Wow. That is the most tasteless website I've seen in a long time, and I've seen some tasteless stuff in my time. The hypocrisy is just... mindblowing.
With regards to HoboNinja, there is some real cruel stuff done to animals. There is no denying it. Factory farming, by and large, is a terrible terrible thing. You'd be surprised at just how many chickens do die - but it doesn't take much to figure out why they're so cheap to buy at the supermarket.
Some farmers - in fact, quite a lot at the moment - are wising up to the idea that people want good food that's been well reared. However the supermarkets know that the same people are turned away by high prices. Its an interesting battle.
PETA have it wrong, largely because they have painted themselves into the extremist corner. There is some very nasty stuff done in the name of food and science. Some of it is justifiable, some of it isn't. Unfortunately PETA don't draw that line. They use the same brush to tar the Huntingdon Life Sciences folk who were filmed beating dogs as they do for people who go fishing.
However - the animal testing ground is very, very shady territory because some work done on animals isn't transferrable to humans.