwards of $2.4 trillion.steinman, I'm not going to quote your post, but thanks for trying to explain it to me. I still think there's holes there, but I have some questions that relate to that first.
First of all, why is the existing plan going to cost the government anything at all, let alone trillions? Isn't it mainly regulating what the insurance companies can and cannot do, like them not rejecting pre-existing conditions? Where's the huge outlay of expense for this? That hasn't been clearly mentioned that I can find.
I assume you're meaning the monthly premiums (the part that comes out of your paycheck). That varies wildly depending on a number of factors. You often get a choice of plans that have different deductibles (how much you're expected to pay per year yourself before they start paying) copays (how much of each visit you're expected to pay yourself even then, up front, before anything else) and coinsurance split (after the deductible is met, what percentage of the bill do you pay vs insurance? 0/100? 20/80? 40/60?)Second, what is the average cost of insurance for an individual (or family) in the USA? Numbers for both "I go out and purchase it" as well as "a company buys 10,000 policies for all of its employees" would both be useful. This relates to how expensive it would really be to be the "insurance of last resort" since that cost was put up by Gas as Trillions. The math MAY go that way, but I'm not sure.
I'm not sure what you're asking. If you review the congressional budget office's report of the cost of the healthcare act:why is the existing plan going to cost the government anything at all, let alone trillions? Isn't it mainly regulating what the insurance companies can and cannot do, like them not rejecting pre-existing conditions? Where's the huge outlay of expense for this? That hasn't been clearly mentioned that I can find. is pretty decent.what is the average cost of insurance for an individual (or family) in the USA? Numbers for both "I go out and purchase it" as well as "a company buys 10,000 policies for all of its employees" would both be useful. This relates to how expensive it would really be to be the "insurance of last resort" since that cost was put up by Gas as Trillions. The math MAY go that way, but I'm not sure.
Nope, that's exactly what happened to me as well.So I sat on the website until it let me in, which it did.
I finally got to the signup page and found the ludicrous requirements for a username.
It has to contain at least one capital letter, one lowercase, and one number.
So I can't have stienman. Or Stienman. Or stienman1. I can, however, use Stienman1.
Wat? I've heard of ridiculous requirements for passwords, but this takes the cake, forcing it on usernames.
Who's the idiot that decided every username must include a number? Someone who was bitter that they got AwesomeSauce023 because they were beat by 22 other AwesomeSauce users on AOL and decided that if he had to have a number behind his name, everyone has to have a number behind their name!
Ridiculous.[DOUBLEPOST=1380818910,1380818817][/DOUBLEPOST]I should mention that once I submitted my name, location, username and password, and then security questions it failed at the final step, saying the system was not available to process my application.
As I'm in Michigan this is through the federal system, there's no local exchange. Others in other states may have different experiences.
So I lowballed at 10 Million in "new spending". Should have been 15. Add in the 10 million for the line "are already eligible for existing government programs (before TAHA) but haven't" since you still need to cover that cost. The cost goes DOWN some from the income in tax penalties from the 9 million who have a fair amount of money but aren't buying insurance. Some will pay the penalty, some will buy insurance, so either way it's a gain in money for the feds.And they also bandy about the 47 million uninsured number that was pretty much debunked years ago.
Of that 47 million number:
6 million are illegal aliens
4 million are documented foreign nationals who don't qualify here
9 million have an individual income of over $75,000 and could afford it if they really wanted it, but just don't or opt to pay out of pocket
10 million are already eligible for existing government programs (before TAHA) but haven't
6 million are already eligible for employer provided health insurance but opt not to
Leaving somewhere between 12 and 15 million who genuinely have no affordable health insurance options, which is not ideal, but WAY less an alarming (or alarmist in this case) number.
The penalty for NOT having insurance. I didn't make it explicit enough that there would be such a penalty. Or to put it another way, make the government insurance "cost" $3000 per year for everybody, then provide a subsidy for those on low income, up to the point where buying private will be cheaper than buying the government's insurance. I'm not suggesting government "become" an insurance company, only that they then buy (in bulk) policies from others, that are then provided for $3000 or less, depending on income.So. Once your plan is put into effect, I want in. What's to prevent me from coming in and getting free health insurance, or the other 300 million Americans that would love to get it for free?
The provider for insurance at my job had the same requirement, and this was years ago. I had the same argument. I have to fail at least once every time I log in before I remember exactly how I went about corrupting my U53rn4me before it will let me in.Wat? I've heard of ridiculous requirements for passwords, but this takes the cake, forcing it on usernames.
Simple solution, then. Have the people who have no health insurance earn their subsidy for the government-provided plan byyyy.....spying on other Americans! That way, the Government is not directly doing the spying (getting around that pesky "can't spy on citizens" problem), they get a dedicated support staff, and they can make up whatever deficit might rear its ugly head by cutting back on whatever portion of $600 billion was going to be earmarked for the domestic defensive efforts. It's win-win!The vast power over American Citizen's healthcare and health information privacy given to the executive branch is more troubling than the cost.
Yes, I'd definitely leave any given person I know in the gutter to die of hypothermia with no access to health care, because that's the only possible result of what happens in a world without Obamacare and that makes me SO ROCK HARD. Like a MIGHTY REDWOOD.1.) It's the Affordable Care Act. Call it Obamacare and I stop listening to you.
2.) If I can get through the glitches and whatnot, I'll have insurance from the same provider as thousands of others in the state, just at a rate I can actually afford.
3.) There are people benefiting from this act that you have actually met. People you know. Are you really saying you'd willingly take health insurance away from a friend or neighbor to satisfy your political fetishes?
3a.) (It's pretty much a given @GasBandit would.)
It's not a bad video, DA. Just listen to it already and stop worrying about what they call it. They can call it the happy fun nuclear Nazi bill and it's not going to change that almost no one knows what's in it, still, 4 years later.[DOUBLEPOST=1380941276,1380941181][/DOUBLEPOST]1.) It's the Affordable Care Act. Call it Obamacare and I stop listening to you.
2.) If I can get through the glitches and whatnot, I'll have insurance from the same provider as thousands of others in the state, just at a rate I can actually afford.
3.) There are people benefiting from this act that you have actually met. People you know. Are you really saying you'd willingly take health insurance away from a friend or neighbor to satisfy your political fetishes?
3a.) (It's pretty much a given @GasBandit would.)
Yeah, I posted on page one but for some reason couldn't get the video to embed (thus a link).
So you're a hard ass only to those anonymous stick figures out there? "You have a right to health care... you can afford" only applies to people you can't put a face to?Yes, I'd definitely leave any given person I know in the gutter to die of hypothermia with no access to health care, because that's the only possible result of what happens in a world without Obamacare and that makes me SO ROCK HARD. Like a MIGHTY REDWOOD.
Oh hey, it's that Monkeysphere problem again.So you're a hard ass only to those anonymous stick figures out there? "You have a right to health care... you can afford" only applies to people you can't put a face to?
Don't you have a gutter you need to be bleeding out in, peasant?So you're a hard ass only to those anonymous stick figures out there? "You have a right to health care... you can afford" only applies to people you can't put a face to?
We had a guy pass out at work here today. There aren't enough employees to compel coverage. So he's already out $800 just for the ambulance run. I can't afford that. I doubt he can, either.
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It's just a jump to the left...Feels like I'm at a Rocky Horror showing.
It's just a jump to the left...
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Eddie. Well. There's a tender subject.Feels like I'm at a Rocky Horror showing.
But he currently gets care. Right? He has bills, but he's not going to die due to lack of health insurance, unless he himself chooses not to receive care.So he's already out $800 just for the ambulance run. I can't afford that. I doubt he can, either.
Yes, exactly. But we should only be stealing from the folks who can afford it/won't miss it. It's RobinHoodCare (which is totally not socialism).stealing from others is ok, as long as it's for healthcare and mandated by the government.
Do you believe you are entitled to the time and treasure of another person just because they're wealthier than you? And that such transference of wealth should have the threat of government-sanctioned force behind it?Wow, stealing from others? I think I threw up in my mouth a little. That there is pretty cold.
That depends. Did they oppress me to acquire it?Do you believe you are entitled to the time and treasure of another person just because they're wealthier than you? And that such transference of wealth should have the threat of government-sanctioned force behind it?
Not much, so long as you hand it over without a fuss.That depends. Did they oppress me to acquire it?
It's no worse than claiming that opponents are killing people.Wow, stealing from others? I think I threw up in my mouth a little. That there is pretty cold.
I agree. I guess I expected better out of you and hadn't realized you were being sarcastic with DA. God love the big lug, but DA is basically GB on the other side of the coin.It's no worse than claiming that opponents are killing people.
I disagree with both statements anyway. It's no more stealing than the fact that your taxes pay for my children's education. An educated society benefits everyone. A healthy society benefits everyone.
So using such inflammatory language isn't useful, IMO, on either side.
Politically, perhaps. But I don't think we're of similar temperment. I'm much more sarcastic and objective, whereas DA is very earnest and forthright but subjective and emotional about everything and takes almost everything personally.I agree. I guess I expected better out of you and hadn't realized you were being sarcastic with DA. God love the big lug, but DA is basically GB on the other side of the coin.
My financial situation is the result of messes of my own making. I have to live with that. And yes, I do take it personally when you keep dropping that afford line. Because it says to me that no matter how much I bust my ass at my job or taking care of my family, I'm not worthy of decent health care because I'm one of "teh poor".Politically, perhaps. But I don't think we're of similar temperment. I'm much more sarcastic and objective, whereas DA is very earnest and forthright but subjective and emotional about everything and takes almost everything personally.
I have no problem paying taxes so long as I receive value for doing so. Money is essentially work in tangible form, so ideologically I have no problem allocating some of my work for the greater good of society. I enjoy helping others, I find it personally very rewarding and see it as my duty to contribute to the health/success of my functioning society. Taxes are merely a formalized way of ensuring that all members of a society contribute to that society. What I do not enjoy is when people pervert/game this arrangement to their own ends, such as embezzlement ("There's so much. A little off the top for me won't hurt"), pork ("We cheat the other guy and pass the savings on to you"), leeches ("I'll have some of yours, but you can't have any of mine"), etc. They're all forms of theft, really. If nobody is seeding, then nobody can download, right? And if there are too few seeders, then they become overtaxed and no doubt bitter about having to hold up the entire cloud. That's hardly a community attitude, and it's why (ideally) everyone has to seed/tithe/pay taxes...otherwise it doesn't work. It also follows that the people with the fattest pipes will end up contributing the most packets to the flood, and have no legitimate standing to be outraged by this due to the Stan Lee/Voltaire principle. You gotta keep your ratio nice and high, otherwise you are cheating, plain and simple.go ahead and stop paying your taxes and see what happens.
