Ofc. Charon - aka "Ask a Cop anything"

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Le Quack

Good answers. =]

---------- Post added at 07:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------

I know this is Charon's thread, but being married to a cop, I have to jump in on a few things.

I'll give you another example. I rode along with my wife once. We're on a major road, and she says, "I'm going to stop this person." The car was ordinary looking, and I saw nothing different or wrong. But she knew. She had developed an intuition about it, just like everyone does about their own work. Sure enough, we watched as the car peeled off from in front of us and pretended to buy gas, apparently oblivious to the fact that we could see they weren't pumping. Eventually, the nervous driver made a driving error and we stopped her. Sure enough, she had no insurance. Minor, but my wife knew just from watching her that something was wrong (an ordinary looking white woman, btw.)
What I see is, aside from not having insurance, a cop following a woman who had done apparently nothing wrong and pouncing on any small reason to pull her over. Then she tickets her for no insurance. I understand that she broke the law, but from what was given she wasn't hurting anybody. Maybe she didnt have the money for insurance but still needed to drive to work. Now she's got a chunk of her money gone to pay for a ticket.

How is that helping the general populace?


Staff member
Good answers. =]

---------- Post added at 07:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------

I know this is Charon's thread, but being married to a cop, I have to jump in on a few things.

I'll give you another example. I rode along with my wife once. We're on a major road, and she says, "I'm going to stop this person." The car was ordinary looking, and I saw nothing different or wrong. But she knew. She had developed an intuition about it, just like everyone does about their own work. Sure enough, we watched as the car peeled off from in front of us and pretended to buy gas, apparently oblivious to the fact that we could see they weren't pumping. Eventually, the nervous driver made a driving error and we stopped her. Sure enough, she had no insurance. Minor, but my wife knew just from watching her that something was wrong (an ordinary looking white woman, btw.)
What I see is, aside from not having insurance, a cop following a woman who had done apparently nothing wrong and pouncing on any small reason to pull her over. Then she tickets her for no insurance. I understand that she broke the law, but from what was given she wasn't hurting anybody. Maybe she didnt have the money for insurance but still needed to drive to work. Now she's got a chunk of her money gone to pay for a ticket.

How is that helping the general populace?
Does quite a bit actually, and was demanded by the populace in fact. That region of the state was virtually plagued by people causing accidents and then pulling out their pockets and shrugging when it came time to fix the other person's car. Then guess who has to foot the bill? Did you take that extra expensive uninsured motorist premium from your insurer? In point of fact, it was public outcry that caused the department to crack down hard on that particular offense.

As far as "pouncing", that's a bit harsh. My wife knew from the get go that that something was suspicious based on the woman's behavior. That suspicion only increased when she sought to actively deceive us (at which point there was absolutely no indication that we were watching her in particular). For all we knew she was up to something worse. It's not like my wife was going around actively doing this all night--this woman stood out based on her training, experience, and intuition. And my wife was cordial, professional, and polite.

It's not a cop's job to just react to something that's already been done, but to prevent things from happening.
How is that helping the general populace?

Having been hit by an asshole without insurance I can also say it would have been very nice to have had a cop pull her over before she hit me and forced me to pay for her stupid dumb as bricks behavior.


Yeah Quack, I mean didn't this JUST happen to Dave where an uninsured driver hit his car?

To Charon, here I'm not familiar with every little firearm law for cops but most carry glocks. The four cops I'm familiar with are all I.C.E. and they carry Glock 32's.
ICE can pretty much carry anything and you occassionally see some older desk worker carrying around his Colt Python, maybe a 1911 or two. And of course the Sherriff, "The only gun he carries is on his tie."

Question wise, You're probably not close enough to ever hear about him but what does your department think of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, should you have heard of him.
My sister's being sued by an uninsured motorist who HIT HER on the parkway. She's only one of about 7 parties (including 'John Doe' and 'ABC Company') named in the suit, but getting that summons was still not the high point of her week.

I had let my insurance lapse when I was 19, and after about a year I was involved in a collision. It took me almost 2 years to pay off the damages, because I had no liability insurance. I was unable to have a license for years (the points and my age made my rate outrageous). So, you know, I don't have a problem when uninsured motorists being nailed, because as far as wake-up calls go, that ticket can be cheap at the price.

So you can shove your "cops are looking to bully the little guy" mentality, LeQuack.
Question wise, You're probably not close enough to ever hear about him but what does your department think of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, should you have heard of him.
I can't speak for my department, but as for myself I remember hearing about Sheriff Arpaio, when he first starting putting prisoners in what basically amounted to P.O.W. camps, and I approved that. I agree with chain gangs and having prisoners work as a condition of their sentencing, rather than live in what amounts to a gated community with a rather feral population.

However, viewing more recent headlines, it appears that he's starting to become rather unhinged. Shame.

