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Plans to Ban Peanuts from Planes




Should peanuts be banned from planes? - CNN.com
Aimee Katz Zipkin, the mother of a 3-year-old girl with a severe peanut allergy, has been too afraid to get on an airplane with her daughter, worried that passengers enjoying the snacks could endanger the child.

"If you so desire, take a bath in peanuts," she said, "but if you're 30,000 feet up and someone has an allergic reaction, then the plane is going to have to go into emergency landing in God knows where, so why would you want to take that risk?"

The U.S. Department of Transportation's recent proposals for improving air travel include the possibility of banning packets of peanuts to accommodate those allergic to the nuts.
"The Air Carrier Access Act prohibits discrimination by U.S. and foreign air carriers against individuals with disabilities," the proposal reads. "Airline passengers with severe allergies to peanuts have a qualifying disability."

FFS!!! Can't we have our peanuts in peace?

Here's a thought.... let's ban the people with these problems instead of them annoying us for a change.



Enough is enough, it's time for a change.




My sentiments exactly! WTF, over? Next they'll e putting labels on coffee, warning of it's temperature........ crap.

Seriously though, if this was an issue, it would have come up LONG before now....


Fun Size

Fun Size

Fine with me. Last thing I want is to be stuck on a four hour flight next to Charlie Brown and his incessant bitching anyway.






General Specific

General Specific

So wait, that kid is allergic to other people eating peanuts?

How about we make the airlines provide better air instead of just recycling the stale crap around repeatedly thus exposing all passengers to one person's illness or forcing everyone to give up the one thing they like about going on a plane trip, FREE PEANUTS!




Fuck, can't find that scene from THE GOODS with Jeremy Piven. I had tears in the eyes by the end of that scene. They robbin' us mah brothah. They force us to take off our pants and shoes when we have to go to the US of A... but... I always knew a pack of peanuts was waiting for me.




Even without this ban I can't remember the last time I've actually had peanuts on a plane. I miss getting my little bag of honey roasted peanuts!

And Jay, what carrier are you flying? I flew Continental back and forth from New York a couple weeks ago and they were serving (and charging for) alcohol. Unless you were talking about not being able to bring your own drinks aboard, which sucks.




It is a problem now because the allergy rate for peanuts is expanding greatly.

That and all those packs of peanuts on a plane starts to cost the carriers more fuel.



There are a small percentage of people who are so allergic to peanuts that opening a package in the same room as them can cause them to go into shock.

That said, the percentage is very small, and I think it would be just fine to ban peanuts on the specific flights that these select few people travel on, if they call ahead.

Though there are some people opposed to doing even that. I remember getting into an argument with ZenMonkey on this very subject a while ago.




A wise man once said, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few.




^Agreed (with Soliloquy). I think that allowances should definitely be made for people who have that severe allergy. Otherwise, it should be ok to have them. Still, I can't get that worked up over what type of snack I'm given on a flight. If a bored woman in a blouse and pencil skirt never hands me another bag of honey roasted nuts, I think I'll still have a happy and fulfilling life.




But.....but honey roasted peanuts are the best kind of peanuts!




Pencil skirts rock my world... not as much as free roasted peanuts though.




But.....but honey roasted peanuts are the best kind of peanuts!
You know that you can also purchase them, right? :p And you don't have to sit with smelly people or watch a boring movie while you eat them.


Fun Size

Fun Size

But.....but honey roasted peanuts are the best kind of peanuts!
You know that you can also purchase them, right? :p And you don't have to sit with smelly people or watch a boring movie while you eat them.[/QUOTE]

Dude, I told you it wasn't me, and how was I supposed to know Nine would be so damned slow. It's a musical for god's sake.




But.....but honey roasted peanuts are the best kind of peanuts!
You know that you can also purchase them, right? :p And you don't have to sit with smelly people or watch a boring movie while you eat them.[/QUOTE]

Dude, I told you it wasn't me, and how was I supposed to know Nine would be so damned slow. It's a musical for god's sake.[/QUOTE]

You lifted your leg up. Of course it was you! Hogging the 7-layer dip all evening then tellin' me you didn't let one fly...




I don't fly often enough to be real concerned over this but even if I did fly I don't think it would be to huge of an inconvenience not to be allowed peanuts on a flight. But the sheer panic and over reaction a lot of people have concerning peanuts really annoys me. I know that some people are deadly allergic to them but most are just over protective parents/whiny hypochondriacs.



A wise man once said, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few.
I'm pretty sure that doesn't apply when the "needs of the many" is to eat peanuts, and the "needs of the few" is to not die.

Though that's just me pushing my bizarre brand of morality on people.