There's that break-even point beyond which you have to decide whether working hard enough to earn enough money to repay the debt will kill you anyway, and whether you would just be happier/better off by forgoing care. I don't know if it's a supply/demand thing, but that whole idea of "the sweet release of Death" is abhorrent to me. I never want to find myself in any sort of situation where the idea of just going ahead and dying fills me with more hope and joy than it would if I were to continue to live.Doesn't help where one cannot pay now or later.
How is this the case when if you have insurance, you're complying with the law? The only way someone would have to trade down is if their employer took away their insurance as a result of the new law, as far as I know.The current system is broken. You may feel the new system is better. It may be better, for you. Is it better for everyone? No. It's certainly not. I have friends losing good healthcare and having to trade down to a worse plan on obamacare, and paying more for it.
Which is happening to an alarming degree. The cost of obamacare compliance has raised premiums in many places, and a lot of businesses have dropped either coverage entirely, or shrunk to only providing individual coverage but not spouse/dependent coverage.How is this the case when if you have insurance, you're complying with the law? The only way someone would have to trade down is if their employer took away their insurance as a result of the new law, as far as I know.
The only way someone would have to trade down is if their employer took away their insurance as a result of the new law, as far as I know.
There are also companies like Trader Joe's, which eliminated health care for some employees simply because it would be cheaper for Trader Joe's to just cut some of them off entirely (thus making them exchange-eligible) and then give them a check to go buy insurance for themselves on the exchanges.a lot of businesses have dropped either coverage entirely, or shrunk to only providing individual coverage but not spouse/dependent coverage.
The rot in the house has been vastly overstated, but it is there. The problem is the high cost of healthcare. This stems from the fact that because the consumer has become divorced from the actual costs ("Here's my insurance, bring on the MRIs and designer drugs because I paid my premiums and it's time to cash in"). I posted a story in an earlier ObamaCare thread a few weeks ago about -A question regarding something that was mentioned in the shutdown thread: Isn't the government cost of healthcare largely due to the cost of Medicare and Medicaid? And, if the ACA can partially or completely replace it, shouldn't it actually lower the costs of healthcare or at least come even (i.e. 'pay for itself' indirectly)? If it doesn't replace Medicare and Medicaid, what the fuck does it solve?
In any case, it seems clear should be done about this system. FFS, you are number 1 in healthcare spending ( ), and as much as 45% is apparently from the public sector! ( wbapi_data_value wbapi_data_value-last&sort=asc ). In one of these threads @GasBandit compared the ACA to 'burning the house down', something so objectively bad that you don't need to present an alternative. But that ignores the fact that there is an underlying problem: the house is rotten, what is your solution to that?
There's plenty of things we haven't tried that might bring the cost of medical care down. Reintroducing competition to the market will help. Some think allowing insurance to be sold across state lines would also help. Perhaps instead of high premium, low deductible health plans we should try out high deductible, low premium HSA plans with employer contributions - for example, the insurance company that provides insurance for where I work offers an HSA plan that has a 10k deductible, but the premiums are less than $100 a month and every month the employer deposits $50 into your HSA account. That means that you're covered in case of catastrophic injury or illness, such as getting hit by a bus or cancer, and you have $600 a year on a debit card to pay in cash for lesser medical services (which as illustrated above can be much cheaper if you tell them you're paying in cash up front). And unlike traditional insurance, that HSA money rolls over from year to year. You can even choose to contribute more to your HSA if you want, and your contributions are tax deductible. So if you start one when you're young and healthy, by the time you're in your 30s you could have a very comfortable medical padding indeed, while actually spending much less over that time period. We could also revisit drug patents (20 years currently) to see about making it faster to get cheaper generics on the market.Man needs hernia surgery, schedules it and tries to use his medical insurance. Hospital wants $20,000 up front for his portion of the cost.
Man cancels surgery, goes to different hospital, claims "self paying/no insurance," Hospital charges him $3000.
Methinks I see a glimmer of a solution.
Um, follow up question then. Why doesn't it? Is it this way by design or is it by compromise? I mean, Obama wanted other models that he was obviously not able to pass, such as single payer or an option of a government run insurance. Would these have covered part of the cost problem? Wouldn't it have been just an extension of Medicare/Medicaid?TAHA doesn't replace Medicare or Medicaid, in fact it was designed specifically not to address those people already covered but those two programs.
It is an additional cost on top of all of that. A huge additional cost.
I dunno what the heck he was applying for, but my private insurance has never taken me that long to fill out, nor has it asked me for all that stuff he got asked. Not even Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
That's where I'm at, too.Well, was able to get a user name and password on, but clicking anywhere on the page ends up causing an error, logging me out and sending me back to the log in page.
Frustrating, but I guess it's progress. Maybe by November I'll be able to check out all the healthcare plans available to me.
It probably depends on the state. Private insurance in NJ had really painful application procedures when I was using it a few years ago.I dunno what the heck he was applying for, but my private insurance has never taken me that long to fill out, nor has it asked me for all that stuff he got asked. Not even Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
That could be it. Hell, in Texas, the form is only slightly more complicated thanIt probably depends on the state. Private insurance in NJ had really painful application procedures when I was using it a few years ago.
Some of the online questions were just vague enough that I used up all my chances to verify myself that way. Then like an idiot I continued the application process without writing down the Experian reference number when I called outside of their office hours. When I finally did get through, they didn't have any record of me.Hm, going through the process now. Seems to be working so far...
Edit: Application finished. Still have to wait to be 'verified' as who i say I am. Hopefully that doesn't take too long.
I'm going through Once everything was working, it took me about 15 minutes (not counting the previous days login attempts) to input the family information and browse all the 31 insurance plans I qualify for.Still get "system unavailable" whenever I try at
I wonder if the people actually getting through are doing so through state exchanges?
Which state? I wonder if it's just's michigan support that's having an issue.I'm going through Once everything was working, it took me about 15 minutes (not counting the previous days login attempts) to input the family information and browse all the 31 insurance plans I qualify for.
Interestingly, there were no Platinum level coverages for me to look at.
Virginia.Which state? I wonder if it's just's michigan support that's having an issue.
They probably have us confused with Mississippi again.Which state? I wonder if it's just's michigan support that's having an issue.
I got in to where you make an account, seems fine to me. I'm in Mn, but chose Michigan as the state. Too lazy to go any farther though.Which state? I wonder if it's just's michigan support that's having an issue.
Geographical fail aside, I wonder what those particular secessionists have against Alabama.
The system eliminates discrimination based on pre-existing condition, which sounds nice and smiley and flowers, but it's death for a company that has to maintain a profit/satisfy shareholders. The only way this can be balanced is if the young, robust, healthy people who rarely need any sort of doctor at all sign up in droves. Fun fact - I didn't bother with insurance until I was 24, I kept the extra money instead, because I was young and healthy and wanted the extra money. There are a lot of people like I was. If you give these people the choice of spending $1200+ per year to get insurance (and closer to $3600 if you want something besides catastrophic), or pay a $100 annualHere's what I don't get. Why are so many people saying this is bad for the insurance companies? It seems to me that they are losing nothing and instead getting a massive influx of people who will be signing up. The Marketplace makes it so that there are more options instead of just having to take the two or three plans you could get now.
Except in the case of car insurance, you have the option not to drive a car. The comparison doesn't work."Forcing" everyone - including the young and healthy - to get health insurance is what pays for the elderly with pre-existing conditions and the like. Just like car insurances - it's by spreading the cost and risk over everyone that costs stay manageable for all/most.
Currently, the penalty for ignoring this "legal obligation" is still much lower than the cost of complying by at least a 20-to-1 ratio - if it wasn't, it's doubtful the legislation would have survived. But the pre-existing condition exclusion is also toast now. So what you describe doesn't happen. I can wait till my HIV diagnosis to decide to get insurance, and the private insurance company has to take me same as anyone else. That's why this will break them.And yes, most young 24 year old men won't be happy...But it's a reverse lottery. Get into a decent car crash, or get cancer, or turn out to have picked up HIV, or get a child with a serious congenital disease, and you're suddenly damn glad you got that crappy legally obligated insurance thingie instead of selling your house.
More Americans are coming around to your point of view, that the individual is subsumed by the good of the collective and that government must provide everything for citizens. But there was a time when it was considered better here to die on one's feet than live (off scraps) on one's knees in subservience. Because a government that can give you everything you want or need can certainly take everything that you have - and it's just a matter of time until the changing of who's calling the shots.Of course there have to be checks and balances. Of course it's, up to a point, redistribution of wealth. Yes, extremists will claim that's "socialist".
However, it is perfectly reasonable to have government mandated/enforced/minimum/whatever health care from a liberal perspective. Assuming everyone-starts-off-equal-and-has-to-rely-on-themselves-to-succeed (opposed to everyone-starts-out-uneven-but-gets-the-same), it's a way of evening the playing field to make sure everyone can succeed. Only the most thick-headed of egoists can claim anything and everything coming your way is your own fault/responsibility. Yes, you can start with things liek lung cancer and smoking, or obesity and heart attacks, or even elective medicine (etc etc) as things that might've been avoided, or unnecessary risks taken....Which is exactly what the right is doing over here all the time.
Having talent go to waste because of circumstances is bad for the economy; giving everyone not necessarily an equal start but at least protection from certain aspects (turning off "disasters" in SimCity so to speak) allows more people to achieve their full potential. Which is what it's supposed to be all about.
It's a way of evening out the play field so no one has to succeed. When your food, housing, and medical care are taken care of by a benign entity, why work?it's a way of evening the playing field to make sure everyone can succeed.
This is probably a fair description of my situation. My ability to contribute is being severely inhibited because I have to spend sooo much time patching all my financial leaks. I will never succeed if I continue to be nibbled to death by ducks.Having talent go to waste because of circumstances is bad for the economy
Do I, now?you have the option not to drive a car.
Only figuring gas sure, but I would assume that if you have a car payment and insurance payments you would see big savings.but that would more than double my already 1hr commute time with no savings in cost.
So you guys also agree that it's completely reasonable for anyone who wants to vote to be required to show a valid driver's license?The stark reality is that most places in the US are not set up as a viable living/working life unless you own a motorized vehicle of some sort. Our cities are so spread out and our mass transit (in most cases) are so abysmal that it's barely an option, if it is one in the first place. We really did some poor urban planning in the case of most cities.
If those licenses (or non-driving state alternatives) could be provided for free and not require physically going to the DMV after the very first one (and sensible alternatives to lost/stolen IDs are available), I would agree with this.So you guys also agree that it's completely reasonable for anyone who wants to vote to be required to show a valid driver's license?
