Ofc. Charon - aka "Ask a Cop anything"

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I must confess some ignorance of this forum, but from what I've seen since exploring around, after the move from Angels 2200, I think this is going to be a lively crowd to chat with! *grins*

Just a little background - as the title implies, I'm a police officer in Georgia. By the same token, I'm a free-thinking geek, which makes for some interesting dichotomies, I can tell ya! *wry smile*

Was enlisted in Marine Corps. 2nd Verse, same as the first. *chuckles*

I also pay Warhammer 40k, which explains why I have no money. Ever. *hangs head in shame*

BUT! That's not all! Order now, and we'll DOUBLE your value! For this is not merely an intro thread, but also one where your questions, inquiries, interrogatives are responded to, with regards to the light side of the thin blue line. Ask a cop anything, and I'll endeavour to respond. If I don't know the answer, I'll find out for you.

All said, hope to have a great experience on the forum - after all, Like Hans said, this is something like the 8th move...
Hey, nice to see another 40K player on the board. Should share some pics of your mini's and talk about what armies you play ;)


Staff member
DI, I love you.

I have a weird question--has someone you dated ever asked you to wear your uniform during private time?

Also, what book can you read over and over?

Who makes you laugh the most?

What movie touches you the most?
Have you met LeQuack?
Negative. If I had, said-named canard would not have had the opportunity to escape.

Hey, nice to see another 40K player on the board. Should share some pics of your mini's and talk about what armies you play ;)
I've got a few pics of my Iron Warriors and custom Space Marine chapter lurking aboot... gotta resize them tho. I'm also building up a Sisters force and an IG regiment - bought out my FLGS's legacy minis, so I'm fielding a "Regiment of Remnants"-type deal. Once I have enough painted up to justify it, I'll snap some shots.
Have you met LeQuack?
Negative. If I had, said-named canard would not have had the opportunity to escape.

Hey, nice to see another 40K player on the board. Should share some pics of your mini's and talk about what armies you play ;)
I've got a few pics of my Iron Warriors and custom Space Marine chapter lurking aboot... gotta resize them tho. I'm also building up a Sisters force and an IG regiment - bought out my FLGS's legacy minis, so I'm fielding a "Regiment of Remnants"-type deal. Once I have enough painted up to justify it, I'll snap some shots.[/QUOTE]
If I wasn't a Daemon player I'd so be painting up the SOB armies. Thoe models look so sweet!

Very cool!
If I wasn't a Daemon player I'd so be painting up the SOB armies. Thoe models look so sweet!

Very cool!
They are some awesome minis, and examples of ways to do pewter right. That being said, I would love to see some new ones come out. If word on the jungle drums is right, 2010 might be my year for it...

DI, I love you.

I have a weird question--has someone you dated ever asked you to wear your uniform during private time?

Also, what book can you read over and over?

Who makes you laugh the most?

What movie touches you the most?
Not as weird as you might think. *wry grin* Not since becoming a cop, oddly enough. Although my wife was there for the very beginning of it, so maybe she was bored with it?

But when I was in the Corps, I had a couple ask for THAT uniform - the cammies, oddly enough, not the blues that most ask for. *shrugs* It takes all kinds.

As for your three others:
Starship Troopers. A Fantastic socio-political commentary that reveals new layers to me every time I read it.
My wife. She is too adorable, and despite being the one with common sense in our relationship, is prone to fits of randomness that never cease to break me entirely. *grins*
Movie... as for touching me, it depends on which aspect we're talking about... I've felt connected to several, depending on what mood I'm in. Narrow it down, some?


Good to have you hear man. Bring the power of the law!

Questions... hmmm...

Ever been shot at?
Never been shot at... got into a fight with a dude who drew a knife... on my 3 partners and myself. *headdesk*

Had a guy there who caught it on film, and who immediately offered it up to us as evidence. It's lurking out there on YouTube, I believe.
Boiled peanuts! woo!

No question. I just love boiled peanuts and you can't get them in michigan.
I had never had 'em before I came down here. A roommate of mine (who happened to be a trained chef - much win was had) whipped up a batch with some seasoning - awesomesauce. I've been a fan ever since.

Hm, ok...

What movie makes you feel all warm and happy?

What movie makes you feel saddest?
Warm and happy would probably be "40 Days and 40 Nights," because the character felt real, but he still managed to get the girl in the end, despite temptation.

Sad... I believe "Life is Beautiful" was one of the best for grabbing hold of me like that. Not-so-coincidentally, "Schindler's List" works well, too.
Is Paula Dean's accent annoying to you?

Why are Vidalia onions so awesome?

What's the best thing about Georgia?

What's the worst?
Is Paula Dean's accent annoying to you?

Why are Vidalia onions so awesome?

What's the best thing about Georgia?

What's the worst?
I've met Paula Deen, working security for a book signing she did. She is a fake, egomaniacal hack who makes her living hocking overpriced food that is the same that you can get at any Shoney's or Cracker Barrel. She is so in love with herself it's not even funny.