I am allergic to recycled air. I demand that the plane fly at an altitude that allows me to crack a window.




Anyone who thinks that having a peanut allergy is something to be taken lightly can quite frankly be eaten by a grue.

I'm deathly allergic to peanuts, even from extremely tiny amounts. The smell of them makes also me very ill (though it has yet to be enough to cause a full blown anaphylactic reaction)... and I have yet to see if I can induce a reaction by staying in a room with someone eating them (I get the hell out of there).

*takes a deep breath*

That being said... I have yet to encounter a problem on an airplane. I haven't been on a flight for decades that served peanuts... and I haven't seen (or smelled) anyone eating peanut products on any of the flights I've been on. Still, it always worries me... and I wonder what I'm going to do if I ever end up having a severe reaction on a plane. As long as we're over land I guess we get to make an emergency landing. If we're over the ocean, I guess I die when the epinephrine wears off.


Fun Size

Fun Size

But if you make it, you have a sweet story about how you got one of those long needled plunged into your chest like in Pulp Fiction. That's gotta be worth something, right?


Rob King

Rob King

I know it's selfish, but I get bothered when some place puts up new restrictions. For example, I smoke maybe once every month or two, but it bothers me to no end that the legislation in this province is so uncompromisingly anti-smoking. Even if (or rather ... when, because I know it's happened) a bar wants to include a fully ventilated smoking room away from the rest of the patrons, it isn't allowed for some reason.

Similarly, peanut products were banned from my high school, so I never got to bring any delicious Peanut Butter and Banana sandwiches to school. I realize it's good for people with peanut allergies to not die, but sometimes a man just really wants a little impossible-to-open package of peanuts on his flight.


Wasabi Poptart

Even without this ban I can't remember the last time I've actually had peanuts on a plane.
Same here. Usually it's a crappy little bag of pretzels, if anything.




I don't care, I like the peanuts but I am able to eat pretty much anything edible (except plane-food salads), I'm sure the substitute will be good 'nuff. The straw that set off a tactical nuke on the camel's back was taking off the shoes, for me, so eh.

Edit: Regarding peanut availability, I fly delta quarterly and I can't remember the last time I didn't have a bag of peanuts. I think I was flying KLM? The dutch prefer ground-up sunflowers, probably.




Here's a thought.... let's ban the people with these problems instead of them annoying us for a change.
I'm glad to see you're so understanding on this issue.




Here's a thought.... let's ban the people with these problems instead of them annoying us for a change.
I'm glad to see you're so understanding on this issue.[/QUOTE]

How dare your needs outweigh my needs! /jk
Seriously though,I really dont care if they serve peanuts on a plane or not.They dont still hunger and just make your more thirsty.




I really can't get excited about this issue. Yeah, it's a minor inconvenience and I'm wary of anything that smacks of the nanny state, but I've only been on one round trip flight in my life, and if I didn't get peanuts the next time I flew, I probably wouldn't notice.




I has a sad.



I was surprised to hear about this because I had thought they already had done it.




Even without this ban I can't remember the last time I've actually had peanuts on a plane.
Same here. Usually it's a crappy little bag of pretzels, if anything.[/QUOTE]
On my Continental flights just a few weeks ago we didn't get pretzels either. On the way there we got a chicken wrap thing, a salad and a twix and on the way back it was a rice and some-kind-of-meat burrito, chips, and a Hershey bar! So that was actually pretty neat. The food was pretty good too, as far as airline food goes. So yeah, hooray Continental.




My canadian nephew is SEVERELY allergic to nuts and has travelled by plane all the way from Canada to Mexico twice a year, every year for the last 6 years and nothing has ever happened to him. Pssh... these overprotective mothers just have to screw everything for all of us u_u

Sincerely yours,
Peanut lover.




I actually thought they already were banned. Only times I've ever flown, they've given out bags of pretzels, never peanuts.

And honestly, better air likely wouldn't help even. Just enjoy your peanuts when you get home.

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 PM ----------

But if you make it, you have a sweet story about how you got one of those long needled plunged into your chest like in Pulp Fiction. That's gotta be worth something, right?
Like they'd let you bring an epipen onboard.




Maybe these over protective mothers have peanut envy.





I'm allergic to shellfish. I demand that every restaurant I might go into immediately ban the sale of shellfish. You can't be too careful, after all!




Like they'd let you bring an epipen onboard.
They almost didn't when I flew to Maui last year... I had a prescription for it and everything. Thankfully one of the higher ups actually knew what the hell it was and gave it back to me and sent me on my way.

I'm allergic to shellfish. I demand that every restaurant I might go into immediately ban the sale of shellfish. You can't be too careful, after all!
First off... sorry to hear you're allergic to shellfish.

