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Obama's West comment sparks debate?





What debate? I think that comment officially makes Obama one of the coolest Presidents ever.
I'm glad the "off the record" comment was leaked.




I kind of see where they're coming from with this. I mean, on the one hand, it would be nice if the president could just say something candidly without it making the news. The same could be said for the reporters too I suppose. For all we know, that tweet was just supposed to be something cool that person wanted to share real quick. I don't think they should have to take it down because someone higher up may not like it.

I do agree with a few points though, that something like this and really just the wide use of twitter might set a bad precedent for go ahead with a story when you should not. Perhaps you need to double check something, or make a certain confirmation or even just make sure that this is something worth even tweeting.

In this instance though, I think tweeting is the perfect medium for what happened, because honestly that's all it's worth. The president expressed an opinion, and not even a really controversial one because of how common it is.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

But it was off the record, and to a journalist, off the record should be sacred. And it's a pretty basic thing, one of the first I was taught when studying journalism.


Kitty Sinatra

And the person tweeting was an employee of the news company - it's a matter of ethics that they don't disclose this information, even the on-the-record stuff. As they got the information during and through their job, it's really not their information to spread. It's the company's information, and if they don't want an employee spreading it, that employee shouldn't spread it.

When the employee sets up an interview with Mr Obama on their own time at their expense, then they can disclose whatever information is gained in whatever manner they wish.

However, I don't care about this at all. Television news sucks balls.




Didn't he only say what most of us were thinking anyway?




"Off the record" is a nicety, but not sacrosanct. The president knew he was talking to journalists, and they, by nature, will report interesting things they hear.

However, ABC and CNBC will get the cold shoulder from the white house for some time now, which is not insignificant.



Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

"Off the record" is a nicety, but not sacrosanct. The president knew he was talking to journalists, and they, by nature, will report interesting things they hear.
I guess that may be how it works in thw US... If a spanish journalist made an off the record information form the president public, he'd have serious problems to get the possibility to interview any politician again.




Might as well have priests, psychologists and lawyers just going off telling everyone they were told in confidence too if "off the record" doesn't hold any weight anymore.




You don't really get off the record over here. Especially in this digital age where you can post anything from anywhere. Plus, I mean it would depend on what was said. You can't say "hey, off the record, Hitler was right," and expect it to still be off the record.

Really, the only problem, which I didn't even realize until hearing the actual audio is that now this is going to be what people talk about instead of the issues.



i thought it was funny as hell. who the fuck cares? the pres called a jackass a jackass.




" 'cause he's a jacka-"
"Now Mr. President I'ma let you finish, but Bush had one of the greatest approval ratings of all time!"



" 'cause he's a jacka-"
"Now Mr. President I'ma let you finish, but Bush had one of the greatest approval ratings of all time!"




Unlike the Harvard professor thing Obama talked about when he shouldn't have, this one was pretty straight forward. What I think is funny is that Kanye LOVES Obama! I think that more than anything will make him sit up and look at his actions. When your HERO calls you a jackass for acting the way you do it's time to take a good look at yourself.




Kanye may be the biggest jackass of all time, of all time!




Unlike the Harvard professor thing Obama talked about when he shouldn't have, this one was pretty straight forward. What I think is funny is that Kanye LOVES Obama! I think that more than anything will make him sit up and look at his actions. When your HERO calls you a jackass for acting the way you do it's time to take a good look at yourself.
You believe too much in the good in people...

Actually, I like that in you.

---------- Post added at 06:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 PM ----------

\" 'cause he's a jacka-\"
\"Now Mr. President I'ma let you finish, but Bush had one of the greatest approval ratings of all time!\"
This should be captured in a picture, stat!




Might as well have priests, psychologists and lawyers just going off telling everyone they were told in confidence too if "off the record" doesn't hold any weight anymore.
Are you actually holding reporters to the same standards as those three groups of people?:bush:




Are you actually holding reporters to the same standards as those three groups of people?:bush:
I'm putting "off the record" in that category. Not necessarily those who can't abide by it.




Unlike the Harvard professor thing Obama talked about when he shouldn't have, this one was pretty straight forward. What I think is funny is that Kanye LOVES Obama! I think that more than anything will make him sit up and look at his actions. When your HERO calls you a jackass for acting the way you do it's time to take a good look at yourself.
I highly doubt Kanye will change his ways b/c Obama called him out. Kanye is just that moronic.

Why is the president up to date on the goings-on at MTV?




Are you actually holding reporters to the same standards as those three groups of people?:bush:
I'm putting "off the record" in that category. Not necessarily those who can't abide by it.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough.




