Peanut Butter vs. Jelly

Which is better?

  • Peanut Butter

    Votes: 33 80.5%
  • Jelly

    Votes: 8 19.5%

  • Total voters
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No, you cannot say "butter" or any other substitution.
No, you cannot say both.
You absolutely MUST choose one or the other.

This is a battle to the death, folks. The kind of poll that will result in an epic argument that will last hundreds of pages. It will destroy friendships. It will create and then split alliances. Cats and dogs, living together! Babies having babies!

Peanut butter because it is more versatile. I can have a peanut butter & jelly sandwich or a peanut butter and honey sandwich, but I have never had a honey & jelly sandwich.
I didn't, they're fantastic but Reese's Pieces are superior.

But I'm still going to buy a bag of the m&ms tomorrow :D
On the one hand, I didn't try peanut butter until I was like 15 (still haven't had a PBJ sammy, too), so jam has all the nostalgia flavour... OTOH, peanut butter is freakin' delicious...

Jam. Because there's so many more flavours.
Reese's Pieces are much smoother inside (and make a better cookie ingredient), but the M&Ms have that salty Reese's taste. They're forbidden in this household since Kati will obliterate them on sight.

Also, peanut butter goes with far more than jelly. Peanut butter and crispy bacon is a favorite. So is peanut butter and cheddar cheese.

If I must choose...

Jelly can be replaced with so many other things (fluffernutter, anyone?), but PB is PB. It is the foundation so many millions of noms are based around.
As much as I like raspberry jam, it ain't no peanut butter. I used to eat that shit by the spoonful as a child.
PB all the way.And it has to be Chunky.Smooth PB is for babies and old people without teeth.
I love to make sauces for my meat using PB. Now im Hungry....
Yes, yes, the winner is clear. I, on the other hand, prefer jelly/jam over peanut butter any day. While I love Reese's Pieces and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, due to an old (middle school) football coach's insistence that if I would eat peanut butter toast in the morning and peanut butter sandwiches for lunch I would definitely bulk up some - I loathe the food that I used to love, namely peanut butter toast. Oh, and he was wrong. I lost weight on his special diet (I was scrawny all the way up to age 20, when I ballooned out). Besides, I make my own jams and jellies, I suppose I could make my own peanut butter, but why?


Peanut Butter mainly there are more variety of things you can do with it (different bake goods, food and sweets)

Jelly, if we are talking of actual jelly (out of the jar) then not so much IMO.
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