Let's see (all figures are round trip)...Only figuring gas sure, but I would assume that if you have a car payment and insurance payments you would see big savings.
No, because you do not need to be a licensed driver to vote. You merely need to be a citizen.So you guys also agree that it's completely reasonable for anyone who wants to vote to be required to show a valid driver's license?
If those licenses (or non-driving state alternatives) could be provided for free and not require physically going to the DMV after the very first one (and sensible alternatives to lost/stolen IDs are available), I would agree with this.
But if having to drive is already a "stark reality," as Dave puts it, in this country, anyone who is showing up to vote should by that very necessity already have a driver's license on them, suitable for proving their identity. So the cost of a driver's license isn't an issue because we apparently don't have the option of not driving a car - and to do so unlicensed is a crime.No, because you do not need to be a licensed driver to vote. You merely need to be a citizen.
Citizenship is not derived from your abililty to operate a motor vehicle.
Showing some form of official ID is already a requirement in Virginia. This doesn't really affect me one way or the other, as I've had some form of government ID since I was 16. But much like ACA, I'm not the demographic that will be most affected by this legislation. I can understand problems with disenfranchisement by requiring an ID. Virginia's list of requirements seems fairly expansive--they'll even take a utility bill. But one wonders, then, how do the homeless vote if they've lost everything (including their id)?So you guys also agree that it's completely reasonable for anyone who wants to vote to be required to show a valid driver's license?
My argument is less about the actual merits of requiring ID to vote than to point out the inconsistency of asserting universal driver's license ownership is already a fact when it comes to comparing car insurance to health insurance, when the same people have been disclaiming it for the purposes of of debating Voter ID laws in previous debates.[DOUBLEPOST=1381518476,1381518438][/DOUBLEPOST]Showing some form of official ID is already a requirement in Virginia. This doesn't really affect me one way or the other, as I've had some form of government ID since I was 16. But much like ACA, I'm not the demographic that will be most affected by this legislation. I can understand problems with disenfranchisement by requiring an ID. Virginia's list of requirements seems fairly expansive--they'll even take a utility bill. But one wonders, then, how do the homeless vote if they've lost everything (including their id)?
Granted, it's a small number of folks that may not be able to meet the ID requirements, and yet they have the right to vote nonetheless. On the other hand, it's my understanding that the number of illegal aliens voting (ie voter fraud) is also a small number of folks. I haven't seen any reputable information otherwise (though I certainly would be happy to see some hard numbers).
So, that leaves me with the question: do we disenfranchise the small handful of voters that have a legitimate right to vote in order to keep out the small handful of voters that don't? I don't think either group really wields enough power to swing an election, but I find the thought of disenfranchising the powerless fairly repugnant. A right is a right. As a nation, we often go to great lengths to avoid trampling on other sacrosanct ideas, such as the right to free speech. It makes me sad that we're so quick to chuck other hard-won rights in he gutter for the sake of political expediency.
Thanks for the affirmation, CDS. My wavering resolve is strengthened knowing you disagree.oh my fucking god steinman and gasbandit you are so staggeringly wrong on this issue
It's my old buddies mischaracterization, ad hominem, and hyperbole. Thanks for coming to the party, guys!I never would have guessed that GB and Stienman would be in favor of poll taxes, honestly.
I'm also a little boggled that you guys think that employment is the same thing as citizenship.
Then again, I guess that explains why you're in favor of poll taxes.
Except you don't need either car or health insurance to vote....My actual point was, if you consider requiring ID (driver's license) to be a poll tax, then you can't put health insurance in the same category as auto insurance for rhetorical purposes.
But apparently you need a car to get health insurance?Except you don't need either car or health insurance to vote....![]()
No, just access to one in order to work in the vast majority of jobs in the United States.But apparently you need a car to get health insurance?
... which won't provide health care or citizenship.No, just access to one in order to work in the vast majority of jobs in the United States.
I don't know what you're talking about. My car gave me citizenship.... which won't provide health care or citizenship.
It is by far the most productive use of this thread, honestly.I'm having fun with the new "nonsense contest" theme for this thread, btw.
Lucky. Only thing my car ever got me was laid. I had to arrange tax preparation for a homeless Pole to be able to register to vote.I don't know what you're talking about. My car gave me citizenship.
I can see why you'd think Gas was arguing for that rather than using it in comparison to the car insurance/health insurance argument, but Stienman? He makes a satirical post about handling car insurance like he feels the ACA handles health insurance, without even mentioning anything about voting or voter ID laws, and you claim he's for poll taxes? What?I never would have guessed that GB and Stienman would be in favor of poll taxes, honestly.
It's simple, if you mock the self-contradictory nature of Progressivism, you're a horrible person who obviously french kisses Hitler's brain behind closed doors and pines for the good old days when brown people were property.I can see why you'd think Gas was arguing for that rather than using it in comparison to the car insurance/health insurance argument, but Stienman? He makes a satirical post about handling car insurance like he feels the ACA handles health insurance, without even mentioning anything about voting or voter ID laws, and you claim he's for poll taxes? What?![]()
GB and Stienman are the only ones allowed to be snarky and assholish in this thread? My deepest apologies!I can see why you'd think Gas was arguing for that rather than using it in comparison to the car insurance/health insurance argument, but Stienman? He makes a satirical post about handling car insurance like he feels the ACA handles health insurance, without even mentioning anything about voting or voter ID laws, and you claim he's for poll taxes? What?![]()
You have to get one of these, for government sanctioned snark. I know, such privilege for the elites.GB and Stienman are the only ones allowed to be snarky and assholish in this thread? My deepest apologies!
Touché, my friend.You have to get one of these, for government sanctioned snark. I know, such privilege for the elites.
View attachment 12364
Eh, a random non-sequitur about someone doesn't make good snark IMO.GB and Stienman are the only ones allowed to be snarky and assholish in this thread? My deepest apologies!
Noted. I feel bad now.Eh, a random non-sequitur about someone doesn't make good snark IMO.
The DMV does not consider a current drivers license to be a sufficiently valid form of ID. Why should I?So you guys also agree that it's completely reasonable for anyone who wants to vote to be required to show a valid driver's license?
That's certainly why I bowed out long ago.Yeah, I'm pretty sure I never argued for poll taxes, but the way this thread keeps spinning around the same arguments over and over again I no longer expect anyone to read carefully.[DOUBLEPOST=1381535612,1381535580][/DOUBLEPOST]Snark is its own reward.
True. They are saying this.No, no, no. You're going about this all wrong gas.
What they're saying is that driving is necessary
False. They are not saying this.and a natural human right.
You're saying people who can't get not poor should kill themselves (for those without a biology background, or willing to read wiki, that's what it means).Poverty may be the cancer which is eating away at society, but we don't need the wholesale necrosis of chemotherapy, we need to revert them back into healthy cells, and the ones that refuse to repair can go ahead and succumb to apoptosis.
Quite the opposite, actually. I said that they should get (actual, not token) support to become unpoor, but that those who refuse said support should be allowed to fail.You're saying people who can't get not poor should kill themselves (for those without a biology background, or willing to read wiki, that's what it means).
actually i bet that guy is trying to get obamacare unfundedNow, someone just like this is in charge of your health care.
I didn't say him, I said someone like him. That guy was put in charge of energy. The guy they put in charge of health care will probably recommend manditory probiotics added to all prescriptions and champions homeopathy.actually i bet that guy is trying to get obamacare unfunded
I do think all Congressional representatives should be at minimum required to re-pass the SAT IIs for math, history, and all the sciences every new term.I didn't say him, I said someone like him. That guy was put in charge of energy. The guy they put in charge of health care will probably recommend manditory probiotics added to all prescriptions and champions homeopathy.
you think the anti-intellectual vein of this country would ever let ANYTHING close to that happen? you're keeping out joe america!!!!I do think all Congressional representatives should be at minimum required to re-pass the SAT IIs for math, history, and all the sciences every new term.
Don't give them any ideas.The guy they put in charge of health care will probably recommend manditory probiotics added to all prescriptions and champions homeopathy.
Testing to renew their drive-the-country license? I'm actually OK with that. Teachers have to stay current in their fields, why shouldn't representatives?I do think all Congressional representatives should be at minimum required to re-pass the SAT IIs for math, history, and all the sciences every new term.
Test 1: You want to be in Congress? Answering yes is FAIL. Membership in Congress should become like jury duty.Thinking a little about it - I don't really think I'm on board with the congressman tests. Those could be abused, and honestly book smarts aren't super necessary to be a regular congressman.
I once posted something similar regarding what change I'd like to see in election rules.Test 1: You want to be in Congress? Answering yes is FAIL. Membership in Congress should become like jury duty.
The minister of science in Canada isn't convinced that evolution is a thing let alone climate change.Being on any sort of specialized committee, however.....I'm reminded of that guy on the science committee that thinks climate change isn't real.
America--it's not just the United States.The minister of science in Canada isn't convinced that evolution is a thing let alone climate change.
I would totally be on board with this.Test 1: You want to be in Congress? Answering yes is FAIL. Membership in Congress should become like jury duty.
One term only, no pay, no campaigning. Your personal holdings are the first to go towards any project. If, after the end of your term, a profit is made, you get your share. If the economy tanks, what you owe is surgically removed before you are permitted to leave the District.
I think we'd end up with even more of a do-nothing Congress than we already have. Or worse, if there's never an income, that's an easier in for corporate bribery.Test 1: You want to be in Congress? Answering yes is FAIL. Membership in Congress should become like jury duty.
One term only, no pay, no campaigning. Your personal holdings are the first to go towards any project. If, after the end of your term, a profit is made, you get your share. If the economy tanks, what you owe is surgically removed before you are permitted to leave the District.
Make corporate bribery illegal.... y'know, like it already should be but isn't really.I think we'd end up with even more of a do-nothing Congress than we already have. Or worse, if there's never an income, that's an easier in for corporate bribery.
But I do agree that it should be a service to the country, not a way to ascend the ranks. Just not sure how to effect that. Power corrupts, yadda yadda.
But then it comes down to what's a gift, what's putting money towards something, etc. It would cost more tax dollars going through the court proceedings than just paying the elected official.Make corporate bribery illegal.... y'know, like it already should be but isn't really.
Like "Donald Trump" and "subtlety.""Integrity" and "Congress" are not usually used in a sentence together, except to comment that they aren't used in a sentence together.
I don't think that's the right website. I think you're supposed to use ... I think is a private enterprise.I was able to get quotes, including an assumed subsidy, from I did have to put in financial information, but I did not have to enter any personally identifiable information or create an account. I found it to be more expensive than what my employer offers for less coverage, so I stopped at the price list and didn't go any further. It probably would have been more expensive, had I gone through the whole process, due to my wife's epilepsy.