Why is the president up to date on the goings-on at MTV?
Doesn't he have preteen daughters???



Unlike the Harvard professor thing Obama talked about when he shouldn't have, this one was pretty straight forward. What I think is funny is that Kanye LOVES Obama! I think that more than anything will make him sit up and look at his actions. When your HERO calls you a jackass for acting the way you do it's time to take a good look at yourself.
I highly doubt Kanye will change his ways b/c Obama called him out. Kanye is just that moronic.

Why is the president up to date on the goings-on at MTV?[/QUOTE]

Because, he's fucking coooooool :cool:




Any coaching I do for our local managers who are intending to talk to the media always includes "Do not say anything you don't want repeated. "Off the Record" is not a rule, it's more of a guideline.




The old-school homies here should recall the donkey punch Connie Chung received when she told an interviewee her comments were off the record:





Kanye West is a jackass. Good on the Pres for saying what was on his mind. I doubt the reporter will get much business after this though. Not for a while anyways.


Kitty Sinatra

It wasn't the reporter who twitted the comment. Hell, it wasn't even the people on the set a the time or even someone from the network (CNBC) doing the interview.

It was some techie from ABC or something with access to the feed (because CNBC and ABC share some technical stuff) that twitted the comment.




I just hope the Prez knows about this from news coverage.

1. I don't like the idea of the Prez watching MTV.
2. I REALLY don't like the idea of the Prez's pre-teen daughters watching MTV.




I'm surprised Obama hadn't yet learned that there is no such thing as off-record for a politician.



I'm surprised Obama hadn't yet learned that there is no such thing as off-record for a politician.
well.... consider it was a technical issue rather than reporters, I think this is one of those "rare cases"

It seems that all the reporters in the room are using the "honor code" of "off the record until actual interview" code.

The tech on the other hand, didn't honor it and thus...... well.. good times :)



You know, I'm surprised that people still get angry about politicians saying these kinds of things off the record. I mean, Bush did plenty of off-the-record foul-mouthing. Clinton had sex with interns off the record.

No matter who we elect, we're not going to have a president who's a complete saint, so there's not point in getting all up in arms when a political figure uses a naughty word.

Besides, Obama was right. West WAS a jackass.




I just hope the Prez knows about this from news coverage.

1. I don't like the idea of the Prez watching MTV.
2. I REALLY don't like the idea of the Prez's pre-teen daughters watching MTV.
Yeah, man! Once we voted him into office, we not only get a say over every move he makes when he's working, but also what he and his family do in their free time. Don't forget, he's working for US. Can somebody block every channel in the White House but CNN and MSNBC already?



I just hope the Prez knows about this from news coverage.

1. I don't like the idea of the Prez watching MTV.
2. I REALLY don't like the idea of the Prez's pre-teen daughters watching MTV.
Yeah, man! Once we voted him into office, we not only get a say over every move he makes when he's working, but also what he and his family do in their free time. Don't forget, he's working for US. Can somebody block every channel in the White House but CNN and MSNBC already?[/QUOTE]

I can't take you seriously in that hat ;) (nice hat)




This is so petty.

When is Obama going to get over the fact that Kanye cut his guest track off of 808's & Heartbreak?

It's time to move on.




I just hope the Prez knows about this from news coverage.

1. I don't like the idea of the Prez watching MTV.
2. I REALLY don't like the idea of the Prez's pre-teen daughters watching MTV.
Yeah, man! Once we voted him into office, we not only get a say over every move he makes when he's working, but also what he and his family do in their free time. Don't forget, he's working for US. Can somebody block every channel in the White House but CNN and MSNBC already?[/QUOTE]
Do we get to facilitate when he has bowel movements too? :D


Kitty Sinatra

you want to help him shit? :Leyla:




Oh come on! You know the girls flip over to MTV as soon as daddy goes to a press conference!!!


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I occasionally watch MTV myself...




Yeah, occasionally. Of course.




His comments on Kanye West only made him cooler tbh. And there is no such thing as off the record, because anything you'll ever say to a journalist will in some way always reach the surface.



you want to help him shit? :Leyla:
No, just when. And what consistency.

And what he reads.

And maybe every now and then we knock on the door and ask how it's going.




Huh, I would've thought that this thread belonged in the Politicals R Us.




It's much more of a pop culture thread.


Kitty Sinatra

that's pretty damn controlling, rabbitgod.




It's much more of a poop culture thread.




It's not political until GasBandit lures DarkAudit into a flame war.




I just hope the Prez knows about this from news coverage.

