[Other] Plea for help.

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As you guys know, I've been through some wonderful times lately. Well, today I found out that I got a place to stay. It's not pretty and it's nothing special, but it allows my family to stay together and that's all that matters. But it comes with its own set of problems.

My checks are not the biggest in the world. On the first of each month I get about $2250 after taxes. I'm posting my pay stub so you can see I'm not lying for the sake of pity. With getting this place, I have to pay a lot out of pocket that I just don't have.


  • Down Payment $795
  • First Month $795
  • Deposit $200
That right there is $1800. That doesn't count a car payment/insurance of $323 as well as costs for switching utilities over from one house to the other.
This leaves me very short for food and things like gas. Now, the site is already paid for no matter what. Even if nobody donates to the Feed Dave Fund this site will still be here, still be run as normal and nothing changes. Hell, I wouldn't even hold anything against you because I know what being broke is and I won't hold anything against anyone. Don't feel guilty if you can't or don't want to give. That's not what I'm about.
So the January and February contests have been replaced with a donation button for me. If you think I'm being selfish or abusing my position I totally understand and actually I kind of agree with you. But that won't stop me from trying to help out my family.
Dave. You're a good man. You know we all try to help each other out here. And I know this was hard for you to do, but it's the right thing.


Staff member
Also be sure to thank the anonymous person who is paying site costs for a few months. Without them this post would have been asking for server costs instead of food.


Done. That aughta keep you in bread and lunch meat for a day or two more.


Staff member



I donated a bit ago during the last thread-- I hope that helps some. I'll see if I can send more your way.
Done. It's not a lot, but it should keep gas in your tank or food in your stomachs; whichever needs it the most.
I get paid tomorrow and will throw a couple of bucks on then.

I'm glad you were able to find a place to live.
Man I've been following your donation bar on the forum main page, and you've reached 90% of your goal in like 30 hours. :)


Staff member
I know. My wife is blown away as am I. This will help us get the moving truck and food. I do love you guys and am planning something special for you all once the craziness has calmed down!


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Nobody wants nudes of me. Unless it's my legs - I have nice legs. It's the rest of me that ruins the vision.


Staff member
Yup. Donation drive is all over. I'll be using the money for food & moving expenses. Move happens next weekend or thereabouts. (Maybe sooner if they come and kick us out.)


Dude, you gotta eat next month too...why not leave it up a little bit more...


Staff member
I was uncomfortable getting the amount I got. Any more and I wouldn't be able to justify taking money from you. That's not why I keep this place running.


Dave, I sincerely wish I could donate money for you in this time of need, but as I'm facing my own financial issues, I can't afford to do so. Please take my well wishing as at least something for you. :(


Staff member
It was never a compulsory thing. Had anyone else needed it I would have been unable also. Do not feel even the least bit bad.


Staff member
I only set it up for the one month of February when all the shit hits at once due to moving costs and things like deposit. Once February is over I'll be okay again.

There's no need to feel guilty at all and believe me when I say that once I'm back the board will benefit. I'll be having a couple of cool contests & stuff to say thanks.
Dammit... I missed this while I was on vacation... I'm glad you were able to make up what you needed.

Damn, I love this place! You guys are awesome! I would buy every single person on this board a well drink or beer of their choice, were they to stop by Savannah.
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