I live in Ohio, so if you live somewhere else, YMMV.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
It is a private enterprise, but it can access the exchanges for pricing purposes, and can act as the purchasing agent if you want (at least, as I understand it). They are upfront about the fact that the numbers you get are just estimates, and may vary. I thought it was helpful, if only from an illustrative point of view.I don't think that's the right website. I think you're supposed to use ... I think is a private enterprise.
We just had ours. Our health insurance options got reduced to 2 choices - $4000 deductible HSA plan, or $3000 deductible regular plan with $30 copay and 20% coinsurance. Both of these options are about $10/mo more expensive in premiums than previously for individuals (and even more for families), and the deductible for the non-HSA option doubled from last year.The rumor going around work is that our High-deductible plan with an HSA is going away because it doesn't meet the requirements (heaven forbid someone save and pay for their coverage themselves). I'll see in a couple of weeks when enrollment comes around.
Last I heard my premiums were supposed to go down by as much as $2500 a year. But I guess not! Has that happened for anyone?But gas! You're getting more for your money!
You may not have wanted the few things extra you get, and some don't even apply to you, but this is for you own good, you know.
Sorry, that's only for the bottom 5%. The top 95% will see their costs go up.Last I heard my premiums were supposed to go down by as much as $2500 a year. But I guess not! Has that happened for anyone?
Edit: Stienman, what exactly do you disagree with? Everyone doesn't get sick?Van Jones said:"Insurance is what you buy when you don't know if something bad is going to happen. Maybe I'll crash my car. Maybe I won't. I don't know. So I'm going to get car insurance just in case. Everybody's going to get sick and die, so you know every single person's going to need health insurance. That's not something you can provide insurance for, that's called a service."
What type of goat did you use? It only works if you use a Pashmina goat between 7-10 years of age.I wish somebody told me about this insurance/service I can get that means I won't ever die. And don't tell me it involves a goat, I tried that one already.
I have no idea what this means.But don't start to pretend that services insurance companies provide are actually insurance things, and that someone else should be paying for services I use.
I'm still on his ignore list, but it's plainly obvious what the point is - you need insurance in case of cancer, car crashes and other hugely expensive life-threatening occurrences. These are not "guarantees" despite the universality of eventual mortality.Ok, so why not separate service from insurance? X is a service. Y is insurance. It appears you are doing a fine job of explaining my point, really. Insurance for healthcare is a bad system. I still don't see why you disagreed.
Insurance for urgent and emergency medical care is good.Ok, so why not separate service from insurance? X is a service. Y is insurance. It appears you are doing a fine job of explaining my point, really. Insurance for healthcare is a bad system. I still don't see why you disagreed.
You haven't died have you?I wish somebody told me about this insurance/service I can get that means I won't ever die. And don't tell me it involves a goat, I tried that one already.
Not yet, but as I understand it, life is a disqualifying pre-existing condition for it.You haven't died have you?
Not yet but I don't doubt its inevitability.You haven't died have you?
Nobody makes that argument. It's such a straw man and it's absolutely trite how often it gets rolled out. Such a false dichotomy. It wasn't either Obamacare or leave things as they were forever. Those were not the only two choices, and it's become even more obvious with every passing week how much worse Obamacare is than doing nothing was in any case, bad as that may have been.And if you try to tell me it was working fine the way it was set up, there's just not a whole lot left to say, really. We obviously live on different planets.
Yes, if you can't stop being intentionally insulting, I guess you're right and there isn't much else to say.So there's our basic disagreement. Not everyone, healthy and sick, need to be participating to make it viable. Just enough people that the actuaries can work out the statistical probabilities and make it work for those that choose to invest in it.
Health insurance works fine.
It just doesn't work for those that don't participate.
Health insurance, thus, is not a comprehensive healthcare policy for a nation. It might be a component of one, but it doesn't have to be, and mixing the two up and saying that "health insurance is broken" when one really means that "our nations healthcare policy doesn't adequately cover everyone" is just confusing.
Healthcare in the US is broken. It was broken. It continues to be broken. Is obamacare the fix? Some say yes, some say no, others say it's a step in the right direction.
But the basic flaw in your train of thought is one that you've been trained to believe by the socialist elements in our government - that insurance should be a service, that everyone should be forced into it, that free will and choice should be removed from the American public on this matter, and that the federal government knows best how to take care of citizens.
I disagree, but seeing as how you've bought into it hook line and sinker, there's little more to argue about.
Yes, if you can't stop being intentionally insulting, I guess you're right and there isn't much else to say.
While I'm sad that something's upset you (well, depending on what it is. I'm not really especially sorry for you if you're annoyed because of a broken nail but I assume that wouldn't get you rattled enoughWell I'm pretty frustrated with something completely unrelated and I'm taking it out on you, sorry, my bad.
Apparently there are supporters of the law that are asking why they can't keep their old plan, and why the new plans more than double their costs.
Isn't the bottom 5% of families something like 40% of the population, though?Sorry, that's only for the bottom 5%. The top 95% will see their costs go up.
We have that in the states too, (well at least NC does) a yearly inspection required for operating a vehicle on the road. This is along with the requirements for registration, taxes, and insurance. However inspections are paid for out of pocket and are not tied to the insurance so I'm not sure the comparison fits (at least in this country).Anyway...Let's assume health care for cancer is insurance and a yearly check-up is a service. So is car insurance and car maintenance. You know what one of the obligatory points in my car insurance is? Yearly ceck-ups by qualified and registered mechanics.
That's some really embarrassing numbers.There were over 4.7 million unique visitors during the first 24 hours of operations. Things were slightly better on day two: 248 people managed to register.
Well, we know there's no danger of that happenningIf I choose to use birth control, then someone has to pay a fixed cost for the entire priced of time I choose to use it.
Stienman brand birth control: "Already Pregnant"Well, we know there's no danger of that happenning![]()
I'm just gonna duck and cover from the oncoming shitstorm.Drop some knowledge on this thread.
You mean the people who have had half a dozen kids and think everyone else is driving up their insurance costs?I'm just gonna duck and cover from the oncoming shitstorm.
I prefer cupcakes, myself.So, how about those proposed concealed carry laws for Wisconsin schools?
Been pretty crazy here lately, I won't lie. The old art museum building across the street from our library is now the building for Delta Defense LLC. Look it up if you are curious what that's all about.So, how about those proposed concealed carry laws for Wisconsin schools?
Actually, the proposal was already pulled anyway as of thursday.Been pretty crazy here lately, I won't lie. The old art museum building across the street from our library is now the building for Delta Defense LLC. Look it up if you are curious what that's all about.
Since already did almost all of that (including phone numbers is all that's missing), and it worked flawlessly when I tried it out two days after launch, I'm guessing the millions are going towards building the actual network infrastructure to share account information and calculate individual subsidies according to both federal and state laws. Still a giant mess, but this particular story is mostly a non-story.So it turns out 3 guys fixed in their garage.
Wonder where all those millions of government dollars are REALLY going?
I don't buy the "Government bad" argument. You get what you elect, and I hate to say it, but we're all responsible for what has occurred.We should put the people actively making it worse in complete control!
Mostly the ones who championed/voted for this abomination, I'd say.I don't buy the "Government bad" argument. You get what you elect, and I hate to say it, but we're all responsible for what has occurred.
my issue with all the "this is proof healthcare was broken and why we should go with a single payer system" is that the very same people were the ones championing the ACA. The argument is pretty much the second half of a protection racket.I don't buy the "Government bad" argument. You get what you elect, and I hate to say it, but we're all responsible for what has occurred.
It's almost like they had to make a payment into the system with every single paycheck earned throughout their lives.All of these same arguments were made against Social Security. Try and take that away now from the very people who had railed against it and see how much they fight back.
This was my take on it too. It reformed some of the things that HAD to change (namely the preexisting condition shit), but virtually all of my liberal friends wanted and still want a single payer system. We all knew bending over backwards to accommodate big business was going to ruin it in the short term but now it's pretty much a sure thing that we will have single payer in our lifetimes. Just have to survive until then.Funny, I thought they were championing single payer, not the ACA. Look back and you'll find just about everyone who supported the ACA doing so reluctantly because the current system is failing millions of people, either through dropping people when they get sick or bankruptcy's number one cause being medical bills.
"They didn't want this to happen, but if congress had just passed a single payer system we could have avoided this and all future unpleasantness."This was my take on it too. It reformed some of the things that HAD to change (namely the preexisting condition shit), but virtually all of my liberal friends wanted and still want a single payer system. We all knew bending over backwards to accommodate big business was going to ruin it in the short term but now it's pretty much a sure thing that we will have single payer in our lifetimes. Just have to survive until then.
Or we could, you know... maybe be like England or Japan where they have both? Shocking, I know.Yes with single-payer you can join the illustrious club of those countries where it's ILLEGAL to pay for your own health care: Canada, Cuba, and North Korea. Sounds like an awesome result there.
That's not single-payer then. It's "the government will pay for you, unless you have the means to do so yourself" or something else. Short lines for those who pay, long for everybody else. Then that will be seen as unfair, and then there will be long lines for everybody (that's what happened in Canada). Single-payer is what Canada has. And you're right to be very very afraid of that.Or we could, you know... maybe be like England or Japan where they have both? Shocking, I know.
Everything worthwhile is for profit. Without personal incentive, there's no reason to strive. Quality of care will suffer. Would you rather go into debt to get the life saving surgery, or be able to easily afford the painkiller they'll provide you to comfortably wait until your end?I'd rather wait for health care than be afraid to see a doctor for fear of being financially destroyed, making matters worse.
Profit motive should never be a factor in something like health care. It's twisted and insane to me to even consider it as a for profit entity.
I don't think this is true. Pretty sure you can have private supplemental insurance in Canada.Yes with single-payer you can join the illustrious club of those countries where it's ILLEGAL to pay for your own health care: Canada, Cuba, and North Korea.
This is completely false. There will always be an incentive in medical advances, if only because of the completely indiscriminate nature of illness and injury. A cure for HIV, Aids, and Cancer will be found not because whoever finds it first will become rich (though they will, no matter what they charge) but because virtually everyone knows and cares about someone that is suffering from these... even the rich. Life expectancy will continue to extend because people are afraid of dying. Replacement limbs will become better and better (and cheaper) because ANYONE can involved in an accident that causes them to lose a limb. Polio treatments were devised because even people like a Roosevelt could get it. There is simply too much self incentive in ensuring that medical technology is the latest and greatest for people to stop making just because they aren't making as much money off of it.Everything worthwhile is for profit. Without personal incentive, there's no reason to strive. Quality of care will suffer. Would you rather go into debt to get the life saving surgery, or be able to easily afford the painkiller they'll provide you to comfortably wait until your end?
