Print random shit to any network printer in the world

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Cuyval Dar

1.Go to
2. Copypaste
to the search box
3. Select a printer from the search results.
4. Print random crap.
5. ????
6. Profit.

Cuyval Dar

Oh, I don't know. I found out about this from 4chan. I'll give you one guess as to what they printed.

-- Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:57 pm --

I'm printing Better Nate than Lever.
I'm going to hell.


Print random poop to any network printer in the world

Ehhh...not getting this.
Further elaboration? :paranoid:
Wondering how long until people start printing CP onto random printers.

For now I'll just keep it to "You are now manually breathing." salutations in a few languages.
Print random poop to any network printer in the world

I don't think I will ever do this but it is very interesting none the less.

(must resist temptation)
Print random poop to any network printer in the world

woah. thats some anarchist cookbook shit

right. there.

oh man, there are a lot of prank opportunities. i am going to wait until it is office hours in the states and then start printing matrix-style stuff.

"don't look. they are watching you.

run. now."


Print random poop to any network printer in the world

Oh, wow.

The security cameras are nuts. Some of them have tilt/pan/zoom.




Staff member
Me and my buddy used to watch those security cameras, eventually building stories around a Brazillian office. The love triangles that went on there :heart: :heart:
Print random poop to any network printer in the world

Ok, so now we need to combine the two.

1. Find a company with both printers and webcams in the same office.
2. Send stuff to printer
3. Watch as they puzzle over the strange messages
4. Profit!

Print random poop to any network printer in the world

stienman said:
Ok, so now we need to combine the two.

1. Find a company with both printers and webcams in the same office.
2. Send stuff to printer
3. Watch as they puzzle over the strange messages
4. ?
5. Profit!

Ahhh, that's better!

Also, someone needs to do it and then post it on youtube...
Print random poop to any network printer in the world

stienman said:
Ok, so now we need to combine the two.

1. Find a company with both printers and webcams in the same office.
2. Send stuff to printer
3. Watch as they puzzle over the strange messages
4. Profit!

Imagination fail. Take images from the webcam, then print them on the printer with suggestive or threatening captions.

Cuyval Dar

Take that one step further, and make demotivational posters out of the things we screencap.


Print random poop to any network printer in the world

ITT: Assholes who like to waste paper. :smug:


Print random poop to any network printer in the world

Cuyval Dar said:
But...But...Its for the lulz.

The lulz ended in 2006 when /b/ got cancer. you seem to be a metastasized form that's trying to spread to other forums.


Print random poop to any network printer in the world

I can't be expected to go check for other threads! I'm a one thread guy.
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