Second... there is a big difference between choosing a restaurant to eat at (I have plently of options even with my peanut allergy) and not being able to fly because of an allergy.

My canadian nephew is SEVERELY allergic to nuts and has travelled by plane all the way from Canada to Mexico twice a year, every year for the last 6 years and nothing has ever happened to him. Pssh... these overprotective mothers just have to screw everything for all of us u_u
There's also a big difference between being allergic to nuts and peanuts. Peanuts aren't even actually a nut. I don't think they give out bags of almonds or cashews on planes (not that I've encountered anyways).



I didnt realize that the loss of peanuts on airplanes would draw this much rage from people. I like peanuts too but I couldnt care less.




I really think people are vastly underestimating the severity of peanut allergies.

There was a girl at my college who twice in one year went into aniphallactic shock and almost died because someone had eaten peanuts in the room THE NIGHT BEFORE.

Yeah, you're absolutely right, it would be ridiculous to ban shellfish at restaurants. But there's a big difference between a restaurant where an allergy suffeerr can exit easily and can carry their epipen if needed with them, and can receive emergency medical care in a hurry, and a PLANE.

I'm clearly in the minority here, but I am not opposed to this ban. Its a minor inconvenience at worst.




My canadian nephew is SEVERELY allergic to nuts and has travelled by plane all the way from Canada to Mexico twice a year, every year for the last 6 years and nothing has ever happened to him. Pssh... these overprotective mothers just have to screw everything for all of us u_u
There's also a big difference between being allergic to nuts and peanuts. Peanuts aren't even actually a nut. I don't think they give out bags of almonds or cashews on planes (not that I've encountered anyways).
He's SEVERELY allergic to ANY kind of nuts. Peanuts included. If someone has eaten peanuts we can't even touch him =/




My canadian nephew is SEVERELY allergic to nuts and has travelled by plane all the way from Canada to Mexico twice a year, every year for the last 6 years and nothing has ever happened to him. Pssh... these overprotective mothers just have to screw everything for all of us u_u
There's also a big difference between being allergic to nuts and peanuts. Peanuts aren't even actually a nut. I don't think they give out bags of almonds or cashews on planes (not that I've encountered anyways).
He's SEVERELY allergic to ANY kind of nuts. Peanuts included. If someone has eaten peanuts we can't even touch him =/[/QUOTE]

Does he fly Air Canada? Cause they don't serve peanuts.




I always thought that if you touched a baby after eating peanuts, it's mother would abandon it. Guess that's just baby birds.




So people are upset that the lawmakers are thinking about writing a law to match existing business practices regarding peanuts on airplanes? American, United, Delta, Air Canada, West Jet have all been peanut free for years. Most every airline operating has the ability to render the plane peanut free with advance notice for no extra charge to the client. The only risk you have now is passengers brining their own snacks on board.





Is that what they serve the commoners in coach?



Seems completely reasonable to me. I can go without peanuts, if it means another passenger gets to not die.




Yeah, if it means somebody not dying, I'm happy to give up my peanuts.

As long as I get my pretzels. :angry:




Of course we can ALL live without peanuts, that's not the question. The thing is: no, it is not "reasonable"!, when have you heard of peanut-allergic people dying on an airplane?!

It's the exagerating that bothers me, there's no end to it, I tell you. Before you know it, balloons will be forbidden in schools because kids allergic to latex MIGHT DIE!!!




Of course we can ALL live without peanuts, that's not the question. The thing is: no, it is not "reasonable"!, when have you heard of peanut-allergic people dying on an airplane?!

It's the exagerating that bothers me, there's no end to it, I tell you. Before you know it, balloons will be forbidden in schools because kids allergic to latex MIGHT DIE!!!
They don't make balloons out of latex anymore.




My initial stance was going to be "if they're THAT deathly allergic to peanuts, it should be their responsibility to let the airline know beforehand" but after writing it and reading it, it did sound kind of "Those damned disabled people should be wearing identifying tags so we know who they are"

But yeah, Morphine makes a good point. Point to an existing case where somebody DID suffer in an airplane because somebody a few rows away opened a peanut bag, don't just play the "what-if" game before passing a law over the matter.

What if a meteorite strikes an airplane midair, taking out the engines, and forces the plane to crash into an orphanage? Should it be illegal to put a flight path anywhere that might be directly over an orphanage?




Of course we can ALL live without peanuts, that's not the question. The thing is: no, it is not "reasonable"!, when have you heard of peanut-allergic people dying on an airplane?!

