I've seen attempts to "realize" the Disney princesses before and was never impressed. These versions are actually very well done.
If I've had the hots for one Disney princess, it was Megara. Nice to see her here.
Not sure about photorealistic, but damn they look good.
Esmeralda, Jasmine and Ariel are probably my favorites.
I actually went a little "hamina-hamina-hamina" over Jasmine and Esmeralda
Also, just realized something... the person who made these? Väätäinen is a Finnish surname Jirka, however... must be an artistic name or something, can't tell if that's male or female.
While often not discussed, most of the disney princesses are teenagers aged 14-17. Or are you saying she looks like a child, not just a young woman? Added at: 13:06
Those all look good, at least in the sense of being well executed. Jasmine was definitely my favorite. Sleeping Beauty was a bit flat-faced looking. This version really brings out how Asian they went with Pocahontas - she looks like she should be wearing silk robes instead of buckskins. Oh, funny thing? Pocahontas is Powhatan Algonquin for "slut". No, really. Okay, it might literally mean "little wanton one" or "naughty one". It was a nickname.
While often not discussed, most of the disney princesses are teenagers aged 14-17. Or are you saying she looks like a child, not just a young woman? Added at: 13:06