What popular culture police officer do you most identify with? And the least?
Hrm.... there's not too many uniformed officers in popular culture - most tend to be detectives, because most writers can make an episode out of a case or two, rather than patrol's P.O.V. That's why I liked Third Watch so much.

But if I had to choose... something like an unholy combination of Gibbs, McGee and Ducky from NCIS. *grins*

Element 117

Finally an AMA that's USEFUL!

Dear OFC, I've recently moved to a new apartment complex and on occasion see a jackass porsche parked in the Handicapped spot, with no disabled tags. There are a few elderly people here who actually qualify for those spots, but seem too proud to complain. Can I napalm the car's owner, or should I just stab his ass?
If you napalm the owner, then it gets kind of complicated to get the car removed. Stabbing, while amusing and therapeutic for ALL concerned, might possibly result in those PESKY assault charges...

I'd inquire to the property owner, because they're the ones who can tow the damned thing.

Also... funny thing about expensive cars parked where they're not supposed to be.... they tend to attract keys to their paint jobs like you would NOT believe *evil grin*

---------- Post added at 12:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 AM ----------

Have you ever dreamed of being in a band?
It'd be awesome, but the only musical talent I seem to have would be vocals, and that only within a specific range. *grins*

I would rock the FUCK out of some drums, though. No rhythm, all POWAH! *throws up the horns*
Hmm, bearing in mind that chlorine + petrochemicals + heat might have all KINDS of nasty interactions...

I know, I know... always with the DOWNERS this boy...

Try putting packing peanuts in the gas tank. Make sure they're styrofoam-based, rather than the corn starch ones...

Element 117

Of course it has nasty reactions. Thats why you use baggies to hold the bleach. :)

Though stabbing him would just be cheaper.
Very true. Make sure to plant the knife on a local drug dealer, too. You know the one I mean... the one who substitutes corn starch for his coke. That asshole.

Element 117

Can I at least give him pure cotton shirts with freshly applied superglue?
By all means.

Reading up on various city's handicapped parking fines makes me realise that Savannah's are positively lenient.... only $100?
Have you seen the series "The wire"? If so, what do you think about it?

Then, something more serious: Have you ever caught a fellow cop in overstepping his line? E.g. using too much violence in an arrest, or mistreating - psychologically or physically - a "client"? If so (or hypothecically "if not"), what'd you do about that?

What you think of the H&K P30 9 mm?

You'd ever been to switzerland? ;-)

Element 117

Ok, so could a cop just wandering by ticket this guy for parking here?
Is it proper to use the shoulder of the road to slow down to make a right hand turn?

I do it all the time when I get off a 70 mph highway to turn onto the county road that I live off of. I know I should not cross the white stripe, but I also don't want to go hitting my brakes randomly when I am being tailgated at 75 mph.
What's the best way to handle having a gun in the trunk when you are pulled over?

My family has a pretty extensive collection, and we often have one in the trunk (usually a shotgun). Should I not say anything unless the officer asks or should I volunteer the info? I feel like since I haven't done anything wrong, I should just keep my mouth shut, but I don't want to freak the cop out either, and have to deal with a gun pointed at me.

Just curious.

Also, thanks for putting your life on the line for us. I mean that sincerely.
Ok, so could a cop just wandering by ticket this guy for parking here?
The cop would be able to, but only at the request of the property manager. Make enough complaints, and it should happen.

I should mention that I have a bias against folks in Porches, Jaguars and Lexus' (Lexi?) - Most are cool, but there are a noticeable proportion who drive and park like they own the roads. Those are the ones that I delight in correcting.

Is it proper to use the shoulder of the road to slow down to make a right hand turn?

I do it all the time when I get off a 70 mph highway to turn onto the county road that I live off of. I know I should not cross the white stripe, but I also don't want to go hitting my brakes randomly when I am being tailgated at 75 mph.
Don't hit the brakes... make a gradual slowdown. The asshole tailgater will either slow, thus reducing his risk against the populace, or he might rear-end you in a controlled collision (versus striking you at high speed whilst you're stopped. Sir Isaac Newton is NOT your friend...), in which case, he gets an at-fault accident, and you gon' get PAIIIIIID... But don't cross over the line. If, God forbid, someone's walking there, or you lose control, you are at fault.

What's the best way to handle having a gun in the trunk when you are pulled over?

My family has a pretty extensive collection, and we often have one in the trunk (usually a shotgun). Should I not say anything unless the officer asks or should I volunteer the info? I feel like since I haven't done anything wrong, I should just keep my mouth shut, but I don't want to freak the cop out either, and have to deal with a gun pointed at me.

Just curious.