It doesn't take 8+ years of study, tens of thousands of dollars in student debt, and mandatory continuing education to run a charity. Or a church, for that matter. Though both do often seem to enrich their management quite a bit.Charities and churches would suggest otherwise.
He's talking about Shriner's and Saint Jude's Hospitals etc.It doesn't take 8+ years of study, tens of thousands of dollars in student debt, and mandatory continuing education to run a charity. Or a church, for that matter. Though both do often seem to enrich their management quite a bit.
You need only look at the difference in quality of care between the US and the UK or Canada to see the difference. Cancer survival rates are much higher here. Canadians often lament how their best doctors go to the US where they can make better money. Yes, medicine will continue to advance, but not nearly so quickly, and existing care will not be provided with the same urgency or quality.[DOUBLEPOST=1384382923,1384382854][/DOUBLEPOST]This is completely false. There will always be an incentive in medical advances, if only because of the completely indiscriminate nature of illness and injury. A cure for HIV, Aids, and Cancer will be found not because whoever finds it first will become rich (though they will, no matter what they charge) but because virtually everyone knows and cares about someone that is suffering from these... even the rich. Life expectancy will continue to extend because people are afraid of dying. Replacement limbs will become better and better (and cheaper) because ANYONE can involved in an accident that causes them to lose a limb. Polio treatments were devised because even people like a Roosevelt could get it. There is simply too much self incentive in ensuring that medical technology is the latest and greatest for people to stop making just because they aren't making as much money off of it.
Maybe the problem there is the taboo mystification we've artificially foisted upon sex, anatomy, and human biology?[DOUBLEPOST=1384383058][/DOUBLEPOST]Medicine for profit is the reason you can't watch football with a kid in the room any longer.
Uncle [me]? what is a four hour erection?
The CEO of St. Jude's not hurtin'.He's talking about Shriner's and Saint Jude's Hospitals etc.
Billy, that is a condition called Priapism, which can be a serious problem if not treated.Uncle [me]? what is a four hour erection?
Only for things not covered, like getting a private room, assuming that's even available. So if you want to get something done faster you can't buy insurance for that either. Occasionally you can BUY your way to the front of a diagnostic imaging line (which means you might get to see that specialist 6 months earlier. No I'm not exaggerating about some wait times), but to get treated, not just diagnosed, no way. And btw, it's illegal to buy insurance for something like that, since it's "required" and thus even though you can buy your way to the front, you can't insurance your way to the front, ensuring only those really really well-off could afford even that.I don't think this is true. Pretty sure you can have private supplemental insurance in Canada.
There are two points I wish to make on this statement:Without personal incentive, there's no reason to strive.
I'll bear my lack of nuanced understanding in mind as our health care quality continues to suffer and degrade under the tyranny of the well-meaning.There are two points I wish to make on this statement:
1.) This is ONLY true if motivation is derived through some kind of reinforcement, where outcomes influence frequency of the behaviors that precede it. There are very good reasons to believe that people do not actually function in this way. Much like modern economists are coming to grips with the irrationality of consumers, behavioral psychologists are struggling to accept that people are not as robotic as B.F. Skinner preached.
2.) "Personal incentive" is not limited to financial incentive. As an example, if you pay someone to do their favorite hobby, they actually become LESS interested in doing it.
There is a lot more to both of those points that requires more than a cursory, pop psychology understanding of how people work. Needless to say, your thoughts on the subject are considerably out-dated and devoid of the necessary nuance.
THERE'S the GasBandit we know and moderately tolerate!I'll bear my lack of nuanced understanding in mind as our health care quality continues to suffer and degrade under the tyranny of the well-meaning.
That is the ONLY advantage here, and its not universal. Preventative care does more to expand lifespans than obscenely expensive end of life care.You need only look at the difference in quality of care between the US and the UK or Canada to see the difference. Cancer survival rates are much higher here.
THERE'S the GasBandit we know and moderately tolerate!
Most private insurance already covers 100% of preventative care with no out-of-pocket. Why do we need to socialize again?That is the ONLY advantage here, and its not universal. Preventative care does more to expand lifespans than obscenely expensive end of life care.
Which is another huge problem with ACA. We are adopting a terrible system no one like, but we won't be able to get rid of it once benefits start kicking in.All of these same arguments were made against Social Security. Try and take that away now from the very people who had railed against it and see how much they fight back.
Not that the trend in retail hasn't already been one of "make everyone part-time that way you don't have to spend on benefits," but codifying it just seems...well, cheap*.the responsible thing for most service related businesses to do is cut all their worker hours to below the minimum required to supply healthcare, cut those benefits, and give them a small raise to cover the government health insurance after the subsidy.
Even if the quality of health care does suffer, it won't be due to lack of profit incentive, per your erroneous beliefs of human psychology.I'll bear my lack of nuanced understanding in mind as our health care quality continues to suffer and degrade under the tyranny of the well-meaning.
So you feel confident in saying profit incentive has absolutely zero impact in the quality of health care?Even if the quality of health care does suffer, it won't be due to lack of profit incentive, per your erroneous beliefs of human psychology.
Actually, I contend that reducing financial incentives might have some negative effects but that there will likely be paradoxical positive effects. Human motivation isn't a one variable system, nor is it even dominated by external incentives. For example, offering students financial incentive to improve grades in high school appears to do very little at all to improve performance. (Sorry, no link. I'm on my phone)So you feel confident in saying profit incentive has absolutely zero impact in the quality of health care?
EDIT: Or am I reading your statement too broadly, and you just mean that whatever impact the ACA has on profit incentive isn't enough to reduce the quality of health care by itself? The first option seems too extreme, and the second, while more plausible, I would think would be difficult to demonstrate.
While I can see diagnostics taking a hit (many office visits can be replaced by videochat), treatment probably won't take a big hit from the presence of the Internet except in certain fields (orthotics & 3D printing, for instance).Generally yes, though it's often the correct choice anyway. Long term strategy is risky as well, particularly in markets that are changing rapidly. Just about anything attached to the internet can't be expected to live for more than a few years, and due to the internet and continued, and accelerating, globalization, most industries are impacted.
Uninsured + Cost shifting + EMTALAMost private insurance already covers 100% of preventative care with no out-of-pocket. Why do we need to socialize again?
You're presenting a premise I did not assert. The only options are not "socialize" and "leave it how it was." That's a false dichotomy. The problem you describe comes from trying to straddle the fence too much, so we rob ourselves of much of the benefits of either side. Our current system is (was, really, at this point) heavily (but inconsistently) regulated, and as you note, emphasized reactive rather than proactive measures. A campaign of education and public awareness would do well to help address that, without needing to put a choke chain on the electorate and bloat the federal government to even-now unseen levels of invasive control. Many other ideas have been spitballed - and shot down with prejudice because they didn't increase federal power over the lives of Americans. Which is what the ACA is really all about, not improving healthcare.Uninsured + Cost shifting + EMTALA
I'll see if I can find the study I saw where it showed that we pay more per capita in taxes than a lot of socialized healthcare systems, cover less of our people, and even when you add in the private insurance we only lead in late stage cancer survivability.[DOUBLEPOST=1384408210,1384407833][/DOUBLEPOST]ok, this one has some good tables up front, but it wasn't the one I remember. Report/2011/Nov/1562_Squires_Intl_Profiles_2011_11_10.pdf[DOUBLEPOST=1384408564][/DOUBLEPOST]Another good one, look at the spending rates in table 1. You want to tell me that our system is better you have to justify both costs and results. Costs are not just mildly higher. We spend as much as most socialist healthcare systems just for the public side of our healthcare. Add in the private side and we spend almost double what most other countries spend.
Note table 2. We have had less impact in reducing mortality than almost every other socialized country on that list. These are countries that SPEND LESS MONEY.
So, lets break it down.
We spend more tax money on healthcare
We get worse results. why is the pseudo-privatization we have now a good system?
Get past the empty rhetoric and anectdotes. Show me in numbers how our system works better. And try to show something other than cancer.
Humanity in general suffers from the insidious stagnation of socialization. Here, the fond wish for a gentle parent figure to tell us it's all going to be alright merely enables a tyrannical power grab by miscreants and incompetents in the guise of caretaking.[DOUBLEPOST=1384412742][/DOUBLEPOST]Even if the quality of health care does suffer, it won't be due to lack of profit incentive, per your erroneous beliefs of human psychology.
Of course not - these are children in the richest nation in the world. Their needs are seen to whether or not they have extra spending cash. Such an experiment is flawed from the very premise it starts with. However, make it so no student whose curved average slips below a C gets fed, clothed, or sheltered, and perhaps you start to see a different dynamic.Actually, I contend that reducing financial incentives might have some negative effects but that there will likely be paradoxical positive effects. Human motivation isn't a one variable system, nor is it even dominated by external incentives. For example, offering students financial incentive to improve grades in high school appears to do very little at all to improve performance.
It'd actually be interesting to see if there are numbers on a "less extreme" version of this. Like grounding children if their average gets below 70%. Or less extreme, but still taking away privileges. Like Smartphones (all phone privileges). TV. Internet (80%+ of your homework at the LEAST doesn't need access to it to be done). Etc. Does that give enough "motivation" to get grades up? I don't propose starving kids, but make it so that "you don't concentrate on school, you don't get to do what you want either." Given that the general technique has been in use by parents all over the place to a greater or lesser degree, is there already data on that?However, make it so no student whose curved average slips below a C gets fed, clothed, or sheltered, and perhaps you start to see a different dynamic.
Probably not a lot of data, and it would be riddled with anecdotal evidence. It is extremely hard to be allowed to study minors. Besides, I was great at mathematics in high school, but I failed math 20 three different times. Not because I didn't know, but because I didn't care, and no incentive or disincentive changed my mind about showing up for the tests or turning in the homework (which I had often done) because I was ... I can't even explain it now. Stubborn, thought I was proving a point. "I hate school, I like math, I'll do math but not because the school says so," was my mentality. How do you incentivise a group of people who are insane ambulatory unregulated hormones who would set themselves on fire if someone said, "You will fail if you set yourself on fire."It'd actually be interesting to see if there are numbers on a "less extreme" version of this. Like grounding children if their average gets below 70%. Or less extreme, but still taking away privileges. Like Smartphones (all phone privileges). TV. Internet (80%+ of your homework at the LEAST doesn't need access to it to be done). Etc. Does that give enough "motivation" to get grades up? I don't propose starving kids, but make it so that "you don't concentrate on school, you don't get to do what you want either." Given that the general technique has been in use by parents all over the place to a greater or lesser degree, is there already data on that?