It's the exagerating that bothers me, there's no end to it, I tell you. Before you know it, balloons will be forbidden in schools because kids allergic to latex MIGHT DIE!!!
They don't make ballons out of latex anymore.[/QUOTE]


Call it however you want to, it's blowing things way way out of proportion and it gets worse over the years, I hate it.



My initial stance was going to be "if they're THAT deathly allergic to peanuts, it should be their responsibility to let the airline know beforehand" but after writing it and reading it, it did sound kind of "Those damned disabled people should be wearing identifying tags so we know who they are"

But yeah, Morphine makes a good point. Point to an existing case where somebody DID suffer in an airplane because somebody a few rows away opened a peanut bag, don't just play the "what-if" game before passing a law over the matter.

What if a meteorite strikes an airplane midair, taking out the engines, and forces the plane to crash into an orphanage? Should it be illegal to put a flight path anywhere that might be directly over an orphanage?
Well, there are plenty of cases of people having allergic reactions from people eating peanuts in the same room. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to assume that such a reaction could happen in any enclosed space, regardless of whether it's happened in that specific type of enclosed space or not.




The last time I flew Air Canada to Toronto (like what a decade age? Fuck their prices) , they served breakfast... I got a Bran Muffin and a Banana. I stared at the hot stewardess and politely asked, "For those of us who wish to live life at their fullest, is there anything else available?" she smiled slyly at me and came back to me a little while later with some Yogurt with nuts. I was pleased, we flirted and 3 weeks later she was back in Montreal. We lived life at its fullest... for almost 4 minutes.

Anyways, down with this ANTI-PEANUT COALITION!




But yeah, Morphine makes a good point. Point to an existing case where somebody DID suffer in an airplane because somebody a few rows away opened a peanut bag, don't just play the "what-if" game before passing a law over the matter.
Peanut Allergy and Airplanes
A recent study showed that nearly one in 10 people with peanut, tree nut or seed allergies experienced an allergic reaction while traveling on an airplane. Surprisingly, most of these reactions occurred as a result on inhaling airborne particles from peanuts. This occurred after multiple bags of peanuts were opened near a person with peanut allergy.
About.com: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18681085?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Forty-one of 471 individuals reported allergic reactions to food while on airplanes, including 4 reporting more than 1 reaction. Peanuts accounted for most of the reactions.
CONCLUSIONS: In this group of mainly adults with severe nut/seed allergy, approximately 9% reported experiencing an allergic reaction to food while on board an airplane. Some reactions were serious and potentially life-threatening. Individuals commonly did not inform airline personnel about their experiences. In addition, the quality of information about flying with food allergies available from customer service departments is highly variable and, in some cases, incomplete or inaccurate.
So yes, the extremely severe reactions are not all that common, but it still seems perfectly within reason to me.




In regards to people who get attacks when they walk into rooms that people previously ate peanuts... wow...life sucks for them. Do they truly think banning peanuts on flights will save them? They're fucked in every sense of the word regardless. They should seriously consider self-transportation at that point.




In regards to people who get attacks when they walk into rooms that people previously ate peanuts... wow...life sucks for them. Do they truly think banning peanuts on flights will save them? They're fucked in every sense of the word regardless. They should consider self-transportation at that point.

Again, during day to day life, its much easier for them. They can carry their epipen around, medical attention is a phonecall away, if they're quick enough they can simply leave the room and take a benadryl and not evne have to use an epipen. On a plane, where can they go? Nowhere. Even if they go to the bathroom, the air is circulated throughout so they're still breathing it in. They can't get medical attention in any sort of a rush because that means an emergency landing, which often also means waiting for the plane to GET to the nearest airport. And with modern security laws, may not even be permitted to bring their epipen onboard.

I personally can't believe this is even something that bothers some people. I love me some peanuts too, but seriously, complaining about giving them up for a few hours a couple of times a year? Really? It is like, THE SMALLEST courtesy someone could possibly ask of you, to not eat something that will kill them in their vicinity for a few hours.

Honestly, I won't even leave my apartment without brushing my teeth and using listerine if I've eaten peanuts or peanut butter, and I'm careful about which hand I'm using to open doors and such if I do decide to grab a reese's while I'm out . I've got pretty nasty allergies myself, though nothing deadly I do get hives and rather noticeable breathing problems, so I kind of get it, I guess.




I get where you're coming from and respect your opinion but I still think it is bullshit! *raises fist*


PS: I go to business meetings right after I eat a tasty Snickers bar. :) Makes it interesting, to say the least.




I said it already, it's not about the peanuts.
I actually cannot recall a single flight where I have had any peanuts.
And even if I wanted to, if a person standing next to me asked me not to eat them because there is an allergic person nearby I wouldn't even mention peanuts for the rest of the flight, that's not the point.

