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Piercings and tattoos...or why my ideas are great at the time but stupid afterwards.




So I had a great idea a while ago to get another piercing. I've been getting more and more extreme every time I get another piercing. This time I finally manned up and got my apadravya done. It was less painful than I imagined, but still the most painful piercing I've had.

So anybody else into body modification?




I'm on the 4th year of waiting to get a tattoo (imperial aquila), to see if I'll get bored with the design. Probably getting it once I graduate.

On piercings, never liked them, not even the usual ear ones. Kind of a turn off.




*looks up what an apadravya piercing is*



*curls up into a fetal position*




*looks up what an apadravya piercing is*



*curls up into a fetal position*
... :confused: NOTHANKSKBYE




Added at: 07:30

Serious question. Why would you do something like that? I don't understand the culture of body modification. Tattoos I can sort of see, but doesn't heavy piercing/modifications limit your employability?




Most bosses don't want to see your apadravya anyway.

And Damn! I did not want to look that up. I am kinda glad I'm not a t work now.




*sobs* Mommy. *sobs*





Let me show you in ASCII form:


(The "I" is the piercing.)




Holy shit! A thousand times NO!!!




Why did I look that up?




One of my acquaintances has that.

He's a cop.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

One of my acquaintances has that.

He's a cop.
One day, at the scene of a fire, a cop found the perfect apadravya piercing. That was the day he became Piercing Cop.




One day, at the scene of a fire, a cop found the perfect apadravya piercing. That was the day he became Piercing Cop.
With it he fights crime, one Blunt/Piercing cockslap at a time.




I love tattoos. I wish I could afford to get more. :)


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

With it he fights crime, one Blunt/Piercing cockslap at a time.




I've got my eyebrow done. Had one in my lip, got annoyed at it clipping off my teeth, so I took it out.

May get more done when I've got spare money again. I like piercings, on myself and other people, but...I still wouldn't do what you did. Just...ouch.



I used to like those kinds of things when I was in high school. I almost got my nose done and by almost I mean i was there it was about to happen. But as luck would have it I was there with my sister and her friend who were also getting theirs done and the piercing chick only had two piercings so I let them have their little friend moment. I never got around to doing it again. I like nose piercings but other than that I think they look awful. Especially eyebrow and septum. I think guys with earrings look weird and guys with spacers are extremely off-putting.

I used to love tattoos too but I changed my mind before I got one. I just think they mar the natural beauty of the body and skin. They make people look dirty and I don't mean sexually. They just seem dingy with tattoos.




What... why... is there any reason... I ... I... have no words.




My balls retracted as soon as I googled what that is. :(


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

Good god why.

I love tattoos. I want more, myself (I only have one right now: an Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube on my right wrist) and, if they're not tacky or bad (tramp stamp, etc) they're a definite turn-on when on the opposite sex.




I'll be in line for the 3rd version of the first implantable PDA/internet device that connects directly to my brain. (First version is groundbreaking and broken. Second is the bug fixing version. Third is the most stable and reliable. Fourth is the major revision with its own new quirks and bugs...)

So, in a way, I'm all for body modification.

But not tattoos or piercings.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Good god why.

I love tattoos. I want more, myself (I only have one right now: an Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube on my right wrist) and, if they're not tacky or bad (tramp stamp, etc) they're a definite turn-on when on the opposite sex.
I thought you had one of Vonnegut's artistic doodles from Breakfast of Champions. Maybe that was just planned...




I would love to be into tattoos but I honestly still haven't found anything I want to put in ink on my body. Oh well.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

I thought you had one of Vonnegut's artistic doodles from Breakfast of Champions. Maybe that was just planned...
I don't even know what that is. I've never read anything by Vonnegut. I do have some others planned but you must be thinking of someone else :p



Good god why.

I love tattoos. I want more, myself (I only have one right now: an Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube on my right wrist) and, if they're not tacky or bad (tramp stamp, etc) they're a definite turn-on when on the opposite sex.
I've never really understood why getting a tattoo on the small of the back is considered trampy. It is just a tattoo. Unless it says "free entry below" or something what is the big deal?




I've never really understood why getting a tattoo on the small of the back is considered trampy. It is just a tattoo. Unless it says "free entry below" or something what is the big deal?
Trampiness by association, really. It isn't inherently trampy but it has garnered that reputation via club girls, I figure. Anyone that wants one risks any of the associated baggage it brings.




Not into tattoos or piercings on yours truly, thank you very much. First of all, I don't know what I would like to put on myself. And second, being a fat guy means I don't want to risk... stretching or contracting.

The apadravya? Meh, I remember being horrified when I first heard of such things. Wouldn't do them, myself, but whatever rocks your boat. And on a related note... female vaginal piercings range in my mind from the rare god-damn hot to more common tacky as hell. Never been with someone who's had their downstairs nailed, though.

I do have to say that certain kinds of tattoos on the female body make me horny as hell. I have this female friend whom I run into only infrequently these days but who is the living embodiment of the phrase "I would hit that like the fist of an angry god". She is a bird lover, but unfortunately due to massive allergies she had to give up her budgies and parrots.

Now she has an artistic all-black phoenix going from the nape of her neck to her loins. And it makes her look even hotter.

And no, I know I won't actually hit that. We're friends and I'm not her type. But DA-YUM!




(Non trashy) Tattoos and piercings on a girl can be really hot. I'm a fan of nearly all kinds of body jewelry.

But I have an instinctual need to keep sharp things away from my dick.




