Obama's West comment sparks debate?

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His comments on Kanye West only made him cooler tbh. And there is no such thing as off the record, because anything you'll ever say to a journalist will in some way always reach the surface.
I just hope the Prez knows about this from news coverage.

1. I don't like the idea of the Prez watching MTV.
2. I REALLY don't like the idea of the Prez's pre-teen daughters watching MTV.
Yeah, man! Once we voted him into office, we not only get a say over every move he makes when he's working, but also what he and his family do in their free time. Don't forget, he's working for US. Can somebody block every channel in the White House but CNN and MSNBC already?[/QUOTE]

Scoff away, I just think that the race and sex images portrayed by MTV are detrimental to elementary school children. That is just the educator in me slipping out.
I don't see where he has to watch MTV. I don't think I've watched MTV in years, and I can say that Kanye is a jackass just fine.
I just hope the Prez knows about this from news coverage.

1. I don't like the idea of the Prez watching MTV.
2. I REALLY don't like the idea of the Prez's pre-teen daughters watching MTV.
Yeah, man! Once we voted him into office, we not only get a say over every move he makes when he's working, but also what he and his family do in their free time. Don't forget, he's working for US. Can somebody block every channel in the White House but CNN and MSNBC already?[/QUOTE]

Scoff away, I just think that the race and sex images portrayed by MTV are detrimental to elementary school children. That is just the educator in me slipping out.[/QUOTE]

QFT. That's why the whole 'Rock the vote' thing, for me, is absurdity piled onto absurdity.

And, if the pres really does watch MTV (which I doubt) that doesn't make him cool in any sort of way. It makes him creepy.
I just hope the Prez knows about this from news coverage.

1. I don't like the idea of the Prez watching MTV.
2. I REALLY don't like the idea of the Prez's pre-teen daughters watching MTV.
Yeah, man! Once we voted him into office, we not only get a say over every move he makes when he's working, but also what he and his family do in their free time. Don't forget, he's working for US. Can somebody block every channel in the White House but CNN and MSNBC already?[/QUOTE]

Scoff away, I just think that the race and sex images portrayed by MTV are detrimental to elementary school children. That is just the educator in me slipping out.[/QUOTE]
Pff, they are all having sex anyway so lets just PILE IT ON BABY! :aaahhh:
Unless you some kind of old fashioned square. That what you are?


Staff member
I'm not going to say "good for Obama," because non-famous people have been saying that for a while now.

I'm not going to say "shame on the press," though I almost did. Off the record should mean something, but if there's an eye-catching story to tell, many of them will go ahead and tell it. Not surprised and too apathetic about it to be disgusted.

I will say shame on anyone for criticizing him for this (which seems to be pretty much/almost no one here). He's a human just like anyone else, and he has a right to have a low opinion of someone. If he wants to risk something "unsafe" for his reputation being leaked, that's his business. He, like any other high-profile person, must know how careful he needs to be.
I just hope the Prez knows about this from news coverage.

1. I don't like the idea of the Prez watching MTV.
2. I REALLY don't like the idea of the Prez's pre-teen daughters watching MTV.
Yeah, man! Once we voted him into office, we not only get a say over every move he makes when he's working, but also what he and his family do in their free time. Don't forget, he's working for US. Can somebody block every channel in the White House but CNN and MSNBC already?[/QUOTE]

Scoff away, I just think that the race and sex images portrayed by MTV are detrimental to elementary school children. That is just the educator in me slipping out.[/QUOTE]

Oh no, it's a teacher!
I'd be bothered more if Obama watched Fox News.

A few people have mentioned that everyone should know that anything you say to a reporter is fair game. As if it would inevitably get out.

As far as I understand it, the pre-press conference joking is standard. I remember Bush (bad example) doing a flipping tap dance while waiting for the press conference to start to endorse McCain. Journalists must be generally good about 'off the record.' You would have a lot more crap like this if they weren't.


I've been listening to conservative talk radio lately and it blos my mind the message these "people" try to get across. Anything they can spin to try to make Obama look bad. One even defended West just to try to make Obama look bad for his jack ass comment.

They just seem so full of hate. It's really sad.
They should probably be waiting for him to actually fuck up before going off. Otherwise when he does and they start talking about it, it's just more yabbering noise from their.
The guy can´t even fart without getting flak, eh?
Obama calling Kanye a jackass is probably the most genuine thing I have ever heard him say, rather then seeing him all prepared with long speeches or sitting with his family like he is about to have a picture for a Hallmark card. I like him a lot more for it, and wish he was able to speak so casually in the future.

I would like a president that feels like an intelligent human being rather then an intelligent text-to-speech robot reading off a script.
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