Copied directly from my notes while watching:
'INTO AY CON-NIPTION' Nice overdramatic reading there ponce
Lol, great way to open with clips mocking Palin.
Pointless bragging. Great, you have a brainless trainwreck everyone loves to laugh at, no shit you're gonna have ratings
Day-um she got fat hair. What is this the 80s/
God she's condescending. A 'threat' nice. Lol.
That's it Palin, stare real hard at O'Reilly you might miss something.
Yeah, she's great at articulating things and making sense.
Yeah, economy would have been way better with your lot in there, McCain making jokes about needing to read up on his shit.
Nice what-ifs, everyone can look good when they didn't get in and fuck up themselves.
I wouldn't want to be headbutted by this woman, I'll bet her skull is rock hard and that hair would fucking murder you.
Let's ask Palin who she thinks is a kook. Also: everyone in politics is a kook.
Lol 'perhaps so' how much does she even know about Pelosi
Blah blah Trent Lott yeah whatever
What would you do for Iran lol.
Just keep pushin words out there Palin, it'll be over eventually.
Change for the worst nice, brilliant stuff there.
Why doesn't O'Reilly just talk to himself.
Grin Palin grin
Part 2 shiiittt
Great more Palin embaressment love these bits. Sweet we get clips.
Hey look a guy who probably wrote his own book, unlike Palin.
Yeah America doesn't care about this 'crap' they realize you're a windbag whether or not you know the diff between north and south korea
I do agree that's a lie. Of course she participated and paid attention during the prep. She would've fallen to pieces without that shit.
Hey guys let's play spin time a million years after the debate.
'Nah that gig is up' Lol, still the same ol downhome Palin. And no you twit, the reason people are tuning into Fox news is because they're the dominant right-wing news media source, not being biased has nothing to do with it. Bias is fucking everywhere don't give me that shit
Please mention teabagging. Please please please please. Aw.
O'Reilly laughs creepily.
Course Palin doesn't need that money, her ghost writer is keeping her in hairspray.
Jesus I hope they don't make out.
They didn't make out. That was pretty nice.