Oh Dear Lord

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Zumbo Prime

Semi-rant coming up here. You may be able to identify.

I, and a half dozen other people, have spent the last few weeks putting quite a bit of argumentative effort into a forum on another website. Said forum has a visible hierarchy. A triumvirate at the top, then moderators, of which I am one, and regular members. At the moment, the triumvirate is controlled by an inactive British guy, a German guy on vacation, and a 14-year-old American completely convinced self-examination is perfectly fine.

Essentially, this 14-year-old has banned the discussion of Anime from said forum, even though it does not pop up often. I am not a regular watcher of it, but this decision is clearly made because of personal dislike. Other topics that get posted rarely but consistently have been left alone. This would normally not be a big deal, but it is a standalone topic that has had no reasonable motive behind it, and this guy has become a tad deranged as of a month ago.

This 14YO believes everything he does is logical and cites "logic" in every counter he makes. Because apparently the majority is almost always wrong. Every single argument made, using analogies, examples, what have you, is rebutted either with irrelevant comparisons or with the word "logic". Every single person that has spoken with an opinion in these discussions has openly disagreed with him.

Now, today, he says he's going for a break. He wants someone to temporarily hold his position. He flat out says another moderator was not chosen because he would allow Anime. He flat out says I was "in the running" but was disqualified because I didn't just give up arguing. Out of 8 moderators, he picks the new guy who was picked yesterday, simply because everyone else has openly disagreed with him.

I apologize if this is against the rules, but I'm hoping someone here knows how to deal with this kind of situation without resorting to "everyone leave" or ignore it.
You're being controlled by a 14 year old.

If that doesn't make you want to leave, there's nothing I can say that can help.

Zumbo Prime

You're being controlled by a 14 year old.

If that doesn't make you want to leave, there's nothing I can say that can help.
It's part of a "rolling forum" system. New boards jump up and fall down every week. There are hundreds of active boards right now. I joined this one a year after its conception. This guy was only picked for the triumvirate due to his being one of the founders.
So create a new board, and recruit all of the old board to the new board with the promise that the 14 year old won't be allowed to post. Problem solved, plus he'll wet his bed.


Staff member
How long will the German be on vacation? Can you wait that long? Is there a way to get a hold of the British guy? I'd try either of those first. If that doesn't work, talk directly to the 14 year old and tell him that people are complaining and there are rumblings of mass leavings. If he doesn't respond to that, then you may end up starting your own board, but this should be a last resort.

All else fails, start your own as above and let him in as a user if he wants.

I've learned the hard way that if the mods and admins make things personal things will go to pot quickly. I've always tried to stay above the fray and the users know we, the administration, are NOT above the rules.

Good luck and all else fails....hub it.


You're being controlled by a 14 year old.

If that doesn't make you want to leave, there's nothing I can say that can help.

Was going to say the same thing. I don't listen to the opinions of anyone not old enough to fucking shave.
If I may ask, why is it such a big deal that anime can't be discussed on the forum? As you mentioned, it's a rarely touched-upon topic anyway, so it shouldn't be a big issue to just not talk about it, right?

You say he's become a tad deranged, in what way?

From your description, I can't really tell where the origin of the conflict and arguments is, and it seems a bit like a storm in a teacup. Of course, it probably isn't pleasant to be admin'd by a 14 year old, but is there something specific that's causing arguments?
Just hold off on it and wait for the Germain or British guy to get back. The 14-yo obviously has gotten a bit of a big ego holding the power he does.

If it gets to the point you can't wait, see how many others feel the same way and put together a little rebel uprising. Start posting threads about anime and as one is shut down, open another. Don't complain and don't flood the forum, but just steadily post more. If he bans a member, someone else pick up where they left off. Keep him busy for as long as possible. Maybe, if he sees how many people want to talk about it, he'll relent. Though we are talking about a 14 year old, so not the most emotionally developed.

Zumbo Prime

Just hold off on it and wait for the Germain or British guy to get back. The 14-yo obviously has gotten a bit of a big ego holding the power he does.

If it gets to the point you can't wait, see how many others feel the same way and put together a little rebel uprising. Start posting threads about anime and as one is shut down, open another. Don't complain and don't flood the forum, but just steadily post more. If he bans a member, someone else pick up where they left off. Keep him busy for as long as possible. Maybe, if he sees how many people want to talk about it, he'll relent. Though we are talking about a 14 year old, so not the most emotionally developed.
That's the thing. Both those already happened. EVERYONE is in on this. He just doesn't care, and he knows that. Also, I've been a regular there for 2 years now.

In all honesty, when I take a step back, I laugh at this whole thing. It shouldn't be this dramatic or such a big deal, but I've put a lot of time and effort in there.
Just get everyone to make a new topic citing their favorite anime, and asking what other anime people like.

I don't know how that'll help at all, but it should be pretty funny.

what's the name of this other forum, just out of curiosity?


Staff member
A forum member triumvirate with more power than the moderators........................................ ? :facepalm:
3 Admins. Not sure why they bother with mods if the admins do stuff like described. They really need to define their roles.
Just hold off on it and wait for the Germain or British guy to get back. The 14-yo obviously has gotten a bit of a big ego holding the power he does.

If it gets to the point you can't wait, see how many others feel the same way and put together a little rebel uprising. Start posting threads about anime and as one is shut down, open another. Don't complain and don't flood the forum, but just steadily post more. If he bans a member, someone else pick up where they left off. Keep him busy for as long as possible. Maybe, if he sees how many people want to talk about it, he'll relent. Though we are talking about a 14 year old, so not the most emotionally developed.
That's the thing. Both those already happened. EVERYONE is in on this. He just doesn't care, and he knows that. Also, I've been a regular there for 2 years now.

In all honesty, when I take a step back, I laugh at this whole thing. It shouldn't be this dramatic or such a big deal, but I've put a lot of time and effort in there.[/QUOTE]

If everyone really is in on it, get everyone together and do the opposite, leave and don't post a thing until the German guy gets back from vacation. Leave the kid all alone to rule over nothing.


Staff member
Lead a mass exodus to the Promised Land of H'alf'Orum, where they may sup the sweet air of freedom and suckle on the droopy tits of the Great One :p
I believe I am our youngest moderator at 23.

In my experience, 14 year olds should not be given any kind of power over anyone else, especially on the Internet. Seems like that was the first/only mistake.


Staff member
I believe I am our youngest moderator at 23.

In my experience, 14 year olds should not be given any kind of power over anyone else, especially on the Internet. Seems like that was the first/only mistake.


I'd like to hear how this all ends.

Announcer said:


Staff member
*kneeling over the corpse of his love interest, at the edge of an active volcano, with an arrow stuck in his shoulder*

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