Vidalia onions just rock. So flavorful. Om nom nom. In all seriousness, I believe it might have something to do with the iron content in the soil down there.

Georgia is interesting, because its experienced something of a cultural revolution in recent years. It's managed to retain it's earthy, country charm, whilst starting to incorporate a more cosmopolitan image than surrounding southern states... for the most part.

By the same token, close-mindedness still pervades the area. There is equal parts "Good ol' Boy" and "Thug Life" existing down here, and occasionally the two meet. This tends to be when I get called.
I've met Paula Deen, working security for a book signing she did. She is a fake, egomaniacal hack who makes her living hocking overpriced food that is the same that you can get at any Shoney's or Cracker Barrel. She is so in love with herself it's not even funny.

You have no idea how sad this makes me.

At least I can still believe that Alton Brown is a good guy... and don't anyone dare say otherwise.


Staff member
I'm not at all surprised about Paula Deen. I don't think her cooking is all that special, and when her sons and daughters in law were on her show once they looked really put out and uncomfortable when she teased them about grandchildren.
Who would win in a fight, a police officer from Georgia, or a Canadian mountie?

I am in no way trying to instigate trouble. :ninja:
Who would win in a fight, a police officer from Georgia, or a Canadian mountie?

I am in no way trying to instigate trouble. :ninja:
I appreciate the recognition that you could be trolling, and your deflection of it. Well played, sirrah.

In all seriousness, it comes down to which department are you talking about? The various municipal departments vary WIDELY in the abilities of their officers, ranging from your stereotypical "Officer Bubba" to officers who are Karate instructors, and avid students of Jeet Kune Do (Can ya tell I'm drawing from a known quantity on that last? *grins*)

Now, God's Special People (aka Georgia State Patrol), on the other hand, are a state agency, and have a strict level of physical training required. I would pit a team of those guys against an equal-sized team of Mounties. Because officers never fight alone, if we can help it. *grins*
Have you met LeQuack?
After spending more than 5 minutes on the board, and sifting through several other threads, I'm cottoning to the reference.

Suffice it to say, should there be raeg, it's not going to come from this side.

I'll say the same thing I did when I got spat on at a Toys for Tots collection event, whilst wearing my dress blues:

"I do what I do so that people like you can do what you did."

I agree that not every police officer is a saint, a paragon of virtue. Officers are humans, and humans fail, now and then.

On the other side of the coin, humans are capable of truly epic amounts of win. Everybody is not expected to achieve this level of win. It wouldn't be fair to expect that of everyone.

Just sayin'...
Have you met LeQuack?
After spending more than 5 minutes on the board, and sifting through several other threads, I'm cottoning to the reference.

Suffice it to say, should there be raeg, it's not going to come from this side.

I'll say the same thing I did when I got spat on at a Toys for Tots collection event, whilst wearing my dress blues:

"I do what I do so that people like you can do what you did."

I agree that not every police officer is a saint, a paragon of virtue. Officers are humans, and humans fail, now and then.

On the other side of the coin, humans are capable of truly epic amounts of win. Everybody is not expected to achieve this level of win. It wouldn't be fair to expect that of everyone.

Just sayin'...[/QUOTE]

You'll find that the majority of the boards have a lot of respect for police officers, and servicemen of all kind.

But LeQuack... that guy hates the po-po*. Make sure to bring your mace.

*but we still love him.


While sifting through the forums, which members stood out to you the most, and why?


Staff member
Semper Fi, brother! Good to have another Former on the boards!

Welcome, young man.

When did you enlist, when did you go through boot and what was your MOS?
Starship Troopers. A Fantastic socio-political commentary that reveals new layers to me every time I read it.
Is...Is that a requirement to be allowed on the Angel2200 group? Either way, I'm starting to like this new group of members more by the minute :-D

Welcome, by the way...Be sure to stop by in the Mountie-with-a-turban thread and weigh in.

As for a question, what webcomic do you think needs to be amde into a feature length film, and why?


Staff member
Ugh. Paula Dean has the southerner's fake southern accent. That one a person from the south will layer on top of a real southern accent for show. I hate that.

Also, do you feel that Charon has lost some of its glory with the demotion of Pluto?
I'll say the same thing I did when I got spat on at a Toys for Tots collection event, whilst wearing my dress blues:.
Whoa, that sucks. I get shit on all the time while in my normal GD uniform, but when I put on the serge, it's nothing but the utmost of respect from anyone I come in contact with.


Staff member
What's the worst thing you've been called while in office?

What's the worst thing you've been called while out of office?

What's the worst thing you've been called while inside an office?

Do I make annoying questions when I'm tired... in an office?
Phew! I go to sleep, then go to work for a bit, and y'all load me up! *grins* Here goes...

Don't taze him, bro! Well, taze him a little bit.
We don't have tazers on my department... yet. It goes: commands, hands, spray, baton, gun. Depending on their actions, that little chain might get shuffled around a bit.

