Well I broke down and got the game. I didn't invest in DLCs though other then the Emporium, and I did that mostly because I heard it's the only way you can respec if I decided I hated the direction I went. Funny enough I have yet to actually even visit that thing.
I have to say, after getting used to the new combat system I guess I was unfair with it before. Things can go down quickly once you learn how to utilize the "weakening" abilities that allow cross class synergies. Right now my main group is my guy, Richard Hawke, as a sword and board warrior. He goes in and takes the hits all the while I have Varric, Merril, and Bethany in the background. They destroy anything and everything.
I have attempted some groupings with Isabella, Aveline, and Anders. I like Isabella and want to use her more often. Aveline would be in my party all the time if I had an extra slot for her. Anders... I don't know. I never really liked him in Awakening, and now with his... curse... I find him even more whiny. I never touched Fenris, his voice and demeanor bore me to tears. Plus his look, poor elves became some weird pink skinned Navi.
This game did remind me of a few of the things that always bothered me about these types of games. I know I can't really change the formula, as it's part of the character development, but I felt this would be a good thread to mention it.
I find myself growing "attached" to characters. This is good in some ways, but not so good in others because you don't get all the characters in the beginning. The same thing occurred in Mass Effect where I never used the "second stringers". Basically the characters they throw in your lap in the beginning end up becoming my go to characters. I can't get myself to not bring Bethany, because she is my sister and all. Varric was the first extra member I got, so now I find it hard to remove him too (the way he helps me weasel out of bad situations is always a boon too)
Aveline was also always in my party until I got Merril, and she only replaced her because I really liked Merril and had to make a hard choice (Merril barely winning because she was superior for my comp, and is hilarious) Isabella for whatever reason came in rather late to my game, so while I want to have her in my party more, I feel overly attached to the characters I have now to bring her along most of the time. She also has pretty much no friendship with me because of this. Bethany, on the other hand, have full friendship, making a lot of the side quests I am doing a waste on possible friendship or rivalry with others. Yet I can't bring myself to not have her around.
In other words, I kind of wish games would just figure out a way to throw all the characters into the beginning, allowing you to choose and form bonds with favorites before you get to attached to the starter characters.
Now my other issue. The character specializations are nice and all, but I am really worried because some classes don't have options I need. For instance, I heard from a source that you pretty much don't get Bethany in Act 2. She, right now, is my main healer and "buffer" with some fire spells to throw out when she has the mana. If she is gone, the only way I can keep my group working is by taking Anders, who I said before I am not really keen on. I understand making them specialized since they are unique people, but at least leave the base trees open to all the classes. My plan right now is to take Isabella instead of Bethany and just stock up on lots of potions.
In the end, the storyline is rather engaging, though I feel a bit more... confined, then I did in Origins. Other then a few small trips out to the the country (which used pretty much mirrored maps half the time) everything keeps happening in the same areas of Kirkwall. I kind of miss stretching my legs more in places like the forests of the Dalish, the swamps of Flemeth, Lothring, Redcliffe, Orzamar, etc. I know I am just finishing up Act 1 now, so maybe we get around a bit more in later Acts, but for the time being my whole first day was rather confined. Also, having a quick travel to Ander's Clinic but not having an exit anywhere near the place is just cruel, I hate Darktown.