Most of the other stuff I can think of is probably stuff I've already mentioned elsewhere:
-Been knocked out only once (that I know of) when I was hit by a car back when my age was still single digits.
-Had a lit cigarette (accidentally!) stuck into my left eye when I was six(?) at an open skate at the local ice arena. Turns out holding your cigarette down at waist level as an adult is juuuust about eye level with a 6yr-old. Took all the fun out of
that day, let me tell you.
-Would lie in bed awake as a kid, trying to see how long I could maintain physical contact between my finger and my eyeball without blinking--helps if you wet your finger first.
-Constantly pick up the accent of whomever I'm talking to, completely without realizing it. Takes conscious effort NOT too.
-Probably related to the above, can easily do that thing
@bhamv3 mentioned where you speak/repeat out loud whatever it is you are listening to (such as a phone call) including the inflection but then not necessarily remember what was said. Used to do this at college performing as a sort of poor man's speakerphone.
-Still know by heart my first credit card number, bank account number, student number in high school/college, driver's license number, social security number, etc.
-Use a unique password for everything, and remember them all, too!
-Am actually a human being and not a 'bot.