But I have an instinctual need to keep sharp things away from my dick.
It's these kinds of instincts that show that people like you are truly the end product of thousands of years of some very good evolution.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

I've never really understood why getting a tattoo on the small of the back is considered trampy. It is just a tattoo. Unless it says "free entry below" or something what is the big deal?
Mostly what MindDetective said. Also it's not just the small of the back, it's the weird butterfly designs or the floral patterns... And the fact that nearly ever girl I know/have seen with one is the kind of girl who has bleached her hair, wears grotesque fake nails and so much makeup I'm pretty sure her face is a different shape. The association with that many turn-offs is too great to overcome!




Does vajazzling count?

otherwise no, I have no body mods.




I do have to say that certain kinds of tattoos on the female body make me horny as hell. I have this female friend whom I run into only infrequently these days but who is the living embodiment of the phrase "I would hit that like the fist of an angry god". She is a bird lover, but unfortunately due to massive allergies she had to give up her budgies and parrots.

Now she has an artistic all-black phoenix going from the nape of her neck to her loins. And it makes her look even hotter.
I can go ahead and vouch for this.




I can go ahead and vouch for this.
We need more than assurances, surely such a bold claim requires photographic evidence.




That would be just a bit creepy.




It's what we do best.




That would be just a bit creepy.
Just a bit? Clearly I'm rusty >_>




No, HE'S Rusty!:




I used to like those kinds of things when I was in high school. I almost got my nose done and by almost I mean i was there it was about to happen. But as luck would have it I was there with my sister and her friend who were also getting theirs done and the piercing chick only had two piercings so I let them have their little friend moment. I never got around to doing it again. I like nose piercings but other than that I think they look awful. Especially eyebrow and septum. I think guys with earrings look weird and guys with spacers are extremely off-putting.

I used to love tattoos too but I changed my mind before I got one. I just think they mar the natural beauty of the body and skin. They make people look dirty and I don't mean sexually. They just seem dingy with tattoos.
So you pussed out and now you hold a bad view of people with them? ;-)


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Hhheere we go again!




Too much talk in this thread and not enough showing off of your piercings and ink.



I didn't "puss out" they literally ran out of stuff and I didn't say anything against people who have them either besides that it makes skin look less nice.




Well roughly 24 hours in, and things are going well. Swelling is less than I thought it would be, and the pain much less intense than I imagined. I can even pee without cursing. Yay!

As for daves question. I am not actually heavily pierced imo. I have 1 in my lobe (slightly bigger than standard, same size as an average tongue barbell), 1 in my tragus (the little bit of the ear that is on the side of your face not the ear), 1 eyebrow and 2 in my tongue. Most people don't even notice my ear stuff, nor my tongue unless I'm playing with it. It does kind of limit the places I can work in to a certain degree, but so would tattoos and even my choice of hairstyle. I think most places are becoming more relaxed about body mod's as they become more common. As for the why, I find them aesthetically pleasing, plus it gives me something to fiddle with when I'm nervous. If I ever decide I don't want them anymore, then I can take them out pretty easily.

Once this has healed up a bit I'm going to finish the work on my back piece, and go get a trial tattoo on my arm. Most probably a Tri force/ symbol of hyrule. Figure it's smarter to get something smaller done first, just in case it is painful or something, but I don't think that should be much of a problem.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Let me show you in ASCII form:


(The "I" is the piercing.)
Thank you, Dave! I'll be forever grateful!




Just a bit? Clearly I'm rusty >_>
Indeed it would be creepy. I would post her picture online, but only with her permission.

And to be honest, I'd rather not ask her if I can post a picture of her online so people can gawk at her ;)




Well roughly 24 hours in, and things are going well. Swelling is less than I thought it would be, and the pain much less intense than I imagined. I can even pee without cursing. Yay!

As for daves question. I am not actually heavily pierced imo. I have 1 in my lobe (slightly bigger than standard, same size as an average tongue barbell), 1 in my tragus (the little bit of the ear that is on the side of your face not the ear), 1 eyebrow and 2 in my tongue. Most people don't even notice my ear stuff, nor my tongue unless I'm playing with it. It does kind of limit the places I can work in to a certain degree, but so would tattoos and even my choice of hairstyle. I think most places are becoming more relaxed about body mod's as they become more common. As for the why, I find them aesthetically pleasing, plus it gives me something to fiddle with when I'm nervous. If I ever decide I don't want them anymore, then I can take them out pretty easily.

Once this has healed up a bit I'm going to finish the work on my back piece, and go get a trial tattoo on my arm. Most probably a Tri force/ symbol of hyrule. Figure it's smarter to get something smaller done first, just in case it is painful or something, but I don't think that should be much of a problem.
So you got your dick pierced, but you're worried about the tattoo because it might be painful?
I think you're gonna be ok.




Ah, Kokopelli!

I approve, Tin ol' boy ;)




I have five tats myself. Here's one. It's way up on my leg, thus the extreme-closeup and crop--saving you all from having to view my junk ;)

Pssh, we've already seen your little pink floppy.




I have a folder at one of the local tattoo shops that I was starting to work on, before my wife got pregnant.

Now, any extra money goes towards the baby - which makes sense, being that we're scraping by as it is.

Still... would have been nice...




saving you all from having to view my junk ;)
And save some of us from seeing it again.




Does that mean my floppy now has a write protection tab on it?




Does that mean my floppy now has a write protection tab on it?
No, it got snapped off.