While sifting through the forums, which members stood out to you the most, and why?
There have been a couple people who have stood out, for various reasons. One thing I have noticed is that there is (generally) a high level of maturity on these forums. Very little 'Sperger-wannabes here. As for people in particular... well, I've slept since last night. *wry chuckle* Give me a little bit to shuffle through again. Espy (Epsy?) stood out tho, for his restraint in deploying the banhammer during a debate. Until it was justified.

Semper Fi, brother! Good to have another Former on the boards!

Welcome, young man.

When did you enlist, when did you go through boot and what was your MOS?
Ooh-rah, devil! I enlisted October 31st, 2001. Shipped to the Island November 25th, 2001. Plt 1010, B Co, 1 Battalion. I was an 0811 (Field Artillery Cannoneer) for the first little bit, then I became a 3100 (Basic Traffic Marine) - I was SUPPOSED to be sent to training to be a 3112 (Traffic Management Office), but you know how it is with paperwork. I finished my stint as a Corporal, due to high cutting scores/MOS lock while I was in. That and I had an issue with pull-ups... *wry smile*

As for a question, what webcomic do you think needs to be amde into a feature length film, and why?
Hrm... Well, my obvious answer is Angels 2200 (pimp, pimp), as I feel that the story has great potential as a sci-fi feature. As for others... I think Least I Could Do would rock as a TV mini series - live action possibly could work. I haven't had a chance to see any of the work that they've done on it to that end, tho. MegaTokyo would work BETTER as a movie than the format it's in right now, I think, as the story covers so many people over such widely varying arcs. Girl Genius would ROCK. OUT. LOUD.

Ugh. Paula Dean has the southerner's fake southern accent. That one a person from the south will layer on top of a real southern accent for show. I hate that.

Also, do you feel that Charon has lost some of its glory with the demotion of Pluto?
Paula Deen uses her Agoraphobia (which sometimes alleges she's gotten over) as an excuse to dump on her fans, and cut and run. And yes, her overly played accent grates. NOONE local talks with an accent that strong - and that's including folks from a couple counties over, where dirt roads are more prevalent than paved.

And I feel that Pluto got a crappy deal out of that whole scenario. Charon has no need to be upgraded from a satellite to a planetoid.

Besides, that's where Pluto houses their defense fleet. *grins*

What seems to be the officer, problem?

Ever been stabbed?

Best perk of the job?

Worst part of the job?

Haven't been stabbed. Yet. Suspects don't tend to fight with me so much - although I did have an emotionally disturbed teenager require me to put her in handcuffs for my safety, because she had called a suicide hotline and told them she would kill herself, then got bored and hung up. Protip: don't do this, and REALLY don't tell the cops to "Fuck off, I'm going to sleep." It will NOT end well for you.

The best perk is that I get paid to be nosy, to watch scenes where EVERYONE wants to see what's going on, and to (occasionally) take away someone's civil liberties when they've demonstrated that they can't be responsible with them.

The worst is the unpredictability. Someone you stop for a simple tag light violation could be a wanted fugitive from an armed robbery two counties away, and he could have a sawed-off sitting in the seat next to him. It's REALLY bad, because so many of the calls we ride DON'T involve that level of tension, so it's really easy to become complacent. I have a wife and a child on the way: I can NOT afford to be complacent.

What's the worst thing you've been called while in office?

What's the worst thing you've been called while out of office?

What's the worst thing you've been called while inside an office?

Do I make annoying questions when I'm tired... in an office?
I've been called Cletus, Cracker, Barney Fife, doughnut-eater, pig, po-po, all SORTS of expletives and various and unsavory combinations of bodily functions. The ones that bother me the most are when they call me "Nigga," because:
a) I despise that word
b) I despise the connotations with that word
c) I am not lazy
d) They have GOT to be colorblind.

Worst thing when not on duty? Feh... I could care less. The badge ain't on.

In an office? I got called a liar. This REALLY bothers me, because for obvious and not-so-obvious reasons, my integrity is of grave importance to me. I do not lie. I may not tell the whole truth, but I don't lie - especially to suspects. Those are the ones whose reactions depend on their level of trust of me. Never bluff a suspect: they WILL call you on it.

And no, the questions aren't annoying, just thematic. Although you might want to consider a nap. *grin*
What's with the 3 asterisks in your signature?

Do you have any idea how annoying it is trying to type or do any computer work when there's a cat INSISTING to lay his stupid head on the keyboard?
Each asterisk represents a girl who I gave my heart to, and who either ground it beneath their booted heels, or laughed and...


Seriously tho, all it was was just to divide the sig from the post. I didn't know about the lines above the .sig section when I set it up, and I haven't changed it yet, that's all. *wry grin*

Yeah... I'm kinda vanilla and boring.
I have no questions because I am incredibly drunk, but welcome aboard!

NOw...where was that whsikey
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