It's exaggerated and it just makes me think that other things that seem today ridiculous to us (like David's meteorite example) will tomorrow seem "very reasonable" just for the sake of being politically correct.




Of course we can ALL live without peanuts, that's not the question. The thing is: no, it is not "reasonable"!, when have you heard of peanut-allergic people dying on an airplane?!

It's the exagerating that bothers me, there's no end to it, I tell you. Before you know it, balloons will be forbidden in schools because kids allergic to latex MIGHT DIE!!!
They don't make ballons out of latex anymore.[/QUOTE]


Call it however you want to, it's blowing things way way out of proportion and it gets worse over the years, I hate it.[/QUOTE]
I make ALL my balloons out of latex ifyouknowwhatimean. :eyebrows:


General Specific

General Specific

Of course we can ALL live without peanuts, that's not the question. The thing is: no, it is not "reasonable"!, when have you heard of peanut-allergic people dying on an airplane?!

It's the exagerating that bothers me, there's no end to it, I tell you. Before you know it, balloons will be forbidden in schools because kids allergic to latex MIGHT DIE!!!
They don't make ballons out of latex anymore.[/QUOTE]


Call it however you want to, it's blowing things way way out of proportion and it gets worse over the years, I hate it.[/QUOTE]
I make ALL my balloons out of latex ifyouknowwhatimean. :eyebrows:[/QUOTE]

you shoot air out of your... nah, couldn't be.




Morphine... don't you think that this no peanuts thing is a bit different than the typical exaggerated whining of today? I'm kind of surprised with your vehement reaction against this proposed move in light of your nephew's severe allergy.

Sheesh... I'd bring a damn gas mask onboard if the airlines would let me... try getting that approved in today's security climate.

Checkeredhat... thank you for saving me the time on that research.

Jay, no one is stopping you from flirting with the waitresses. Jeez... I figured you were such a sexual dynamo that not having peanuts on the flight wouldn't impede your prowess in the slightest.




Well, if I'm not careful I am quickly going to become known as one o' them argumentative types what hang out in the political section.

So I'll end my side of the argument there, cause I think we all see where eachother are coming from and the points eachother are making, we just aren't changing our minds, and really, its not the most exciting argument in the world to begin with. "PEANUTS! NO! YES! SOMETIMES!? OKAY FAIR ENOUGH!"




Very true...




Well, if I'm not careful I am quickly going to become known as one o' them argumentative types what hang out in the political section.

Ok, I guess I deserve that.




Well, if I'm not careful I am quickly going to become known as one o' them argumentative types what hang out in the political section.

Ok, I guess I deserve that.[/QUOTE]
I'm not actually smart enough for the political section.



It's exaggerated and it just makes me think that other things that seem today ridiculous to us (like David's meteorite example) will tomorrow seem "very reasonable" just for the sake of being politically correct.
Is this a slippery slope argument I hear?




Of course we can ALL live without peanuts, that's not the question. The thing is: no, it is not "reasonable"!, when have you heard of peanut-allergic people dying on an airplane?!

It's the exagerating that bothers me, there's no end to it, I tell you. Before you know it, balloons will be forbidden in schools because kids allergic to latex MIGHT DIE!!!
They don't make ballons out of latex anymore.[/QUOTE]


Call it however you want to, it's blowing things way way out of proportion and it gets worse over the years, I hate it.[/QUOTE]
I make ALL my balloons out of latex ifyouknowwhatimean. :eyebrows:[/QUOTE]

you shoot air out of your... nah, couldn't be.[/QUOTE]




It's exaggerated and it just makes me think that other things that seem today ridiculous to us (like David's meteorite example) will tomorrow seem "very reasonable" just for the sake of being politically correct.
Is this a slippery slope argument I hear?[/QUOTE]

That wasn't even an argument, it's pure opinion and personal fear, I said it before, ridiculous exaggerations like this kinda make me itch. But that's just me...



It's exaggerated and it just makes me think that other things that seem today ridiculous to us (like David's meteorite example) will tomorrow seem "very reasonable" just for the sake of being politically correct.
Is this a slippery slope argument I hear?[/QUOTE]

That wasn't even an argument, it's pure opinion and personal fear, I said it before, ridiculous exaggerations like this kinda make me itch. But that's just me...[/QUOTE]


Just curious though... maybe I missed it before, but what is it, specifically, that you're saying is being exaggerated?




Yeah, I guess you missed the 2 or 3 times I said it.

Everything. Banning peanuts from planes because of a few people allergic to nuts seems an exaggeration to me.

I repeat: to me.