Oh no, it's VERY competent at manipulating the insecurities of the american public. It's just incompetent (perhaps willfully so) at providing actual services of value.As much as I loathe the idea of wading into the morass that is this thread, I wanted to point out something. Some of you are simultaneously claiming that the government is too incompetent to do anything (we need to be as decentralized as possible!), and that it has managed to manipulate public sentiment in a convoluted plot to destroy private health insurance industry as part of a larger scheme to insert itself further in the lives of Americans via control over medical records and decision-making.
You can have one or the other. It's either too stupid to provide basic services, or an evil plot to subvert and destroy America. Pick one.
You seem to be misunderstanding. Politicians are manipualtive, the government bureaucracy is incompetent.As much as I loathe the idea of wading into the morass that is this thread, I wanted to point out something. Some of you are simultaneously claiming that the government is too incompetent to do anything (we need to be as decentralized as possible!), and that it has managed to manipulate public sentiment in a convoluted plot to destroy private health insurance industry as part of a larger scheme to insert itself further in the lives of Americans via control over medical records and decision-making.
You can have one or the other. It's either too stupid to provide basic services, or an evil plot to subvert and destroy America. Pick one.
Ah.You seem to be misunderstanding. Politicians are manipualtive, the government bureaucracy is incompetent.
You seem to be misunderstanding. Politicians are manipualtive, the government bureaucracy is incompetent.
Good point. This is the whole "house of cards" problem. I don't know if it makes sense to start from scratch or to try and slowly repair the current system. I don't think there is the political will to attempt the former, and I doubt there is the political coherency to ever achieve the latter.You're presenting a premise I did not assert. The only options are not "socialize" and "leave it how it was." That's a false dichotomy. The problem you describe comes from trying to straddle the fence too much, so we rob ourselves of much of the benefits of either side.
What's your deductible and coins%, if you don't mind sharing that info?For some reason I couldn't get pact the electronic signature filling out the application on the web site, even after trashing the application and starting from scratch. So I call the phone line instead. The nice lady helps me get the application submitted, and now I'm able to pick plans for my state. ~$28/mo for health, and ~$18/mo for dental.
I just have to get the first premium paid on Friday, and coverage starts the first of March. FINALLY.
$100 deductible and $10 primary doctor $20 specialist. 10% for x-rays and lab.What's your deductible and coins%, if you don't mind sharing that info?
Well, that premium is just what he's paying. I'm sure that DA's portion plus the subsidized portion is much, much higher.Those are really really generous terms. I've never had a health plan like that, ever. For premiums that low I expected a $10,000 deductible.
This is one of the main reasons FOR going single payer: it would allow the government to negotiate the prices of damn near everything, from hip replacements all the way down to god damn cotton balls. This needs to happen to drive down prices, because right now hospitals overcharge for everything because the insurances companies demand huge discounts to become clients.I've been saying all along that while I'm actually a proponent of universal health care, the best way to fix our broken health care/insurance system is to regulate both hospitals and insurances. I've worked in medical billing and the whole process is broken on a fundamental level.
And as we all know, the government is well known for cost would allow the government to negotiate the prices
Maybe someday.And as we all know, the government is well known for cost efficiency.
It certainly couldn't do any worse than the current escalating price war between hospitals and insurance providers. One of the reasons most of the hospitals in Ohio are networked under OhioHealth is explicitly to collectively bargain as a single organization to keep insurance companies from leaning too hard on a single hospital.And as we all know, the government is well known for cost efficiency.
It certainly couldn't do any worse than the current escalating price war between hospitals and insurance providers.
As I've posted before, the best prices actually come when you negotiate for yourself out of pocket with no insurance. Then, all of a sudden, the hospital starts charging much more reasonable rates for everything, once they know they don't have to deal with insurance.The problem with your assertion is that you identify the hospitals as charging too much for the services they provide. We all like to point fingers at the hospital that charges $10 for a dose of tylenol, but do you recall the last time we had a news story about a patient dying due to the wrong medicine or dose administered? Each medicine given in the hospital has an associated prescription, the hospital pharmacy fulfills it, and when administered there are a handful of checks to make sure the right patient is getting the right dosage of the right medication at the right time. Barcodes on pharmacy orders, the medication itself, the patient, and the chart all get scanned as the computer verifies that everything is correct.
Yes, the tylenol costs $10 due to all the people and technology that has to deal with it along the way, but that ensures that the hemophilia patient doesn't receive the anti-coagulant.
The bed costs $$$ per night, but that ensures they can afford to treat the laundry appropriately and you won't be putting your child in a bed that may contain traces of the last patient's communicable disease. Necrotizing fasciitis is nasty stuff.
I'm not saying that there aren't places where we could save money, but the story is significantly more complex than, "If the gov't could negotiate our healthcare, prices would drop drastically."
Exactly. One of the main reason those health care prices are so inflated is that they are obligated to give such huge discounts to insurances that they have to increase costs to make up the difference.As I've posted before, the best prices actually come when you negotiate for yourself out of pocket with no insurance. Then, all of a sudden, the hospital starts charging much more reasonable rates for everything, once they know they don't have to deal with insurance.
This is blatantly incorrect. As someone who actually works in a hospital, I can tell you that the prices are inflated in reaction to the discounts that insurance companies demand to accept services from your hospital. If you are not "in-network", you cannot make a claim on a patient's insurance. It can easily be a 20-30% discount at times. There are also inflated costs in order to make up for patients that don't have insurance or simply cannot pay. That last bit is why many hospitals don't have emergency rooms anymore: they are cost sinks and not all hospitals can afford to keep them going. The hospital isn't at fault here because some mark-up is necessary when you are forced to do some services for free... it's entirely the insurance company, which is extorting the hospital for profits.The problem with your assertion is that you identify the hospitals as charging too much for the services they provide. We all like to point fingers at the hospital that charges $10 for a dose of tylenol, but do you recall the last time we had a news story about a patient dying due to the wrong medicine or dose administered? Each medicine given in the hospital has an associated prescription, the hospital pharmacy fulfills it, and when administered there are a handful of checks to make sure the right patient is getting the right dosage of the right medication at the right time. Barcodes on pharmacy orders, the medication itself, the patient, and the chart all get scanned as the computer verifies that everything is correct.
Yes, the tylenol costs $10 due to all the people and technology that has to deal with it along the way, but that ensures that the hemophilia patient doesn't receive the anti-coagulant.
The bed costs $$$ per night, but that ensures they can afford to treat the laundry appropriately and you won't be putting your child in a bed that may contain traces of the last patient's communicable disease. Necrotizing fasciitis is nasty stuff.
I'm not saying that there aren't places where we could save money, but the story is significantly more complex than, "If the gov't could negotiate our healthcare, prices would drop drastically."
Yes, I read the article. I know exactly what it said. It's horrible.Did you read that article at all? They are simply going to stop working full-time. Those jobs aren't going anywhere... people just now have the option of actually enjoying their free time without affecting their standard of living by working less hours. If they want more income, they can get that by working more hours and eating the lower subsidy... but if it makes more economic sense to the workers to work less hours, then the issue seems to be that they should be getting paid more to offset loss of subsidy and not that they shouldn't have the option of having free time.
Economics sucks when it actually favors the worker, doesn't it?![]()
No, I used "save me, Obama!"Did you seriously, without any irony, use "Thanks, Obama"?
That's basically how all insurance everywhere works though, nothing unique to ACA. Sometimes you are subsidizing true acts of god/random occurances. Usually you are subsidizing bad drivers or lazy fat-asses.It all comes down to "who's paying for it?" I'm not OK with subsidizing someone who isn't doing all they can.
There is subsidizing and then there is subsidies on being subsidized.That's basically how all insurance everywhere works though, nothing unique to ACA. Sometimes you are subsidizing true acts of god/random occurances. Usually you are subsidizing bad drivers or lazy fat-asses.
I think you're splitting hairs here.There is subsidizing and then there is subsidies on being subsidized.
That's about a $300-$600 per month hair I'm splitting, there.I think you're splitting hairs here.
So rather than opting for the "compromise" that allowed workers to get birth control without the employers "paying" for it (a shell game, but I guess it was sufficient for some), the department of health and human services issued a ruling that immediately takes effect which allows employers and insurance companies to opt out for religious reasons. No birth control at all, not even through the previous shell game compromise.Donald Trump's government has issued a ruling that allows employers to opt out of providing free birth control to millions of Americans.
The rule allows employers and insurers to decline to provide birth control if doing so violates their "religious beliefs" or "moral convictions".
Fifty-five million women benefited from the Obama-era rule, which made companies provide free birth control.
Every time I see stuff like this I want to burn down the nearest Hobby Lobby. (Which, obviously, is hyperbole, because the people working inside are not at fault, but I digress.)Remember when the ACA came out, and we discovered (because it was all done behind closed doors, so we couldn't see what it was until it was passed) that many aspects of the implementation were relegated to the department of health and human services?
Well it looks like giving that power to the executive branch may not be in everyone's best interests.
So rather than opting for the "compromise" that allowed workers to get birth control without the employers "paying" for it (a shell game, but I guess it was sufficient for some), the department of health and human services issued a ruling that immediately takes effect which allows employers and insurance companies to opt out for religious reasons. No birth control at all, not even through the previous shell game compromise.
Yet another thing that will change every time we change the presidency.
You know, if you obscured the actual poster from the quote, my first guess would have been this was Charlie.Lol congress won't fix this
Don't dehumanize groups or individualsYou know, if you obscured the actual poster from the quote, my first guess would have been this was Charlie.
That goes for a lot of your posts lately, come to think of it.
Do you think I'm wrong? Do you think a republican house and a republican senate will do anything to oppose this?You know, if you obscured the actual poster from the quote, my first guess would have been this was Charlie.
That goes for a lot of your posts lately, come to think of it.
That's a much less Charlie reply, right there.Do you think I'm wrong? Do you think a republican house and a republican senate will do anything to oppose this?
And ok I'm Charlie now I guess. I don't really care. What's the point of sugarcoating anything when it's all going to shit anyways and nothing will be done?
I can't decide whether to address this unironically, make a snide, cutting remark, dehumanize you, or just post a meme.There is no long game. The system is getting more and more rigged for the republicans. It doesn't matter what quasai-fascist bullshit they do, they will always have support of the trash America has to offer, and anyone who doesn't support them will keep getting more and more disenfranchised. America is a shithole of a country and that's not going to change ever.
Give him a hug!I can't decide whether to address this unironically, make a snide, cutting remark, dehumanize you, or just post a meme.
