Ode to a Lost Beard

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Oh man.

We need a minute of silence, please.

I was using the clippers to just trim my righteous totally chick-digged beard.... and then, the unthinkable. A twitch, a spasm, intervention from Satan; call it what you will. Whatever it was, it shaved a rectangular spot right off from my cheek.

I know, I know, I'll give you a few seconds to compose yourselves. There, there.

So, obviously, I had to shave it all off after. I still used the number one guard on the clippers so I'm not CLEAN shaven, I'm back to the 5-o-clock shadow-y look.... which is a fucking tragedy since the beard had been working so good, dammit.

I can grow it back in a couple of weeks, sure, but all the lost time!! Oh, the misery.
Heh, been there before, my friend. I just use a straight razor to shave (and a beard trimmer on the goatee) and sometimes shave too close to the goatee and lose some of it. Then I shave off the 'tee and all. Though, sometimes (like...right now, actually), I get tired of the 'tee and shave it off. Huh...maybe I'll join you, my clean-shaven friend!

---------- Post added at 02:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ----------

This happenned to me when I was learning to take care of my beard... Be strong, Calleja. It will be back befor you even know it.

Occasional Poster

Oh man, I hate when that happens. I've been forced to groom my Magnum down to a Higgins because of yawning or twitching. Have comfort in knowing that your beard will be back before you know it.
I don't recall what you looked like before, but honestly? You've got a slight bit more than a 5 o'clock shadow there, man. I'm fucking jealous because I can't even pull that off.

Honestly? It kinda works for ya! I say keep it trimmed like that!
The sort of decent pic I have with how my beard used to be is this one:

but that's after 2 hours of pain and sweating.
Actually, that makes it sexier, doesn't it?
God, I'm so sorry! the fully grown beard looks much better on you than that stubble. But don't worry! In about a week you'll have something more decent. Not your full manliness yet, but something not to be ashamed of!
He hadn't seen it fully grown! Your after-tattoo picture has made him see the light! He now speaks true words.
Fine! You're a sexy Mexican beast that every woman craves, no matter how your facial hair appears.

And yes, you can put that in your sig.
The Tegster! I like being called by deformations of my original nickname! Yeah!

(Aw, this was supposed to go together with my previous post! Ninja'd!)


.... alright, how about some female opinions now, maybe? :paranoid:
It does not affect your current level of attractiveness or lack thereof.

---------- Post added at 05:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 PM ----------

.... alright, how about some female opinions now, maybe? :paranoid:
It does not affect your current level of attractiveness or lack thereof.


Staff member
You're not at all sexy anymore. I retract my offer to lead you to promiscuous Southern hotties. And you can forget about going for a pastrami sandwich before, too!

..No, but really, it still looks good.


Staff member
By a tiny little margin. It looks good thin, too. You're just a handsome devil, Calleja. No gettin' around it.
Heh, I was thinking more of the "I can't believe you have a huge U2 poster!!!" sort of thing, but since you asked and EvE is like an hour way from finishing downloading:

Don't worry, the Beatles paraphernalia is there, just not at that angle.
The wall behind my computer as naught but a window, but alas, my paltry facial hair is undeserving of such a thread.

Philosopher B.

It should be a crime if you can have a bitchin' smexy beard and you choose not to. 40 lashes. :p

- Philo-B., who looks like a wispy, patchy blonde goat whenever he tries to grow anything on the lower portions of his face.
It worked!! Re-opened!

I've been flirting a lot with this girl from Mexico City who might be visiting soon (I'm about 2 hrs away), but she's gone on record saying she prefers me with the sort-of-stubble you see in the pictures here than with a beard beard... but I was working on my beard and looking forward to having it all big and glorious again!

What do you guys think? Shave it off for a girl?
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