If they really do ban them, it will have no effect on me whatsoever, I couldn't care less about peanuts, but I'll still think it's an exaggeration.



Yeah, I guess you missed the 2 or 3 times I said it.

Everything. Banning peanuts from planes because of a few people allergic to nuts seems an exaggeration to me.
You still didn't answer the question. An exaggeration of what? What is being exaggerated?



The whole idea (of banning the legumes) is nuts.


Philosopher B.

I was surprised to hear about this because I had thought they already had done it.
Exactly what I thought when I read the thread title ...

I gotta say, I feel pretty ambivalent about the issue, but then, I neither eat peanuts nor have ever flown on a plane ...



TLDR rest of thread... IMO, I think people with those severe allergies should need to pay for a special flight that is specifically "peanut free" similar to how there used to be "smoke free" planes if my memory serves me correctly.. THEY are the ones with the severe allergies, THEY are forcing their condition(s) on others and it's not fair for the rest of the passengers and/or crew. Also as example, how they make extremely large people buy a 2nd seat for the one next to them.




I think Morphine feels that the risk of actual life-threatening incidents under these circumstances is exaggerated. She's not wrong, and it seems absurd to require a law for it. But on the other hand, it's such a lopsided argument (people don't get their peanuts, instead getting pretzels vs. someone might die of analphylactic shock) it's hard to see a problem with the ban.




I didnt realize that the loss of peanuts on airplanes would draw this much rage from people. I like peanuts too but I couldnt care less.
they may take our lives but they'll never take our peanuts !



TLDR rest of thread... IMO, I think people with those severe allergies should need to pay for a special flight that is specifically "peanut free" similar to how there used to be "smoke free" planes if my memory serves me correctly.. THEY are the ones with the severe allergies, THEY are forcing their condition(s) on others and it's not fair for the rest of the passengers and/or crew. Also as example, how they make extremely large people buy a 2nd seat for the one next to them.
Fuck that, the people who absolutely must have peanuts can take the separate flight. Why should others suffer because some fatass can't go a few hours without peanuts?



A wise man once said, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few.

According to Vulcan logic, the many want peanuts, this is a stupid thing to take away from folks




TLDR rest of thread... IMO, I think people with those severe allergies should need to pay for a special flight that is specifically "peanut free" similar to how there used to be "smoke free" planes if my memory serves me correctly.. THEY are the ones with the severe allergies, THEY are forcing their condition(s) on others and it's not fair for the rest of the passengers and/or crew. Also as example, how they make extremely large people buy a 2nd seat for the one next to them.
Wow... just... wow...

This is the dumbest and most discriminitory thing on the thread.




they may take our lives but they'll never take our peanuts !




I remember when people used to bitch about HAVING to eat peanuts on a plane.

These people feel that they have an entitlement to some of the crappiest food on the planet. BRING BACK AIRLINE CHICKEN! So Seinfeld can have something to make observations about.


Philosopher B.

TLDR rest of thread... IMO, I think people with those severe allergies should need to pay for a special flight that is specifically "peanut free" similar to how there used to be "smoke free" planes if my memory serves me correctly.. THEY are the ones with the severe allergies, THEY are forcing their condition(s) on others and it's not fair for the rest of the passengers and/or crew. Also as example, how they make extremely large people buy a 2nd seat for the one next to them.
It's not FAIR to be born with the inability to enter a room with peanuts and not get funked up physically ...

I kinda think it's a little funny seeing people get worked up over this. It's freakin' peanuts. There must be a billion other things to snack on. I mean, I kinda get the 'one and the many' argument, but seriously, going without peanuts does not seem to me to be a huge sacrifice.

---------- Post added at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 PM ----------

Like, what, if you don't get your peanuts, you get the shakes or something?


Fun Size

Fun Size

Peanut addiction is real, and you should be ashamed for mocking it.

*Takes another hit off of bong full of Jif*




Peanut addiction is real, and you should be ashamed for mocking it.

*Takes another hit off of bong full of Jif*
He's gonna start hitting the hard stuff soon.... crunchy.



You know. I do have friends who are alergic to peanut. A friend of mine can't even touch a peanut. She will break out in a rash on her skin, but she still flies and actually have a roommate who love peanut butter and she is ok (she does have epi-pen with her at all time)

I have a medium allergic reaction to olives. I will break out but will not die from it, does this mean we need to ban olives? my wife is allergic to seafood in general, does this mean we ban seafood? A friend of mine is allergic to hops. She can't drink bear or eat bread made from it, do we ban bread? (she is also deathly allergic to it)

I am not trying to be cruel/mean, but I think some of the post above should look into. Air recycling should be pretty good. If a person is eating peanut 2 rows in front of them, they shouldn't be getting a reaction unless you have Bullseye flicking peanuts at people.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I think the difference here is that there are some people who have allergic reactions from being in a room with peanuts, not eating them. Why peanuts cause such extreme reactions I don't know, but I have heard of it before this. I guess someone figured that maybe, because of the risk associated, it would be okay to swap them out for other snacks, a mostly moot point as this is already the practice of most airlines currently.