But that's some redonkulous shiznit right there.
Sad!Punctuationless one-sentence eyeroll remarks that start with "Lol" for example. The sort of thing one might more expect to find in an instant message than on a discussion forum.
Our state is currently the poster child for gerrymandering, so maybe cut him a little slack. for a little perspective, 39% of people voted for Republicans but they won over 60% of the seats. It's easy to see why we would feel it's essentially a load of bullshit.I can't decide whether to address this unironically, make a snide, cutting remark, dehumanize you, or just post a meme.
But that's some redonkulous shiznit right there.
I kinda think there's still a few steps between "our state is badly gerrymandered" and "America is a shithole of a country and that's not going to change ever."Our state is currently the poster child for gerrymandering, so maybe cut him a little slack. for a little perspective, 39% of people voted for Republicans but they won over 60% of the seats. It's easy to see why we would feel it's essentially a load of bullshit.
All about perspective. In my state and in this country the winners didn't win and it isn't looking to get better.I kinda think there's still a few steps between "our state is badly gerrymandered" and "America is a shithole of a country and that's not going to change ever."
And the answer is to go full cartoon and become a walking "Liberals hate America" cliche?All about perspective. In my state and in this country the winners didn't win and it isn't looking to get better.
Year one for you. And you're the last person to start pointing out someone else is being a cliche.And the answer is to go full cartoon and become a walking "Liberals hate America" cliche?
And this is only year one.
Hey, at least I've never hidden who I was or what I believed, or acted insulted when called on it. But I guess now I won't be surprised when a whole lot of liberals start coming out of the "I hate America" closet. Bully on being able to be yourself out loud, I guess, Blots.Year one for you. And you're the last person to start pointing out someone else is being a cliche.
It's ok. It's not like he's actually talking to you.I’m not even sure on the proper response.
To be fair, I think that is true even when he is talking to me.It's ok. It's not like he's actually talking to you.
Pretty sure that was PatrThom point in the 1st place.To be fair, I think that is true even when he is talking to me.
More that he was actually talking to @blotsfan, but this could also be true.Pretty sure that was PatrThom point in the 1st place.
Finally.*obligatory link to don't dehumanize thread*
And it's now been reduced to a meme.
Lot in this comment. I do agree that during Obama's presidency too much power was invested in the executive. Congress won't move on allowing military power in Syria? Keep on bombing. No movement on illegal immigration? Well we'll set up DACA. I agree with some of his actions (DACA not Syria) but he did overplay his powers very often when he needed to kick it to congress and let them get yelled at .That's a much less Charlie reply, right there.
It was less a commentary on your sentiment and more on how you've been presenting your arguments, lately. Punctuationless one-sentence eyeroll remarks that start with "Lol" for example. The sort of thing one might more expect to find in an instant message than on a discussion forum.
As for your actual point, you might be correct in the short term, but the only way it's going to change (without upheaval) is for constituent-based pressure to come to bear and to not let up. Granted, it's the long game, but myopically playing the short game is what's gotten us to where we are - with Trump in charge of health care.
With so much power now resting with the executive branch, the next President might give it back... and then the one after that might take it away again. This is the danger of empowering the presidency to circumvent the legislature.
I didn't feel this way until November 8th 2016.Hey, at least I've never hidden who I was or what I believed, or acted insulted when called on it. But I guess now I won't be surprised when a whole lot of liberals start coming out of the "I hate America" closet. Bully on being able to be yourself out loud, I guess, Blots.
Believe it or not, I commiserate with you on all counts there.Lot in this comment. I do agree that during Obama's presidency too much power was invested in the executive. Congress won't move on allowing military power in Syria? Keep on bombing. No movement on illegal immigration? Well we'll set up DACA. I agree with some of his actions (DACA not Syria) but he did overplay his powers very often when he needed to kick it to congress and let them get yelled at .
But I think right now there is too much inertia and rot too really have much hope for even the long game.
Problem 1 is gerrymandering Republicans have so many "safe" seats where the only challenge is the primary that even actions that will help the country can't be allowed because a harder right candidate will then take their seat during a primary. So voting to enshrine birth control as a right isn't going to happen until we do the census and redraw the voting maps. Which might happen after the 2020 census or the gerrymandering might keep on paying off getting the people who drew the maps reelected to draw the maps again at which point 2030 is the next best bet for breaking out of that shitty feedback loop.
Then of course we have the problem that our institutions are not actually all that great as it turns out. The State department is a skeleton crew right now ICE has started becoming the fucking jackbooted thugs we were always warned about and the education department is going to be paying huge chunks of money for Betsy's security detail. I for one thought that the Trump people would be forced to fit into the system but so far it seems like our institutions can be controlled by people who actively despise them and that the career civil servants aren't able to defend them nor do we know what kind of shape they will be in after this.
And then we have fucking Russia. This one is by far the most shocking to me cause I'm an 80's kid so growing up there was one thing I knew deep in my DNA and that was not one single American would ever side with Russia over even their most hated America enemy. But at this point we have an attorney general who committed perjury in order to cover up his Russian contacts and a president who gave out classified information to the Russians in the god damned Oval Office. And this is a problem that I have no idea how you even get started on fixing. The official report might come out detailing the Russia influence but in this age where our president claims every article he doesn't like even the ones that just quote him as "fake news" I have no idea how the voting public will break.
I have felt unmoored ever since Trump was elected. I see the way back but I don't know if America will go that way.
The first couple sentences were to address what you'd said, the last one I specifically said "Blots" because it was for him.Yes, but I was quoted.![]()
Oh it started down this path a lot earlier than that.America started to go down the toilet in November of 2010.
That's what I'm saying.I'm of the opinion it was more mid to late 70's, myself.
I was referring to the most recently completed century, yes.That's what I'm saying.
. . . or are you referring to a different century?
Better check that privilege there, bub. It's easy to sit there and pontificate when you've never been faced with that choice.That's some excellent fallacious appeal to emotion and false dichotomy work you got there, Lou. Throw in some Cherry Picked "as much as" figures, and you should be working in Fox News in no time.
Oh wait, you did that too.
"It's ok, you guys, you only have to make that choice sometimes, not every time..."That's some excellent fallacious appeal to emotion and false dichotomy work you got there, Lou. Throw in some Cherry Picked "as much as" figures, and you should be working in Fox News in no time.
If you'd had insurance, maybe they could've saved it instead of being forced to amputate.I'm sorry, did I forget my sarcasm tag?
I knew I should've signed up for air ambulance insurance from one of the 18,000 mailers we've received since moving to rural SW Oregon.If you'd had insurance, maybe they could've saved it instead of being forced to amputate.
My guess is it's because he just so happens to live in a rural area with only one ambulance provider.@stienman I don't get what was so funny about my post but please elaborate.
Or a simple stipulation that the price of emergency services provided in this manner must be for all insurance companies. That's not single payer, and it addresses another underlying problem - that insurance is no longer insurance, but rather viewed as a "pay in advance" medical payment plan, and so long as your premiums are paid up the bill is "somebody else's problem." Remember what happens when, in a non-emergency situation, you DO shop around and tell the providers you're paying cash? Suddenly prices plummet. What if the model for insurance was reimbursement to the patient instead of directly paying the hospital (which, as it stands, cuts the patient out from any price negotiations and divorces them from the concept that they're actually paying for something)?Your example works...IF everyone accepts everyone's insurance coverage. Which they don't.
So then we have an extra step during that electronic auction where the person who takes the call has to ask, "Now which insurance do you carry?" in order to filter out all the ambulance rides that are out-of-network and so not covered/too expensive.
But then the solution to that brings us back to single payer again.
For the ambulance company to be able to bid for these contracts, they'd have to accept enough insurance carriers to cover at least, say, 95% of the population. For insurance companies to sell in the area they'd have to have basic ambulance coverage that provided at least some coverage even for ambulance companies that they don't cover.Your example works...IF everyone accepts everyone's insurance coverage. Which they don't.
So then we have an extra step during that electronic auction where the person who takes the call has to ask, "Now which insurance do you carry?" in order to filter out all the ambulance rides that are out-of-network and so not covered/too expensive.
But then the solution to that brings us back to single payer again.
Mostly because of the pretense that you care about the rural voter.@stienman I don't get what was so funny about my post but please elaborate.
If Gas's plan were in place, it woudln't be just rural areas. Every area that currently only has one cable provider would probably also have one ambulance provider. Which would include many major suburbs.What about in rural areas with only one hospital or only one ambulance provider?
I don't think that's an accurate assessment. Here in BCS, we only have one cable provider, but we have three hospitals, additional urgentcare facilities (such as CaprockER and Physicians Premier) and even independent ambulance companies. There's just too much money in medicine for there to not be multiple companies trying to get in on the action.If Gas's plan were in place, it woudln't be just rural areas. Every area that currently only has one cable provider would probably also have one ambulance provider. Which would include many major suburbs.
Fun fact - American emergency services aren't actually allowed to turn people away for lack of ability to pay. They HAVE to accept them and treat them. They don't keep you sitting in the lobby until your check clears.And yes, that means I put Bulgarian and Polish health care above the US system - because they won't let poor people die for lack of insurance.
Not everyone in rural areas voted for trump. Conversely, there are people in cities that voted for him. Obviously yes I have no problems when trump voters die, especially at the hands of policies that they vote for, but I can't say we should just have a blanket "let them all die" attitude because I care about the good people there.1) I have a hard time believing you care about the rural voters you heap scorn upon for putting Trump in the White House
Yes, and you're advocating a system that would drastically cut how much money they can make. What do you think happens when that cut happens? There won't be 3 providers anymore. They'll probably merge, and/or carve things up with non-compete agreements, or whatever cable companies do to decide who serves which area.I don't think that's an accurate assessment. Here in BCS, we only have one cable provider, but we have three hospitals, additional urgentcare facilities (such as CaprockER and Physicians Premier) and even independent ambulance companies. There's just too much money in medicine for there to not be multiple companies trying to get in on the action.
In fact, the cost of the freestanding ERs is part of another debate currently going on in Texas, because they're overcharging, too.
Edit - in fact, you could even say this one-cable-network town is oversaturated with emergency care options.
There's a difference between what makes a cable company a geographic monopoly and what determines how many hospitals there are in an area. It would only be an apt comparison if the hospitals had to build their own roads, and only their own ambulances could use the roads they built.Yes, and you're advocating a system that would drastically cut how much money they can make. What do you think happens when that cut happens? There won't be 3 providers anymore. They'll probably merge, and/or carve things up with non-compete agreements, or whatever cable companies do to decide who serves which area.