1. I don't like the idea of the Prez watching MTV.
2. I REALLY don't like the idea of the Prez's pre-teen daughters watching MTV.
Yeah, man! Once we voted him into office, we not only get a say over every move he makes when he's working, but also what he and his family do in their free time. Don't forget, he's working for US. Can somebody block every channel in the White House but CNN and MSNBC already?[/QUOTE]

Scoff away, I just think that the race and sex images portrayed by MTV are detrimental to elementary school children. That is just the educator in me slipping out.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I don't see where he has to watch MTV. I don't think I've watched MTV in years, and I can say that Kanye is a jackass just fine.




I just hope the Prez knows about this from news coverage.

1. I don't like the idea of the Prez watching MTV.
2. I REALLY don't like the idea of the Prez's pre-teen daughters watching MTV.
Yeah, man! Once we voted him into office, we not only get a say over every move he makes when he's working, but also what he and his family do in their free time. Don't forget, he's working for US. Can somebody block every channel in the White House but CNN and MSNBC already?[/QUOTE]

Scoff away, I just think that the race and sex images portrayed by MTV are detrimental to elementary school children. That is just the educator in me slipping out.[/QUOTE]

QFT. That's why the whole 'Rock the vote' thing, for me, is absurdity piled onto absurdity.

And, if the pres really does watch MTV (which I doubt) that doesn't make him cool in any sort of way. It makes him creepy.




I just hope the Prez knows about this from news coverage.

1. I don't like the idea of the Prez watching MTV.
2. I REALLY don't like the idea of the Prez's pre-teen daughters watching MTV.
Yeah, man! Once we voted him into office, we not only get a say over every move he makes when he's working, but also what he and his family do in their free time. Don't forget, he's working for US. Can somebody block every channel in the White House but CNN and MSNBC already?[/QUOTE]

Scoff away, I just think that the race and sex images portrayed by MTV are detrimental to elementary school children. That is just the educator in me slipping out.[/QUOTE]
Pff, they are all having sex anyway so lets just PILE IT ON BABY! :aaahhh:
Unless you some kind of old fashioned square. That what you are?




I'm not going to say "good for Obama," because non-famous people have been saying that for a while now.

I'm not going to say "shame on the press," though I almost did. Off the record should mean something, but if there's an eye-catching story to tell, many of them will go ahead and tell it. Not surprised and too apathetic about it to be disgusted.

I will say shame on anyone for criticizing him for this (which seems to be pretty much/almost no one here). He's a human just like anyone else, and he has a right to have a low opinion of someone. If he wants to risk something "unsafe" for his reputation being leaked, that's his business. He, like any other high-profile person, must know how careful he needs to be.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I just hope the Prez knows about this from news coverage.

1. I don't like the idea of the Prez watching MTV.
2. I REALLY don't like the idea of the Prez's pre-teen daughters watching MTV.
Yeah, man! Once we voted him into office, we not only get a say over every move he makes when he's working, but also what he and his family do in their free time. Don't forget, he's working for US. Can somebody block every channel in the White House but CNN and MSNBC already?[/QUOTE]

Scoff away, I just think that the race and sex images portrayed by MTV are detrimental to elementary school children. That is just the educator in me slipping out.[/QUOTE]

Oh no, it's a teacher!
I'd be bothered more if Obama watched Fox News.



Rob King

Rob King

A few people have mentioned that everyone should know that anything you say to a reporter is fair game. As if it would inevitably get out.

As far as I understand it, the pre-press conference joking is standard. I remember Bush (bad example) doing a flipping tap dance while waiting for the press conference to start to endorse McCain. Journalists must be generally good about 'off the record.' You would have a lot more crap like this if they weren't.



I've been listening to conservative talk radio lately and it blos my mind the message these "people" try to get across. Anything they can spin to try to make Obama look bad. One even defended West just to try to make Obama look bad for his jack ass comment.

They just seem so full of hate. It's really sad.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

They should probably be waiting for him to actually fuck up before going off. Otherwise when he does and they start talking about it, it's just more yabbering noise from their.




He obviously only watches MTV for the Scrubs reruns.

No biggie.



The guy can´t even fart without getting flak, eh?




The guy can´t even fart without getting flak, eh?
Obama calling Kanye a jackass is probably the most genuine thing I have ever heard him say, rather then seeing him all prepared with long speeches or sitting with his family like he is about to have a picture for a Hallmark card. I like him a lot more for it, and wish he was able to speak so casually in the future.

I would like a president that feels like an intelligent human being rather then an intelligent text-to-speech robot reading off a script.