I think the difference here is that there are some people who have allergic reactions from being in a room with peanuts, not eating them. Why peanuts cause such extreme reactions I don't know, but I have heard of it before this. I guess someone figured that maybe, because of the risk associated, it would be okay to swap them out for other snacks, a mostly moot point as this is already the practice of most airlines currently.
That is same with my friend on hops. She can't even smell beer and get a weird reaction heaven forbid if it touches her.

but I guess since peanut is more common than hops, so we gotta ban peanuts?




Shell fish and olives don't give of a fine dust that drifts across the room. Pick up a glass jar of Planters, look at the bottom of the jar and look at all that peanut dust. Now imagine dozens of bags with that dust inside, getting opened next to you. Now it is floating in the closed environment of a plane's cabin.

My own personal hypothesis on the allergy and why it is getting worse, is that it is in everything (well a lot anyway.) We slather our kids in the stuff. It is one of the most popular fried foods oil. It is used as and extender in a lot of different food stuffs. I think we are over-saturated with peanuts and many are starting to develop allergies to it.

Now at 40 I am starting to get a little choked up when I eat peanuts. Now I am getting a little concerned that I may develop an allergy.




Years ago the major airlines learned of the peanut allergy risk to passengers.
They performed a risk analysis of continuing to serve peanuts on airplanes over an alternate snack.
They found that the risk of serving peanuts greatly outweighed the cost savings to continue serving them.
They all stopped serving peanuts on their flights and started advertising as such.
They have now given the regulatory bodies the go ahead to make their existings business practices mandatory.
The smaller airlines will now have to react to law and its impact on their business.

And now we are telling peanut allergy sufferers that it is all their fault? It's just business people.




That is same with my friend on hops. She can't even smell beer and get a weird reaction heaven forbid if it touches her.

but I guess since peanut is more common than hops, so we gotta ban peanuts?
I can tell very few of you have directly experienced having an anaphylactic reaction or seen someone you care about undergo one. It's sad... but anyways... it seems most here are freaking out about their civil liberties being eroded or are taking offense that they may have to experience a minor inconvenience for a few hours while sharing a public form of transportation with other human beings. I'm don't think I'm going to respond any further because it's a waste of time. I'm sorry that you feel affronted by people's allergies and maybe someday you'll be able to have a little more compassion than you do now.

Lastly, thanks to those of you who have been giving me negative rep because of my views on this (I'm pretty sure I know who you are anyways). You guys rock my world *hugs*.



I think a good alternative would be to have an OPTION by polling, asking the questions of passengers if they have a peanut allergy, and if there is someone with a severe reaction, have an alternative snack available and not use peanuts for that flight. Not everyone likes peanuts anyway, so there's going to be a lot of different (when I've flown anyways) options available, so it should still be cost effective. Otherwise, it's very discriminatory in itself because of one or two people. For it to be FORCED on smaller airlines is just plain wrong.




I think a good alternative would be to have an OPTION by polling, asking the questions of passengers if they have a peanut allergy, and if there is someone with a severe reaction, have an alternative snack available and not use peanuts for that flight. Not everyone likes peanuts anyway, so there's going to be a lot of different (when I've flown anyways) options available, so it should still be cost effective. Otherwise, it's very discriminatory in itself because of one or two people. For it to be FORCED on smaller airlines is just plain wrong.
You never fail to entertain. Food option is discrimination, but banning 1% of the population from airplanes because how Americans prepare peanuts is not discrimination. I am glad that the government will sometimes to the right thing and override majority rule.



That is same with my friend on hops. She can't even smell beer and get a weird reaction heaven forbid if it touches her.

but I guess since peanut is more common than hops, so we gotta ban peanuts?
I can tell very few of you have directly experienced having an anaphylactic reaction or seen someone you care about undergo one. It's sad... but anyways... it seems most here are freaking out about their civil liberties being eroded or are taking offense that they may have to experience a minor inconvenience for a few hours while sharing a public form of transportation with other human beings. I'm don't think I'm going to respond any further because it's a waste of time. I'm sorry that you feel affronted by people's allergies and maybe someday you'll be able to have a little more compassion than you do now.

