One step closer to the Supreme Court

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I imagine the worst case scenario is it shelved a few years, then comes back without needing to be back by private insurance. The Democrats will get their way eventually, as history has shown us time and time again. The public option will be more in line with British/Canadian standards, but it will be operated by the old private insurance companies.

Because really, that's the only god damn reason they made it so you had to BUY insurance instead of getting it as a right: They didn't want 90% the private insurance companies in this country to fold-up overnight because of their own corrupt and despicable practices. We wouldn't be in this problem if they had flexed their muscles and kept prices down to begin with. it weird that the first thing I thought when I read this thread was, "I'm gonna go boot up my copy of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and play the Industrial faction!"?
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