Pics of the past

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Philosopher B.

Radness. I should do this, I have a bunch of stuff from old boards lying around in the dusty corners of various harddrives. Kinda weird to see Scarlet Varlet on top back on HP. Dude isn't even around anymore. And ZenMonkey, man do I miss her forum-posts.

One day I will return to the Tim Curry av. ONE DAY.


Staff member
I used to remember conversations by avatar. Then people started changing around their avatars like crazy. Some people even started changing names like crazy. I can't remember what arguments I've had with anybody anymore, so these days I'm forced to just go into every discussion assuming I've insulted everyone involved at some point in the past.
Absolutely love those. Always have. Also have them saved on my system. I'll share a couple of things I still have saved:

From Amorous and I's take-over of the forums:


to some old avatars:



Staff member
I have the Tshirt with NR's drawing on it! It's my carwash/housework shirt now, though, because it got this really awful stain on the side.

Philosopher B.

That is true. They are, in fact, fiddling about with one another's girl-boobs. No doubt it would have been more accurate had the chimp proclaimed them to be 'getting frisky'.

Still, not a bad piece of work. Especially considering Scott's reaction at the time.
Isn't that strip missing the last panel? Where "Scott" is answering the phone while he's sitting poolside going, "He drew what???" or something like that?
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