Lastly, thanks to those of you who have been giving me negative rep because of my views on this (I'm pretty sure I know who you are anyways). You guys rock my world *hugs*.[/QUOTE]

well.. I have seen allergic reaction. I told you my friend (real life which I hang out) she is a major reaction and she use to room with my other friend who LOVES peanut butter.
I am actually being serious that if you are going to ban certain food due to allergies, they should ban all known food allergies that people have. It is only a fair way to go about it.

That is my take on it.
(note: I don't know how the rep thing work so I don't mess with it so it wasn't me)




The number one reason peanuts are no longer served on airlines is because the chocolate manufacturers got their products rated kosher and are able to produce them at competitive price to peanuts. The risk of allergy sufferers just makes the choice very simple.



The number one reason peanuts are no longer served on airlines is because the chocolate manufacturers got their products rated kosher and are able to produce them at competitive price to peanuts. The risk of allergy sufferers just makes the choice very simple.
Heh. I will not be surprise if that is the case. I mean millions of people fly around the world each year (it is around 45k per day worldwide give or take according to some survey sites). They are all about making money and cutting back stuff. I use to remember when meals was included with drinks (except alcoholic) now you have to purchase your meals in some flights (international still included) and drinks (some are free)

This is more of a PR move that make them look good, but they are going to do it anyways cause it is cheaper to get alternative stuff (my guess)




well.. I have seen allergic reaction. I told you my friend (real life which I hang out) she is a major reaction and she use to room with my other friend who LOVES peanut butter.
I am actually being serious that if you are going to ban certain food due to allergies, they should ban all known food allergies that people have. It is only a fair way to go about it.

That is my take on it.
(note: I don't know how the rep thing work so I don't mess with it so it wasn't me)
Sorry Chibibar... I didn't mean to single you out with that quote... I had a totally different post all typed up but I changed it and forgot to take out all the quotes. I apologize.



I've never had peanuts on a flight or any other free food for that matter:(




Belgium sucks.




Had to post this:

There are entire schools that are banning peanuts now because one or two of their students are fatally allergic to peanuts. And I'm talking about a TOTAL ban; no peanuts in the cafeteria or even brought from home. A friend of mine taught at an elementary school where all the kids had to sanitize their hands if they so much as touched a peanut. Granted, the mandatory hand-cleaning is a good idea because kids tend to be pretty gross (I taught elementary schoolers too) but it's the principle of the thing.

Anyways, it might all be moot in the near future. They're developing allergen-free peanuts now.




... mutated peanuts???

Will they be bigger? And sing to me in my sleep?

"Your song is not ours!!!!"




Boiled peanuts don't cause the allergies, it is the roasted peanuts that do.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I got caught touching my peanuts at school once, and they made me wash my hands and called my mother. Very embarrassing.







I had a cousin die from an allergic reaction to peanuts. She never ate them or touched them..a kid she was talking to had a peanut butter/jam sandwhich for lunch and her air ways just...closed off.

Allergies, to anything, can be serious fucking business.

I'm in favor of the peanut ban.




Sorry but banning peanuts off airplanes wouldn't have saved her. Someone would have eaten something, touched something somewhere, may have previously carried traces of something on their clothes, whispered the words "cachauete" somewhere in a plane and because it is recycled air... she would have died especially with such a life changing condition. I'm sympathetic to your loss but nope, I'll still want my peanuts. (and I'll still carry my Snickers on board and stuff my face with it during long flights)







well.. I have seen allergic reaction. I told you my friend (real life which I hang out) she is a major reaction and she use to room with my other friend who LOVES peanut butter.
I am actually being serious that if you are going to ban certain food due to allergies, they should ban all known food allergies that people have. It is only a fair way to go about it.

That is my take on it.
(note: I don't know how the rep thing work so I don't mess with it so it wasn't me)
Sorry Chibibar... I didn't mean to single you out with that quote... I had a totally different post all typed up but I changed it and forgot to take out all the quotes. I apologize.[/QUOTE]
No worries :) just clarifying

I've never had peanuts on a flight or any other free food for that matter:(
well too late now :) many airline charge for a lot of things that use to be free so you are not missing out anyways.




Man, all this drama and I thought they were banning peanuts so Bullseye couldn't kill old ladies with them anymore.




Thread: Plans to Ban Peanuts...
high five! time to get some Snickers!

The Many sings to us.




Are the dangers of childhood food allergy exaggerated? -- Colver 333 (7566): 494 -- BMJ

The peanut-related deaths are remarkably few. More kids die by choking on Legos.




I can't believe I got a negative rep and called a jerk to a /facepalm to Jay's post about... Your cousin would have died anyway. And I'll eat my snickers around them anyway...

You folks are some screwed up people.




That's obnoxious.




Fact: Not me
