Ohhhh dear.....

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From my E-mail:
The Westboro Baptist Church are organizing rallies outside 3 of the area high schools on Friday, May 27th.


Westboro Baptist Church
(WBC Chronicles -- Since 1955)
3701 S.W. 12th St. Topeka, Ks. 66604 785-273-0325 www.GodHatesFags.com
Religious Opinion & Bible Commentary on Current Events
Thursday, April 28, 2011
(Background, photos, video, sermons, parodies & hymns – available free at www.GodHatesTheMedia.com, Blogs.SpareNot.com,
*2:30–3:00 PM Beach High School, 3001 Hopkins Street
Jenkins High School, 1800 E. De Renne Avenue
Windsor Forest High School, 12419 Largo Drive
We will give your children an opportunity to see what truth looks like, the face of
what they were entitled to have from every adult that ever touched their lives! You
brutish teachers and hateful parents have broken the moral compass of this
generation, teaching rebellion with everything you say and do.
God hates you, Doomed America, for what you’ve done to
your kids! Here is the COMMANDMENT from your God:
“And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou
shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest
in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and
when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they
shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of
thy house, and on thy gates.” Deuteronomy 6:6-9
You will not obey that simple commandment. Instead, you corrupt your children
from the womb, so God has given you violent, freakish, worthless, brute-beast
children. They are full of rebellion, arrogance, pride, selfishness, and themselves.
You hate your children, and as God continues cursing you, you will turn aside to
eat your children. Read the words: Deut. 28:53-58 & Lev. 26:28-29.
Fear God, and give the glory to Him, for the hour of HIS judgment is come!
I can barely contain my anticipation... I'm on the riot team, and we've received a standby order for both the 27th and the 22nd (they're supposed to come both days).

Wasabi Poptart

I'd have to make a sign of my own, possibly with the Halforums durr face on it, and go try to blend in.
I'd have to make a sign of my own, possibly with the Halforums durr face on it, and go try to blend in.
Not a bad idea, since I am 99.99% certain that there is going to be a counter-protest of some flavor.

Unless it's at Beach... in which case the crowd may simply commence to ass-whupping. Beach is in a rough part of town...
Hope that conversion to whupping goes well and quickly! Will look forward to hearing that some of them got to make that face-to-face judgement meeting and lots more got blocked in by trucks that somehow miraculously appeared behind their vehicles prior to the protest.


Staff member
He has a point, actually. Counter-protests are fun and everything, but they don't change anything with the WBC. Nothing changes them, because they're convinced we're all evil. I'm sure O_C will handle it fine, but I understand why TLB said that. I was involved in a counter-protest against them and know just how useless they are. Well.. not completely useless. The Gay-Straight Alliance club that we were supporting appreciated the gesture, at least. So there was that.


Staff member
Ah, the eternal dilemma when it comes to tolerance and democracy... what happens when you extend democracy to people who want to pull democracy down, or tolerance to people who want to spread their intolerance.
May I also suggest handing out "I'm with stupid ->" signs and placing the counter-protest next to the WBC line?

Wasabi Poptart

Oh you did it now! And if I had any photoshop skills at all I'd paste his avatar's head on Beetlejuice's body. lol
Funny thing about my job: I do it professionally at all times, without a single complaint, write-up, or review board. I come here to vent about it, to talk about stuff that I might not ordinarily voice because someone would take it the wrong way and assume that because I wear a badge, I must be some kind of robot without an opinion of my own.

Yes, I despise the Westboro Baptist Church, and I would not feel the least bit sorry if all of them were to fall dead this second. I might even do a little dance.

But I also respect and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, to include that little amendment tossed in, almost as an afterthought, that guarantees a citizen's right to assembly and free speech.

I'm probably going to have to step in and PROTECT these scumbags from angry crowds. Ask me how I feel about that.


Staff member
Hope it's not too trying a day for you, Charon. I admire your attitude and your dedication to doing your job the right way. :) I don't think I'd have it in me to protect people like that... Except maybe their poor kids. They have to see and hear so many awful things. It's not right.


Staff member
I'm probably going to have to step in and PROTECT these scumbags from angry crowds. Ask me how I feel about that.
But you'll do it nonetheless. You've taken the oath, and by what I've read from your posts, you believe in those things you have sworn to uphold.

For that...

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