Part 7 comic 28

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OH boy I think Whiskey is going give Kids sister an ear full for that "fun" remark about the war.
Yep, someone's about to get her head set straight. Well, "action" and "adventure", that's the usual recruitment propaganda, what else would a teenager like Cora know about the war? Kid obviously hasn't told her much. Let's hope Whiskey won't be too hard on her.
What would any teenager outside of a war-zone know of war? All Cora knows is that Francesca got out of their podunk town, something she is obviously very envious of.

As for Mary's reaction, it's hard to say. Her expression in the last panel suggests a beat-down is imminent, but it's not something I generally would expect from her. I wouldn't be that surprised if she gave Cora a good hard slap though and sent her ass back to bed.


Well that's one of the more unintentional insensitive thing she could have said along with 'So how many rebels did you kill?'
Mary may get a bit physical, I don't really know; but I do know Cora is definitely in for a rude awakening.
Well that's one of the more unintentional insensitive thing she could have said along with 'So how many rebels did you kill?'
I'd classify it more as ignorant than insensitive. Intention has nothing to do with it since these were not random comments said without thought or care. To Cora life outside of the farm is an adventure, at least compared to the tedium of her country life. So basically it's not that she doesn't care or is making stupid comments without though, she really just doesn't know any better. Keep in mind that Francesca herself wasn't that different when she first set off for the Outcast.
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