I agree that's it's bonkers, but it's not a fallacy, logical or otherwise. This isn't the first time he's said it, and it won't be the last:Stien: saying blots doesn't care about rural people because they voted for Trump is bonkers.
I have no problems when trump voters die
#notallruralvotersI agree that's it's bonkers, but it's not a fallacy, logical or otherwise. This isn't the first time he's said it, and it won't be the last:
Can we maybe not wish anyone to die?Yes but there's a difference between "this demographic generally voted for trump so I want them all to die" and "I specifically want trump voters to die."
Nah. I mean, I don't want to start up concentration camps or anything but if someone dies of an treatable medical condifion because they were unsure of how they'd be able to pay for it because they don't have insurance because they voted for the fascist that campaigned on cutting health insurance for the poor, im cool with that.Can we maybe not wish anyone to die?
I guess that's a conversation you'll have to have with him. I only know what he says on here.#notallruralvoters
Thankfully people in Middle America tend to be too dumb to realize it's insulting.
At least now when rural america continues to get fucked worse and worse, I won't have to feel bad. They got their guy.
This just happened to be where I put that post. I could just as well have put it in the general politics thread, but a healthcare thread seemed more appropriate.Love Obamacare or you're Satan
Hey, if you regret saying them and want to apologize or clarify then go ahead and do so. It would be a step up from what Trump does when people quote his old statements back at him - I don't think he has the mental capacity to regret, nevermind admit fault or grow.A quote from a non-politics thread and from literally the day after the election. Cool, bro.
That's, like, the opposite of healthcare.Can we maybe not wish anyone to die?
Weird how you seem to think he should apologise when you're basically advocating the same thing he is, just not with the more direct terms he uses:Hey, if you regret saying them and want to apologize or clarify then go ahead and do so. It would be a step up from what Trump does when people quote his old statements back at him - I don't think he has the mental capacity to regret, nevermind admit fault or grow.
You both seems to be saying that you don't mind if people's bad choices come back to bite them in the ass when it comes to an issue that might kill them...If, however, your plan is to not prepare, and not plan ahead, and instead blame society for not taking care of you when you became ill, and demand that others take care of your medical expense then I'd suggest that's a poor plan, and you may be disappointed with your decision should you become seriously ill.
The sick and the poor came to Jesus seeking help, and Jesus told them they should have planned better.Weird how you seem to think he should apologise when you're basically advocating the same thing he is, just not with the more direct terms he uses:
You both seems to be saying that you don't mind if people's bad choices come back to bite them in the ass when it comes to an issue that might kill them...
As opposed to Jesus then turning to the sick and the poor's neighbors and saying "if y'all don't pay for this guy's health care, you're going to hell!"?The sick and the poor came to Jesus seeking help, and Jesus told them they should have planned better.
And the real sad thing is that it's been proven again and again that a society is better off not letting people end in in desperate situations because they "deserved it".The sick and the poor came to Jesus seeking help, and Jesus told them they should have planned better.
That's actually in the Bible... or did they make a camel that fits through the eye of a needle and i'm ignorant about it?As opposed to Jesus then turning to the sick and the poor's neighbors and saying "if y'all don't pay for this guy's health care, you're going to hell!"?
The important distinction is in whether that giving is "giving," as in charity... or if it is being taken in the name of charity, which then may or may not actually go to said charity.That's actually in the Bible... or did they make a camel that fits through the eye of a needle and i'm ignorant about it?
Also, wasn't there something about a poor woman giving as little as she could being more worthy then the rich giving lavishly?
Giving everything to help others was, like, one of his big things...
Yes, there's really no forcing someone to give when you're just promising them eternal agony if they don't.The important distinction is in whether that giving is "giving," as in charity... or if it is being taken in the name of charity, which then may or may not actually go to said charity.
That's another issue, and one that's not limited to the government... you should know that, since Mega-Churches and needing a 4th private jet are a US thing...which then may or may not actually go to said charity.
Oh, don't start up the social responsibility argument again.The important distinction is in whether that giving is "giving," as in charity... or if it is being taken in the name of charity, which then may or may not actually go to said charity.
Taxation is theft amirite?The important distinction is in whether that giving is "giving," as in charity... or if it is being taken in the name of charity, which then may or may not actually go to said charity.
I disagree. Hospitals still have to have a certain amount of capital to function. They may not have to build routes to consumers, but they have to have buildings, and vehicles, and equipment, and personnel, etc. If they can't make as much money as they are making now, they won't want to compete, so they'll find ways to make sure they don't. Just like the cable companies make up excuses why they shouldn't have to compete.There's a difference between what makes a cable company a geographic monopoly and what determines how many hospitals there are in an area. It would only be an apt comparison if the hospitals had to build their own roads, and only their own ambulances could use the roads they built.
B/CS had 3 hospitals even before all the extra emergency rooms started popping up in 2016.
The thing is, there's lots of fat to be trimmed in American medicine. Nobody denies that - even the hospitals know they charge way more than they "need to operate." If that wasn't true, we wouldn't be getting massive discounts for paying cash instead of going through insurance. And it definitely IS very different from having to literally create your own physical infrastructure. Yes, they don't WANT a competitive market, but the trick is creating an environment that forces competition (and punishes collusion). Because, as I said, without competition, it doesn't work. But even with competition lowering the profits, there's still plenty of wiggle room for a balance to be found.I disagree. Hospitals still have to have a certain amount of capital to function. They may not have to build routes to consumers, but they have to have buildings, and vehicles, and equipment, and personnel, etc. If they can't make as much money as they are making now, they won't want to compete, so they'll find ways to make sure they don't. Just like the cable companies make up excuses why they shouldn't have to compete.
I absolutely agree. The biggest problem is, what else? All state-run isn't a good option; most state-run with not-covered-by-insurance more expensive varieties leads to the problem you have with schools and, to a point, the UK had with hospitals. All just as non-profit private organisations means churches and similar control most of them, which undermines personal freedom - wether it's an abortion, a blood transfusion, or bigger boobs, not being able to get the medical help you need because all local hospitals are run by the same extreme church is problematic too.Hospitals shouldn't be for profit anyways.
They thought it was so important to get Republican support they started at a weak bargaining position to appease them and then none of them voted for it anyways.As I understand it, that was kind of the idea, but then committees got hold of it, and, well, you know.
Worst part is they're still acting like that's trueThey thought it was so important to get Republican support they started at a weak bargaining position to appease them and then none of them voted for it anyways.
It was Biden thinking McConnel could be reasoned with and Obama naively believing it.
One of reason I've been so in favor of medicaid for all is that I did qualify for medicaid after a suicide attempt and that was one of the only times in my life I've had any help for my mental health issues. I lost it when I moved to florida bc governor rick scott declined the medicaid expansion to save the federal budget, and I fell apart again with nothing to catch me this timeAs I understand it, that was kind of the idea, but then committees got hold of it, and, well, you know.
It's gotten sooo frustrating trying to explain to people why the postal service of all things should not be squeezing them for a profit. There is a propaganda war in this country that my side is losing badlyWe have a real big issue of privatizing services that have no right to be privatized, like prisons and juvenile detention centers. Remember that story about those judges that were sending kids to private detention centers for mild infractions because they got kickbacks from the center for every bed they filled with kids? This shouldn't be a thing. People shouldn't be profiting off holding other people in detention or confinement.
Hell, we still have some people calling for the privatization of the USPS because it's not "profitable" but it's not supposed to be profitable. It's a service that is supposed to be open to all American's and people rely on it for more then just letters and junk mail. Some old person in some small rural town gets their medication through USPS because UPS and FedEX don't find the area profitable enough to actually service, and yet some people are perfectly fine with him now suffering so the USPS can turn a profit.
I wouldn't hold my breath for MFA at this point, not unless we get a dramatic shift.
It should also be mentioned that if the USPS wasn't burdened with fully vesting every employee's pension (something no other government or private institution is required to do), whether they are close to retirement or not, it would be by far the most profitable government service. Even then, it stupid to look at it in terms of profitablity: what it ACTUALLY is is a wildly successful and efficient public service that viewed very positively by the public at large. It's only Republicans looking for UPS/FedEx money that want to get rid of it.Hell, we still have some people calling for the privatization of the USPS because it's not "profitable" but it's not supposed to be profitable. It's a service that is supposed to be open to all American's and people rely on it for more then just letters and junk mail. Some old person in some small rural town gets their medication through USPS because UPS and FedEX don't find the area profitable enough to actually service, and yet some people are perfectly fine with him now suffering so the USPS can turn a profit.
Where are you getting your data? Outside of maybe Facebook, most social media accounts with the highest followers are very left wing. For comparison, Donald Trump's own account had 88 million followers or so when it was nuked. Barack Obama has 130 million. The rest in the top 10 are mostly left leaning celebrities.Social media supposedly has a liberal bias but the accounts with the largest followings are conservative. Funny how that works out
No data here, just anecdotal evidence from what I've seen of left and right wing media figures on twitter and youtube. Lot of lefties would kill to hit a million followers. Also I don't consider centrist lib celebrities to be lefties but that's a whole different argumentWhere are you getting your data? Outside of maybe Facebook, most social media accounts with the highest followers are very left wing. For comparison, Donald Trump's own account had 88 million followers or so when it was nuked. Barack Obama has 130 million. The rest in the top 10 are mostly left leaning celebrities.
Also, you are going in assuming every follow is legit. There are countries that have been using our social media reliance to their advantage through troll farms, places that generate thousands of fake social media accounts, steal abandoned accounts, produce cheap memes (often by just super-imposing a head or switching around some words) and then enter random threads to rant about whatever is the hot button political conspiracy theory. Considering pretty much all of these memes and rants often glorify Putin, you can probably guess the worst country that does it. They often are found padding up right wing accounts to make them look more popular then they actually are.
Ah yes if you mean actual lefties of the usual worldwide variety then yes they don't usually get as popular, but that just has a lot to do with demographics. People on the left don't usually wrap themselves around their politics. Politics are important to them but not the spectacle and the personality of politics. It's the opposite with people on the right, who sometimes contour their entire personalities around the political party they follow. Leftist politicians and personalities are also less likely to grift people.No data here, just anecdotal evidence from what I've seen of left and right wing media figures on twitter and youtube. Lot of lefties would kill to hit a million followers. Also I don't consider centrist lib celebrities to be lefties but that's a whole different argument
The very idea that hospitals should turn a profit really does seem to be in polar opposite of public interest. But then we live in the hellscape of late stage capitalism.Because this seems to be the right place for it:
You're saying that quality of care goes down when the hospital owners focus more on the profit than the people? Weird.![]()
Hospitals owned by private equity are harming patients, reports find
Hospital ratings dive and medical errors rise when private equity firms are in