Post counts

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Staff member
Okay, I can't get rid of post counts easily. In fact, you have to edit the style templates to do so. Since we haven't decided on how we're going to handle the styles yet, I'm not going to do that.

But I can and did turn off the post counts from getting any higher. You can still see them, but they won't ever get any bigger. I'll stay right where I'm at as will you guys. Once we figure out which style(s) we're sticking with then we'll alter the template and nobody will see them again.
Okay, I can't get rid of post counts easily. In fact, you have to edit the style templates to do so. Since we haven't decided on how we're going to handle the styles yet, I'm not going to do that.

But I can and did turn off the post counts from getting any higher. You can still see them, but they won't ever get any bigger. I'll stay right where I'm at as will you guys. Once we figure out which style(s) we're sticking with then we'll alter the template and nobody will see them again.
I can't wait, no post count on the WoW skin theme! :slywink:


Staff member
HA! I just tried something and now the post counts are ALL whacked out. Good thing they don't matter, huh?

---------- Post added at 10:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 AM ----------

Now everyone's is 0 except Bhamv, who is at 666.:p
As much as I didn't care for my post count I am still sad to see it go :(

I guess this means no more rogues gallery?


Staff member
You guys keep saying about the Rogue's Gallery. Is there a link to that or are you just calling it that and looking at the top posters?


all these little tribal badges of status. Fuck it.

for me, it's not the post counts. Its the people


Staff member
Then how shall we set up the next Rogues' Gallery?
The Rogue's Gallery was funny and I loved it, but I have seen too many times where people thought that their posts mattered more because they had more posts and I've also seen too many people coming in and saying, "Well, I would have posted sooner, but as the new guy..."
I've been one of the biggest "anti-post counter" people around, but at least having a "record" of the higher posters is nice. The number wasn't important but having a little "rogue's gallery" was fun.


Staff member
Um... actually I was being serious.

Would there be some other way we could set up the Rogues' Gallery? You know, NOT with postcounts? ^_^


how else could we separate the people who post here more than others and call them the special ones?
how else could we separate the people who post here more than others and call them the special ones?
By voting, of course.

We have tons of polls. Each poll contains a certain number of forumites. Top vote-winner gets to be in the next Rogues Gallery.

So now instead of people padding their post counts, we'll have people campaigning for others to like them! :D
By voting, of course.

We have tons of polls. Each poll contains a certain number of forumites. Top vote-winner gets to be in the next Rogues Gallery.

So now instead of people padding their post counts, we'll have people campaigning for others to like them! :D
Popularity contests? We back to High School again? Can I be the angsty teen girl who dresses in black and broods behind the bleachers while making fun of the cheerleading squad, even though I'm secretly sleeping with 2 of them?


We had that already. I won. By blatantly copying Barack Obama's platform.
Hey, Turbo, if bhamv gets 666 can I get.... FOURTY-TWO!! *dramatic music*

...sir? Boss man? Dave?
If we're at posing wishes, might I humbly ask for the number...


Please? pretty please with sugar on it?

(btw: yay! I'm on the rogue-posters-poster 2008!!! *glee*)
Can my post count be


pretty please

j/k :D


Any chance of getting in at 1/2 (I'll settle with .5) of a post?
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