Also, thanks for putting your life on the line for us. I mean that sincerely.
If the officer asks, let him know. It's in the trunk, so it's not something you can get at easily. I suspect that OK has some reasonable gun laws. You don't need to volunteer the information, really. An officer can't search your trunk, even incident to an arrest, anyways. It requires a search warrant, or your consent. If you GIVE consent, make sure to let them know that it's there, so they don't overreact, or act like you've done something wrong in order to get you nervous. Some officers do that, I'm ashamed to admit.

And thank you.

How do you feel about the US current regulations on weapons?

How do you feel about children?
Are you talking about the recent Supreme Court decision, that starts setting specific boundaries? I'm not sure how I feel about that... on the one hand, they've negated a lot of municipal authority to BAN gun ownership, but they've opened up the door to some stringent limitations.

Funny thing about limiting LEGAL gun owners - while I can see the necessity, it's still not going to stop those who would use guns in their crimes. They tend to be burglarized from LEGAL gun owners, in any case.

As far as children go, I had BETTER like them... I'm going to be a daddy in a little under 2 weeks. *grins*

Do you really grin and chuckle as much as your posts suggest? *grin*
I tend to - big dimples and all that - but really that's my attempt to set the tone of my post. A little non-verbal inflection, if you will, because you can only do so much with text.

I do like having the little bit extra time to consider my words - helps limit foot-in-mouth disease, from which I tend to suffer *wry chuckle*


Staff member
I think it's cute.

Officer, do you like Axe Cop?

---------- Post added at 01:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 PM ----------

Also, I didn't know you were having a baby! Mazeltov!


Staff member
Have you ever been to Australia? If you are planning a trip down there I have someone you should stop and say hello to.
Oh, you mean those things that ignorant luddites and teenyboppers over-used when they first hit the internet? Those? *sticks out tongue*

I think it's cute.

Officer, do you like Axe Cop?

---------- Post added at 01:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 PM ----------

Also, I didn't know you were having a baby! Mazeltov!
Thanks much! Also, I've heard of Axe Cop, and I think it's pure, refined genius. I think there should be more creative projects just like it.

Have you ever been to Australia? If you are planning a trip down there I have someone you should stop and say hello to.
Were I to head to the Land Down Under (pun intended, due to that situation), I would most definitely like to meet this friend of yours...

Congrats on the Baby OC!!

I'm sure you'll be a great daddy n_n
Thanks! I'm currently nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking-chairs, but I appreciate the words of support. *grins*
YouTube - CohenCohenLaw's Channel

This guy really pisses me off. He supports his daughter's "right" to be a complete and totally worthless human being and then posts the video of his daughter harrassing a classmate for the world to see.

About how mean can I get before I get unis knocking on my door with a warrant?
Do you have a hard time hanging up the hat when you're off-duty or are you in cop mode pretty much all the time?

My dad was a cop before switching to firefighting, and he still points out cars/people that he would have pulled over.
YouTube - CohenCohenLaw's Channel

This guy really pisses me off. He supports his daughter's "right" to be a complete and totally worthless human being and then posts the video of his daughter harrassing a classmate for the world to see.

About how mean can I get before I get unis knocking on my door with a warrant?
On the one hand, after doing a QUICK review of the case, I can see where he thinks that his daughter should have the right to say what she wants, without interference from the school. On the other hand, the wonderful thing about the First Amendment is that, while you have the right to voice your opinion, you must also be willing to accept the consequences of doing that.

With regards to you doing that, I would advise against it. You're not going to have a warrant filed against you for "being mean," but you would doubtless get slapped with a suit, if you could get tracked down. Which just about anyone can, these days.

Do you have a hard time hanging up the hat when you're off-duty or are you in cop mode pretty much all the time?

My dad was a cop before switching to firefighting, and he still points out cars/people that he would have pulled over.
Ehh heh heh... *scratches the back of his head* Ya caught me. I do that all the time when I'm riding with my wife. Mind you, it's just idle. The only time I'd go into "cop mode" is when there's actually something going on. Normally, I'm still myself when I'm at work, by which I mean I'm still the geeky, slightly socially-awkward guy. However, when the time comes to deal with the dirties, the "game face" gets turned on.

It's not so much a cop mode, as demonstrated by your dad, as it is a change in one's perspective.


what training did you have before pursuing cop-ness?
what training do you wish you had earlier in pursuing cop-ness?
what training (if any) did you find useless in pursuing cop-ness?
what training did you have before pursuing cop-ness?
what training do you wish you had earlier in pursuing cop-ness?
what training (if any) did you find useless in pursuing cop-ness?
Apart from the Corps, Boy Scout stuff from three different countries, and that's about it. Was never really a very physically-motivated person.
I wish I'd done more running and gym training - it'd make maintaining form a LOT easier, as well as ensuring that fewer of these damned dirties get away during foot chases!
Useless training... not so much, that I can see, really. Everything that we had crammed into our brain-housing groups in the Academy has come in use at various point during my (admittedly short) career
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